Most blatant Monster Rip-Off so far
Even our beloved "Furbolgs" have obviously a mythological pattern - the Firbolgs ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Mar 3 2006, 09:10 AM Wrote:Aye. I just don't hope that in the future WoW doesn't get cluttered with "tributes" as most Hollywood movies today ;)

The game is already one huge string of "tributes". They span the entire world, and most quest lines have at least some sort of a tribute portion to them. Head over to Un'Goro and say hello to "Obi," the level 1 raptor. Or help out Ringo (with a little help from my friends), who's passed out in a cave near the volcano's summit. Larion and Muigin could use some help in Un'Goro as well. Not sure what they did before heading to Marshal's Refuge... maybe plumbing? And remember... Dadanga dislikes smoke.

The Linken chain is the biggest "tribute" in the game, taking you all over the world with quest headings like "It's dangerous to go alone" or "it's a secret to everybody".

Take down Colonel Kurzen in the jungle in your 30s sometime. It's a fun quest chain, and the ending is apocalyptic.

Or help out the Argent Dawn in Anderhol, placing torches All Along the Watchtowers.

I challenge you to find a zone in the game that does not have a large number of such "tribute" features. It's the style the entire game has been created under, and Ahn'Qiraj is one of the lesser examples if you wish to consider Ouro to be a chest burster.
See you in Town,
Zarathustra,Mar 4 2006, 05:20 PM Wrote:The game is already one huge string of "tributes".  They span the entire world, and most quest lines have at least some sort of a tribute portion to them.  Head over to Un'Goro and say hello to "Obi," the level 1 raptor.  Or help out Ringo (with a little help from my friends), who's passed out in a cave near the volcano's summit.  Larion and Muigin could use some help in Un'Goro as well.  Not sure what they did before heading to Marshal's Refuge... maybe plumbing?  And remember... Dadanga dislikes smoke.

The Linken chain is the biggest "tribute" in the game, taking you all over the world with quest headings like "It's dangerous to go alone" or "it's a secret to everybody".

Take down Colonel Kurzen in the jungle in your 30s sometime.  It's a fun quest chain, and the ending is apocalyptic.

Or help out the Argent Dawn in Anderhol, placing torches All Along the Watchtowers.
I challenge you to find a zone in the game that does not have a large number of such "tribute" features.  It's the style the entire game has been created under, and Ahn'Qiraj is one of the lesser examples if you wish to consider Ouro to be a chest burster.

GAH! I didn't even *realize* the Ringo quest joke. Obi I'm not 100% on, land of the lost/other sci-fi joke, or a SW reference that just seems odd? That and I think I'm missing another reference for All Along the Watchtowers?
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Rinnhart,Mar 3 2006, 11:40 PM Wrote:I like them.  :(
I never said clutter was a bad thing. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Zarathustra,Mar 4 2006, 02:20 PM Wrote:The game is already one huge string of "tributes".  They span the entire world, and most quest lines have at least some sort of a tribute portion to them.  Head over to Un'Goro and say hello to "Obi," the level 1 raptor.  Or help out Ringo (with a little help from my friends), who's passed out in a cave near the volcano's summit.  Larion and Muigin could use some help in Un'Goro as well.  Not sure what they did before heading to Marshal's Refuge... maybe plumbing?  And remember... Dadanga dislikes smoke.

The Linken chain is the biggest "tribute" in the game, taking you all over the world with quest headings like "It's dangerous to go alone" or "it's a secret to everybody".

Take down Colonel Kurzen in the jungle in your 30s sometime.  It's a fun quest chain, and the ending is apocalyptic.

Or help out the Argent Dawn in Anderhol, placing torches All Along the Watchtowers.
I challenge you to find a zone in the game that does not have a large number of such "tribute" features.  It's the style the entire game has been created under, and Ahn'Qiraj is one of the lesser examples if you wish to consider Ouro to be a chest burster.

I think Un'goro crater wins as the largest collection of in-jokes in the game. From the names of every single NPC, the names of the quests, or the fact that the entire area is a Land of the Lost tribute.

Just off the top of my head: Williden Marshal and Holly Marshal (Land of the Lost characters were Marshal, Will, and Holly), Spraggle Frock, Linken, and both Mario (Muigin) and Luigi (Larion). Un'goro crater is a veritable tribute to the NES and 80's television.
Urza-DSF,Mar 4 2006, 04: Wrote:GAH!  I didn't even *realize* the Ringo quest joke.  Obi I'm not 100% on, land of the lost/other sci-fi joke, or a SW reference that just seems odd?  That and I think I'm missing another reference for All Along the Watchtowers?

Obi, the level 1 raptor.
Obi, level 1
Obi, 1
Obi, one

Use the force!
See you in Town,

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