Let us compile a list of D3 annoyances.
(05-23-2012, 08:26 AM)Elric of Grans Wrote: Another really stupid thing. Certain attacks put `something' on you. I put it inside quotes, as I do not really know; some kind of a debuff or something. A small icon appears at the bottom of the screen where you often will not notice it, and it is pretty small, and you have to highlight it to see what it means. Something I am sure we have plenty of time to so in the middle of a major battle... They need to replace this notifier with something (a) far easier to see (eg an effect over your character, like most games) and (b) let us know what those effects mean so we can react when we see them.

I've totally died while trying to hover over a debuff to see what is on me.

They need to really look at why some of the most popular WoW addons are ones that throw giant indicators up at you through sound and visual cues when important buffs/debuffs/cooldowns pop up.
(05-23-2012, 03:41 AM)Chesspiece_face Wrote: I am sick and F'n tired of accidentally pulling one of my skills off the hotkey bar in the middle of a hectic fight. If they want to allow people to pick up the skills off of the hotkey bar and move them around then they should at least offer an option to lock the bar. What's even worse is that if you do manage to get your skill assigned back and on your bar you still have to contend with the timed lock-out before you can actually use that skill. Upwards of a minute during a brutal fight where you can't use one of your key skills is unforgivable.

Any small benefit that the ability to move around skills on your bars offers is completely outweighed by the fact that this will, eventually, get you killed.

I had the same frustration until someone on Reddit suggested a handy workaround: once you have your skills set up the way you want them, disable elective mode. This also disables drag and drop, so it effectively locks the bar for you. The skills will remain as you have them assigned, and you can even modify the skill as long as it's in the same category.
Well, aside from the fact that my 2 year old lappy can't even run the game (which means they had to up the required specs near the tail end of development - and that the main thing that keeps me from playing is graphics I don't give a damn about or want an upgrade to anyhow) the DRM is a big killer for me. The Diablo series has previously been my main source of entertainment during the 100+ hours a year my satellite internet is down. D3 loses a lot of value to me if I can't play it offline. Maybe in another year or two when I can afford to upgrade my lappy to be able to actually play it, the DRM will be relaxed some though, eh?
(05-24-2012, 06:36 AM)ViralSpiral Wrote: Maybe in another year or two when I can afford to upgrade my lappy to be able to actually play it, the DRM will be relaxed some though, eh?

I wouldn't hold your breath for that. This game will be online-only for some years to come, and I doubt it will ever have an offline mode before at least 10 years, if ever. To do an offline mode would expose all their code on the client, and they don't want D2 over again, security-wise.

Torchlight 2 is coming, though, so that'll help the people with shaky internet to have something new to play.
I cannot see the game ever gaining offline. They would have to rewrite too much of the game to justify at this point.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
(05-23-2012, 10:42 AM)NiteFox Wrote: 2) An even more minor quibble: How many patches did it take for the crafting interfaces in WoW to get a "have materials" filter? A similar thing would be less useful for the blacksmith, but an absolute boon for the jewelcrafter.

Odd, this doesn't seem annoying to me. If you have the materials, then a number appears next to the item showing you how many you can make.
(05-24-2012, 08:01 PM)MongoJerry Wrote:
(05-23-2012, 10:42 AM)NiteFox Wrote: 2) An even more minor quibble: How many patches did it take for the crafting interfaces in WoW to get a "have materials" filter? A similar thing would be less useful for the blacksmith, but an absolute boon for the jewelcrafter.

Odd, this doesn't seem annoying to me. If you have the materials, then a number appears next to the item showing you how many you can make.

And, Mongo, as I posted after that, that filter is already there.
Playing a Witch Doctor, I started loading up on +radius pickup gear to help heal my dudes with health globes. It's incredibly awesome and I suggest you try it.

My beef is that sometimes (lots of times), I purposefully remain stationary to kill stuff close to me. Sometimes I remain stationary not of my own volition (wallers, jailers), but stuff still dies (poisons, minions). These dead things have a chance to leave a health globe, but EVEN IF I AM STANDING ON THE DAMNED HEALTH GLOBE IT WILL NOT HEAL ME AND MY DUDES UNLESS I MOVE 1 sub-micronium-nanometer.
(05-29-2012, 03:44 AM)DeeBye Wrote: These dead things have a chance to leave a health globe, but EVEN IF I AM STANDING ON THE DAMNED HEALTH GLOBE IT WILL NOT HEAL ME AND MY DUDES UNLESS I MOVE 1 sub-micronium-nanometer.

What is interesting to me is that I was expecting "These dead things have a chance to leave a health globe which immediately ends up used whether I need it currently or not!" Which is pretty much the exact opposite of where you went with it. I think I like the system as it is better due to it letting you wait on using them in case you don't need them at that moment. To each their own of course. I was just amused how opposite from my expectations you went.
Three things for me.

1) If the AH is going to play as big a role as it seems, please make it available within games, not just at character select.
2) I liked the Diablo2 chat lobbies. Are they entirely necessary? No. They add flavor for me, not to talk to people so much, but just to see what different people with different gear look like. It was a nice feature of the old system and I feel like it could be added back into the new battle net.
3) Thanks for the friends list and the quick join button. But building on my request number 2, why not let me create a guild, and let our guild have our own chat lobby.

ok so 4.

4) It also annoys me that I can get a +1 sword of godliness on every drop. I mean COME ON BLIZZARD, this is a SLAP IN THE FACE.
I've found my second annoyance - too damned many cutscenes DURING battles.
Intolerant monkey.
(05-24-2012, 06:36 AM)ViralSpiral Wrote: the DRM is a big killer for me

Currently server/connection issues are the single biggest cause of grief for me. I understand the reasons for the always-online-approach (doesn't mean I like it), but if you want us to be online all the time, BE ONLINE YOURSELF FFS!.

EU servers have been a complete joke this week AGAIN...

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
Not having infinite range on inspect.

When I'm in a group and looking to see if I should vendor/melt something it'd be nice if I could just check my buddies gear to see if they could use it rather then linking/dropping it and asking them.

Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
(06-01-2012, 05:30 PM)WimpySmurf Wrote: Not having infinite range on inspect.

When I'm in a group and looking to see if I should vendor/melt something it'd be nice if I could just check my buddies gear to see if they could use it rather then linking/dropping it and asking them.


You know, that's something I could get behind. I know when playing with Quark or Tal, we usually have a constant back and forth over what items might be useful for the other character. This would certainly alleviate that.
(06-01-2012, 07:17 PM)Pesmerga Wrote:
(06-01-2012, 05:30 PM)WimpySmurf Wrote: Not having infinite range on inspect.

When I'm in a group and looking to see if I should vendor/melt something it'd be nice if I could just check my buddies gear to see if they could use it rather then linking/dropping it and asking them.


You know, that's something I could get behind. I know when playing with Quark or Tal, we usually have a constant back and forth over what items might be useful for the other character. This would certainly alleviate that.

If you're close enough to them, you can right-click on their character image (top-left of screen) and choose "inspect". That'll show you their gear.
(06-01-2012, 08:20 PM)RiotInferno Wrote:
(06-01-2012, 07:17 PM)Pesmerga Wrote:
(06-01-2012, 05:30 PM)WimpySmurf Wrote: Not having infinite range on inspect.

When I'm in a group and looking to see if I should vendor/melt something it'd be nice if I could just check my buddies gear to see if they could use it rather then linking/dropping it and asking them.


You know, that's something I could get behind. I know when playing with Quark or Tal, we usually have a constant back and forth over what items might be useful for the other character. This would certainly alleviate that.

If you're close enough to them, you can right-click on their character image (top-left of screen) and choose "inspect". That'll show you their gear.

Yes I know, but if they get far enough away from you the inspection window closes (I think both in town distance and definitely if they WP/TP).

Sometimes they're still out there fighting away while I run to town to vendor, and I'd like to inspect what they've got on to know if I should even both them with the question of "Hey pal would you want this?"

So I'd like to see the inspect feature always work regardless of where the other person is.

There is a blizzard response to many "annoyances" here:


Some of these are in place for 1.0.3, others seem longer term.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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