Dupes Dupes
Dupes. the title says it all. I hate em. I am frusterated by the fact I felt safe on the realms when I'm not. what went wrong?? they were suppose to be un hackable.... I frequent diabloii.net often and after reading articles and news on dupes I find myself not playing as much D2X as much as I used to? whats the point? for a lowly non-twinker like myself I find it hard to play no impossible is the correct word. Between being PKed every other day by a HYDRAPKer and on the days in between that by zon's and Barbs with those sweet ass DUPED itams!! A while back I was thinking about how 1.10 would fix all of this. but all to late I realize it won't... maybe the duping will stop but the items will never go away. They are here forever, people paid real money for those things. Alot of them not thinking that they were dupes. removing them would cause an uproar. the only hope I have is the new Ladder Style.... That and a prayer that there will be no dupes ever on that.... haha man I'm a dreamer
One Spark Lit the Sky on Fire
[Image: bugzap.gif]
Well, I for one wrote a nasty Email to the hacks email address expressing how Blizzard has completely let us down. I mean, they should have been able to prevent this.

It's not like it's Al Qada or anything, the sites are out there in plain view. They are possibly the dumbest corporation on the planet besides Enron. But, they should NEVER EVER EVER post that they are against hacks in their software again. They do absolutely nothing to prevent them. And don't say "Dupe Detector" or anything, they really let ALL of us down this time.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
I havent been playing Diablo much latly and havent been posting either. I just started playing again about four days ago and its been a dismal disaster to say the least. I've just about given up hope for 1.1. What I'm trying to say from the deepest, most unhopeful part of my soul is that even if a 1.1 comes out, I dont see how that will change anything! Blizzard can install all the anti-hacking software known to mad, but so long as there is ebay+diablo, there will be people with the know-how to find duping methods, even if they are not so readily public as this latest filth of devestation. As it stands now, I'm pretty sure I wont even bother waiting for 1.1. This game has just about lived out its usefullness in my life. It was fun while it lasted, but atlas, I see blizzard doing nothing to combat this, nor any response from their technical staff. I get the impression that they are overwhelmed between their new Frozen Throne expansion, Star Craft Ghost, and the 1.1 that the new duping method is taking a back seat meanwhile we suffer. I've gotta face the facts that Diablo is just not blizzards priority anymore. This makes me sad, however it allows me just the amount of dissatisfaction I needed to quit diablo for good - you see, I always had this problem with comming back to diablo after I quit it. This time around, the nastalga is thick and I won't return until there is a diablo 3. There is NOTHING they can do or add to the patch to return to fun I had when diablo 2 first came out. As a matter of fact, I was reading Flux's article on how Diablo 1 is better than Diablo 2 and it got me thinking of just how much I really enjoyed Diablo 1. If anything, Ill go back to D1.

Sorry for spelling errors and such, I didnt proof-read this.

Sadly Disheartened,


-See you guys around-
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
My problem with them exactly. Anyone know someone at Blizz? Tell em they suck for Conner. This was by far the biggest and largest act of treason on the legit Diablo community that they could pull. I won't even buy Diablo 3. Protectors of the Realms? More like the Enablers. Loose code, no idea what they are doing, and a distinct desire to only do as much as necessary.

Don't tell me that Bnet is free, they made it that way. With a STERN warning to hack users. I thought they were protective. But they are more concerned with a lame game like Warcraft which will have NOWHERE NEAR the following of D2 or D1. Big decisions made by small minded people. I'm upset over it, because I can't get the Ohm rune I need now for the sojs I saved up because of the super high price increase! This shouldn't be happening to me.

But, it's their land, they make awesome games, but rule the land with no sense.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
Bnet is running free servers for a game that is getting quite old. Blizzard can NEVER stop hackers, they eventually will find a way around look at these version faqs from maphack.

Renamed view inventory key to view equipment key.
Removed perm show items feature.
Blocked attempts to pick up items when viewing others inventory.
Added in game clock.
Fixed broken ethereal items colour feature/bug.
Added show total magicfind on char screen.
Fixed chicken out bug.
Added potion drop hack protection.

