Ashock,Feb 20 2006, 08:32 AM Wrote:ps. So far I am not very impressed, but I still have another almost month to make up my mind, I guess.You've chosen the wrong (beginner) class with the Warrior! :P
Seriously, my first class was the Warrior, too, and I wasn't impressed either up to level 60 because leveling is SLOW as a TANK. And, when he had hit level 60, instances turned out to be hard work as a tank while casters like the "afk" Warlock and even healers like the Priest obviously had a good time.
Many people who start with a Warrior in WoW seem to have a Diablo II background, but the WoW Warrior is not your Diablo II Barbarian alt. The WoW Warrior, even with pure offensive talents, is primarily a TANK that should take the beating while keeping the monster's aggro away from the casters, healers and ranged attackers. If you want to make massive melee damage - and I assume that you want that - put your Warrior on the backburner and start a Rogue NOW! :)
The Rogue deals the most damage of all classes in 1 vs 1 PvE (and PvP) combat, and is painlessly to level up as no-twink character. In addition, you get a Stealth mode which allows you to bypass enemies you don't want to fight and which only two classes are capable of: the Druid (in Cat form) and the Rogue. The only drawback I can see playing a Rogue is that there are already enough Rogues in WoW. Unless you play in a guild (which I really recommend btw), you'll hardly get invites from instance groups later.
We had a thread here earlier last year that discusses which class, or two classes, people would now pick if they would start again in WoW. Someone pretty much brought it to the point - I think it was Bolty - with the suggestion that you start a (healing) Priest for the best (high-level) instance gaming and a lot group invites, and a Rogue for the best solo gaming and resource farming (note: you will need a LOT resources like runecloth for bandages and herbs for potions for instance gaming later). If you pick a Priest and a Rogue, I would recommend Herbalism/Alchemy for the Priest, and Herbalism/Mining (pure resource collecting) for the Rogue because Thorium Bars and Arcane Crystals/Bars always bring good money over time in the auction houses.
If you want to/can play just one single character, then the Druid would be the natural choice as he is a potent healer as well as a good damage dealer in feral form. Herbalism/Alchemy is the premier choice here. Leveling a Druid (in Cat form) is noticable slower than a Rogue with a good weapon, but the very good healing abilities of the Druid make it well worth it.
Keep in mind that all what has been said here (and elsewhere) is often the ESSENCE of playing WoW for over a year, and most bad or not-so-good things have been filtered out so far. While I personally would start with a Priest/Rogue, a Priest/Druid combo or just a Druid now, I certainly had a good time trying the other classes and professions until I came to my conclusions. As in Buddhism, the "way is the goal" in MMO's like WoW, so you may as well want to throw overboard most advice given here and figure out yourself what you personally like best :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller