Some help for a noob
Another consideration is that when you hit level 17-19 you can try going to Warsong Gulch--Capture the Flag PVP. It is a lot of fun, and you can get some really nice equipment when you get sufficient rep.

Also, be aware that by rolling Alliance you have entered into a pact with alcoholic dwarves, cutesy pie gnomes, arrogant night elves, and bimbo human females.

By the way, I used to play Sacred MP extensively under the name, Law. Did we ever party together?
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Alram,Feb 21 2006, 09:18 AM Wrote:Another consideration is that when you hit level 17-19 you can try going to Warsong Gulch--Capture the Flag PVP.  It is a lot of fun, and you can get some really nice equipment when you get sufficient rep.

Also, be aware that by rolling Alliance you have entered into a pact with alcoholic dwarves, cutesy pie gnomes, arrogant night elves, and bimbo human females.

By the way, I used to play Sacred MP extensively under the name, Law.  Did we ever party together?

No. I only played Sacred for a relatively short time and solo. I only did a lot of MP in D1 and D2.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with bimbo human females..... as long as you are not married to one ;)

Quote:You might be thinking of piercing howl available through talents which has a daze affect. Unfortunately it is daze only and will not allow for bandaging.

Actually, no. The target is stunned for 8 seconds provided you don't attack him. I've used that trick many times in both PvE and PvP. Rogue jumps me, Int Shout, bandage and kick his ass :)

I've leveled a Rogue to 60, a Warrior to 44 and now another Warrior currently at 39. Honestly, I've leveled easier with my Warrior(s) for grinding. Once you hit 20, you can buy the Dual Weild ability. I DWed from 20 - 30 at which time I got my Warrior quest reward weapon (which, if you play with Lurkers, someone will help you with I'm sure). Because it's a level 40ish weapon and you can get it at 30, you'll be able to breeze through content. Of course, I have no experience from 44 - 60 with a Warrior so I can't be certain, but as long as you keep your weapon up to date, you won't have any problems.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Ashock,Feb 20 2006, 12:32 AM Wrote:ps. So far I am not very impressed, but I still have another almost month to make up my mind, I guess.

WoW is very different than an 'action RPG' like D2 or Guild Wars. Autoattack takes some getting used to. The mechanics are much different, as I'm sure you have already discovered.

Skills are kind of lean in the early going for a warrior (pretty much just charge and heroic strike), but as you get up in levels, you start using skills more. Tanking is lots of button pressing and decision making, but even soloing you'll be doing more than just waiting for heroic strike to light up every few attacks.

It may help in the early going to learn that heroic strike favors faster weapons.

If it's the pace of the game getting you down, you may be better suited to rogue or druid (catform), probably not pally. I think your initial impression of pally is probably not quite right based on what you said. Melee damage is only so-so for a pally, but they have defense and healing, they get through tough PvE fights by healing through them and outputting 'enough' damage. They probably have the worst overall melee damage of any class that is expected to melee significantly (warrior, rogue, druid, shaman, paladin)

Group play is considerably different as well. As a warrior you may be expected to reduce your damage output by using defensive stance (attainable via a quest at level 10) in order to be the 'punching bag' of the opponents. Since you are well armored and take less damage you are the preferred target. Some warriors strive to "hold aggro" in battle stance or berserker stance, but to do so you have to deal 120+% the damage of anyone else in the party, which is usually infeasible.

This is almost a complete 180 from your role solo. If you do not want this role, then always make it very clear that you do not intend to perform this role when you are in a group. Because warriors are generally considered most capable in this role endgame, they are generally invited to a group specifically to perform this role. Druids and Paladins can also perform the role, but are less well known for it.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
ima_nerd,Feb 21 2006, 01:26 PM Wrote:Actually, no. The target is stunned for 8 seconds provided you don't attack him. I've used that trick many times in both PvE and PvP. Rogue jumps me, Int Shout, bandage and kick his ass :)

Exactly--that was the trick that convinced me to put the auto-attack toggle back on my warrior's bar.

Since you only have a few seconds, having higher-than-normal bandages also helps out. When running an alt, I usually push every piece of cloth I pick up into leveling First Aid as high as possible just so that my bandages do more hp/time. Even my 45 druid has well over 250 First Aid. Nature's Grasp+Bandage ftw!

