Burning Crusade profession items
Quote:5000 gold for a riding skill. Seems a bit steep to me...

Is this a desperate attempt at halting gold inflation? And if so, will it work?

What gold inflation? Aside from the real world currency <-> gold conversion rate, which has more to do with there being more farmed gold around than anyone cares to buy, gold vs. item price changes once the server has reached maturity have mostly been driven by the value of the items themseves vs. available alternatives (content changes, server raid progression) not a general devauling of gold.

-- frink
DISENCHANTING, by the way, now has an item dependent Enchant skill level. Disenchanting i.e. the blue "Flamestrider Robes" now requires Enchanting 175, and disenchanting a purple/epic "Cenarion Vestments" robe requires Enchanting 225.

This means: No more level 1 (dis-)enchanting mules, and no more (temporary) disenchanting of blue and epic stuff on your main characters.

"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:What gold inflation? Aside from the real world currency <-> gold conversion rate, which has more to do with there being more farmed gold around than anyone cares to buy, gold vs. item price changes once the server has reached maturity have mostly been driven by the value of the items themseves vs. available alternatives (content changes, server raid progression) not a general devauling of gold.

-- frink
When I wrote gold inflation, I meant that the value (in-game) of the gold currency would decrease. I was not referring to real money trade in any form or consequence.
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!
Quote:DISENCHANTING, by the way, now has an item dependent Enchant skill level. Disenchanting i.e. the blue "Flamestrider Robes" now requires Enchanting 175, and disenchanting a purple/epic "Cenarion Vestments" robe requires Enchanting 225.

This means: No more level 1 (dis-)enchanting mules, and no more (temporary) disenchanting of blue and epic stuff on your main characters.

I'm going to have to actually level my (dis)enchanting?!
Quote:I'm going to have to actually level my (dis)enchanting?!
It should be automatically on par with what you usually enchant at a certain level.

Here's a screenshot of the new disenchant level restrictions on two sample items:

[Image: WoW_BC_Beta_Prof_Disenchant_Levels.jpg]
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:It should be automatically on par with what you usually enchant at a certain level.

Yeah, but what's the point of this change? It appears to be to prevent people picking up Enchanting temporarily to dis unused gear. I can't see why it was necessary; it's harmless enough being able to get Nexus Crystals (or whatever the burning crusade next-generation-dissed-item-shard will be) from gear you no longer need.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Quote:Yeah, but what's the point of this change? It appears to be to prevent people picking up Enchanting temporarily to dis unused gear. I can't see why it was necessary; it's harmless enough being able to get Nexus Crystals (or whatever the burning crusade next-generation-dissed-item-shard will be) from gear you no longer need.
An effective buff to "true" enchanters that will increase their money making potential. It will also increase the value of end-game enchants and materials, which I suspect was the aim. Add this change to the variety of new "self only" recipes and enchanting has become a very appealing proffession.

Great if you're an enchanter. Royal PITA if you're using a disenchanter mule like I am.
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink
Quote:An effective buff to "true" enchanters that will increase their money making potential. It will also increase the value of end-game enchants and materials, which I suspect was the aim. Add this change to the variety of new "self only" recipes and enchanting has become a very appealing proffession.

Great if you're an enchanter. Royal PITA if you're using a disenchanter mule like I am.

BC uses token-based gear more frequently as well, so not only will there be fewer disenchanters, there will also be fewer things to disenchant. The price of primal nether shards (or whatever they will be called) just shot way up.

It's pretty frustrating for me: I took up disenchanting on my druid permanently as a 'gathering' skill along with skinning. Now I'll have to see how high I can level from my current inventory of dusts and shards.
Quote:Yeah, but what's the point of this change? It appears to be to prevent people picking up Enchanting temporarily to dis unused gear. I can't see why it was necessary; it's harmless enough being able to get Nexus Crystals (or whatever the burning crusade next-generation-dissed-item-shard will be) from gear you no longer need.
It also makes ACCOUNT THEFT much less lucrative, because the thieves usually get the most gold from disenchanting your main char's gear into valuable crystals/shards/essences/dusts (using temporary Enchanting). This is over now, and will hopefully result in much less hacked accounts.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:It also makes ACCOUNT THEFT much less lucrative, because the thieves usually get the most gold from disenchanting your main char's gear into valuable crystals/shards/essences/dusts (using temporary Enchanting). This is over now, and will hopefully result in much less hacked accounts.

If that's why they did it, then it is the world's worst non-solution.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Quote:If that's why they did it, then it is the world's worst non-solution.
There seem to be other "anti-cheating" measures, too. In the Outlands, for example, botters should have a very hard time now farming trash mobs as said mob groups are often regularly patrolled by small partol groups, and if the partol is not a group but a single char, you have a good chance that it's a strong elite mob. Both patrols mean instant death to bots that are not under constant observation by their owners.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Quote:DISENCHANTING, by the way, now has an item dependent Enchant skill level. Disenchanting i.e. the blue "Flamestrider Robes" now requires Enchanting 175, and disenchanting a purple/epic "Cenarion Vestments" robe requires Enchanting 225.

This means: No more level 1 (dis-)enchanting mules, and no more (temporary) disenchanting of blue and epic stuff on your main characters.
Does it also mean you can level enchanting by disenchanting progressively higher level items, or does it stop increasing your skill beyond level 35 or so as at present?
Shattrah - Scryers / Aldor reputation stuff

As much as I would like to snag both sets of goodies, it looks as though it will be like trying to get Exalted with the Steamwheedle Cartel and Bloodsail Pirates at the same time.

So, it looks like I will be seeking the favour of the Scryers only as far as getting the Teleport/Portal spells and then it's Aldor for all the caster dmg patterns. Someone else will have to do Scryers for the healer patterns.

Kateley - Gnome Mage --- 60
Collector and connoisseur of fine keys, bags, trinkets and all things mooncloth
Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet!

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