Quote:Of course, I have no experience from 44 - 60 with a Warrior so I can't be certain, but as long as you keep your weapon up to date, you won't have any problems.

(Emphasis Mine)

Warriors are the most gear dependent class by Blizzard's own admission. The difference between bad weapon and good weapon can be quite significant in shaping your experience. Personally, I love upgrading so it was really enjoyable for me to see the gains from equipment while leveling (compared to my warlock who received more gains from the trainer)--but not everyone is like that :).
You're going to be a war. You don't have to worry about anything until end-game. Every other player has gotten along fine without knowing jack about tanking or the finer points of Warriors before end-game, so will you. These details don't matter, just grab the biggest baddest weapons you can, heaviest armor, and rough'n'tumble everything down.

Focus your abilities towards offense, and start smashing!

Trust me though, with your personality, WoW Paladins are OUT as an option. Stick with pure war for maximum enjoyment.
I agree that with the description of what you prefer playing, Warrior is likely to be the class for you. Although I do suggest you try out a rogue, sometime. Crazy melee DPS, and a surprising amount of survivability when you become adept with it.

Warriors do crazy melee damage, too. They're just expected to stop doing the damage and take some pretty often, so you may not always have the chance for it in PvE encounters.
Monkey,Feb 21 2006, 03:07 PM Wrote:Exactly--that was the trick that convinced me to put the auto-attack toggle back on my warrior's bar.
If you haven't remapped your default key bindings, the 'T' key will do the same thing. No need to "waste" a spot on the bar. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Drasca,Feb 21 2006, 02:23 PM Wrote:You're going to be a war. You don't have to worry about anything until end-game. Every other player has gotten along fine without knowing jack about tanking or the finer points of Warriors before end-game, so will you. These details don't matter, just grab the biggest baddest weapons you can, heaviest armor, and rough'n'tumble everything down.

Focus your abilities towards offense, and start smashing!

Trust me though, with your personality, WoW Paladins are OUT as an option. Stick with pure war for maximum enjoyment.

Heh, I like this post B)

Drasca,Feb 21 2006, 09:23 PM Wrote:Trust me though, with your personality, WoW Paladins are OUT as an option. Stick with pure war for maximum enjoyment.
Or play a Tauren Shaman, unless you're strictly Alliance ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:If you haven't remapped your default key bindings, the 'T' key will do the same thing. No need to "waste" a spot on the bar. wink.gif

Yep. Or, just unselect the mob real quicklike then left-click select it to stop the autoattack.

Quote:The difference between bad weapon and good weapon can be quite significant in shaping your experience.

Yes. You have to keep your weapon up to date. I blew 43g on an Executioner's Cleaver knowing it will last me for quite few levels especially since there is a total lack of good weapons at that level. Of course, better than buying weapons is using Thottbot or Allakhazam to look at what weapons drop in dungeons at different levels. For the most part, if you see a cool weapon in the Auction House - there's one just as good that drops in a dungeon.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Well, I do think everyone is correct in suggesting you play on a lurkers server.

Also, in my experience for the most part you are much more likely to get items off the auction house, or other people, than what you find yourself, as long as you're careful about where you spend your cash.

p.s. Subject line changed to protect the innocent. :)
Thecla,Feb 21 2006, 09:47 PM Wrote:Paging Mrs. Ashock. ;)


Ok, found Bolty's early powerlevel guide (thanks Bolty and The Claw). Found one very useful thing as far as just loading up on quests and doing them as I go along without going to town all the time. Big time saver. Seems simple but I did not think of it myself. Well, that is why I play warriors....

After about 4 hours (including my 7 y.o. hitting things for 15 min) - lvl 8.5 on Stormrage, not bad. Took skinning so far and I am swimming in cash.... well, for low level that is.

Thanks all for your advice. I'll be back with more I'm sure.

Welcome to Stormrage! Have you gotten bags yet? I know I (as well as many other Lurkers) have a stash of bags sitting in the bank that we no longer use and would be more than happy to hand them out to someone who could use them. If you don't have any yet, send me an in-game mail to 'Malody' and I'll hook you up.

A note about the Stormrage economy: Stormrage was one of the servers up on opening day, so it's pretty established. Auction House prices are inflated, which at first glance makes it look impossible to afford some of the nicer items. In reality, this works in your favor- sell anything/everything you're not going to use on the AH instead of to a vendor and you will soon have a very nice wad of cash. Low-level skinning products tend to not sell so well due to fairly low demand, but if you were to pick up another gathering profession like Herbalism or Mining and sell all the results on the AH, you will do quite well. Search for the item you're selling before posting it, just to get an idea for what other people are selling things for. No sense undercutting by 50% when you can undercut by 5% and still sell the item. :)

Playing around with the auction house is one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game for me. It's like eBay but without the real-world financial consequences. :) There is now an AH in every major city (Stormwind, Ironforge, & Darnassus), which makes things much easier- before the latest patch, there was only one in Ironforge. To save even more time, many people create a level 1 alt, park him next to an AH, and just mail him stuff to sell. That way there's no need to run back to a major city to sell stuff- the AH is as close as your nearest mailbox.
RTM,Feb 22 2006, 05:58 AM Wrote:Welcome to Stormrage! Have you gotten bags yet? I know I (as well as many other Lurkers) have a stash of bags sitting in the bank that we no longer use and would be more than happy to hand them out to someone who could use them. If you don't have any yet, send me an in-game mail to 'Malody' and I'll hook you up.

A note about the Stormrage economy: Stormrage was one of the servers up on opening day, so it's pretty established. Auction House prices are inflated, which at first glance makes it look impossible to afford some of the nicer items. In reality, this works in your favor- sell anything/everything you're not going to use on the AH instead of to a vendor and you will soon have a very nice wad of cash. Low-level skinning products tend to not sell so well due to fairly low demand, but if you were to pick up another gathering profession like Herbalism or Mining and sell all the results on the AH, you will do quite well. Search for the item you're selling before posting it, just to get an idea for what other people are selling things for. No sense undercutting by 50% when you can undercut by 5% and still sell the item. :) 

Playing around with the auction house is one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game for me. It's like eBay but without the real-world financial consequences. :)  There is now an AH in every major city (Stormwind, Ironforge, & Darnassus), which makes things much easier- before the latest patch, there was only one in Ironforge.  To save even more time, many people create a level 1 alt, park him next to an AH, and just mail him stuff to sell. That way there's no need to run back to a major city to sell stuff- the AH is as close as your nearest mailbox.

Thanks for the additional info. As far as bags, I've actually gotten lucky and found 2 6 space bags before hitting lvl 5, so I'm ok. Will keep everyone posted.

I'll be back with additional questions.

Oh yeh, here's one. Is there a central location for the main quests or is it basically just run around and pick up quests (even main quests)?

Ashock,Feb 22 2006, 09:08 AM Wrote:Thanks for the additional info. As far as bags, I've actually gotten lucky and found 2 6 space bags before hitting lvl 5, so I'm ok. Will keep everyone posted.

I'll be back with additional questions.

Oh yeh, here's one. Is there a central location for the main quests or is it basically just run around and pick up quests (even main quests)?

You'll have a couple of 14 slotters, health pots and a tabard in your mail when you log on this evening (makes note to do as he promised when he gets home).

Usually the quests will lead you to the next area such as Westfall and Loch Modan.
The zones generally change every 10 levels or so. Elwynn Forest ---> Westfall ---> Redridge ---> Duskwood is the general progression to 30ish.
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Tal,Feb 22 2006, 07:15 AM Wrote:You'll have a couple of 14 slotters, health pots and a tabard in your mail when you log on this evening (makes note to do as he promised when he gets home).

Usually the quests will lead you to the next area such as Westfall and Loch Modan.

Thanks :-) Umm, what's a tabard? :blink:

Ashock,Feb 22 2006, 12:01 PM Wrote:Thanks :-) Umm, what's a tabard?  :blink:

It's a guild insignia that drapes over your armor. There's a slot specifically for it on the bottom-left of your character display.

By the way, if you want to see some of the other race starting areas and cities without starting a character there, you can take the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge for free. To get to the Night Elf areas requires going through some zones that are a bit above your level, so you might want to whisper me or ask in guild chat for a Reverse Night Elf Death March escort. It's useful if you want to run through some of the Night Elf or Dwarf early quests as well as the Stormwind ones.

It's also nice to see Darnassus. Pretty, pretty city.
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