Added configurable show monster corpses on automap.
Added show item socketables (gems etc) and toggle (defaults to "9").
Fixed random pickup items crash.
New input line now defaults to off.

Fixed item drop hack protection merging arrows/bolts bug.
Fixed random config dealloc crash when removing.
Fixed infravision casting on targets through walls and iron golem on hidden item bugs, see FAQ.
Added option to show monsters level.
Split visuals toggle into weather, infravision, light radius, screen shake and corpse toggles.
Replaced nearby hostile toggle with chicken nearby hostile life and toggle (see config).
Added other missile colour setting.
Added out of town select toggle.

Improved item drop hack protection.
Added option to show active rooms on automap.
Replaced chat input line with edit control (allows cut/paste etc).
Added waypoint bmp.
Added options to show item ilvls and unitids.

Fixed some word clashes in vocab file.
Fixed guided arrow firing at minions/neutrals illusion.
Fixed view golem without inventory crash.
Fixed nearby unit skills on minions/neutrals.

Added message when chickening out.
Fixed random treasureclass list init crash when entering game.
Allowed selection of players anywhere (for view inventory).
Added view inventory of iron golems, valkyries, shadow warriors/masters.

Redesigned chicken config variables (see config).
Added arrays for hide monster and missile corpses with defaults to hide dead vines and traps.
Added ignore spelling of colour/color in config.
Fixed TFW mod crash.
Added time in game display.

Added tracer missile colour.
Added druid drop hack protection.
Added exit game on low life and/or hostility (0 don't quit, 1 quit if hostile nearby, 2 just quit) options.

Improved item drop hack protection.
Set default view inventory key to "0".

Added automatic deny trading while viewing inventory.
Added item drop hack protection.

Added show other players inventory key (hover over and press).
Added perm show item names on ground toggle.
Added array for automap missile colours (-1 don't show, -2 show hostile/guided etc).

Fixed shrine graphics alignment with large shrines on minimap and custom sized shrines.
Fixed glide and direct3d blob colour caching bug.

Added extra dimension to item arrays for ethereals.
Added option to show hostile/guided arrows/bolts on automap.
Added option to show monsters TC level.
Restuctured toggle/flag config variables.

Added toggle show hidden items, toggle show items on automap.
Added items/monsters/etc vocabulary file (see D2MAPHACK.VCB).
Added socket protection config option.
Added show if cow king killed on quest log.

Fixed numbering/colouring of extra runes in mods.
Fixed hirelings showing immunitys.
Changed format of shrine graphics to bmp.
Added 2nd quantity to item colours for automap colour (-1 don't show, -2 don't show item on ground).
Added extra dimension to item arrays for item qualitys.
Added configurable automap blob/cross shapes (bmp files).
Added unopened chests show on automap.
Added config var for default automap party/names.

Fixed toggle automap party bug.
Added exit game key.
Added champion monster descriptions.
Added array variable type (variable[numbers]: value).
Changed item colour variables to arrays (eg Rune Colours[1,3,11-14,20+]: 4).
Added array for monster colours (-1 default, -2 don't show).
Added array for show monster death animations.

Fixed config strings bug.

Added config string for correct tomb.
Added colours for rare/unique items.
Added fire shrine (provided by "Carlo Q.N.").

Added correct tomb has a "*" next to level name.
Now uses new d2loader plugin format.
Fixed crash when using mods with missing levels.

Fixed loader problems.
Updated for diablo 2 v1.09d (changed "c" to "d").

Fixed problems with relocated dlls.
Added map scrolling speed setting.
Added disable diagonal map scrolling option.
Added trojan detection.

Updated for diablo 2 v1.09c.

Fixed hostile player colour bug.
Toggle visual effects now includes screen shaking.
Added virtual map scrolling.
Added option to disable shenk death animations.

Fixed glide and direct3d shrine graphics bug.
Fixed champion colour bug.
Added monster immunity and aura descriptions.
Added colour code shortcut ("%").

Rewritten as a DLL and now supports d2loader.
Can now be lauched before entering a game.
Added option to disable rune numbering.
Added seperate skull colour settings.
Added minimap shrines.
Added option to use large shrines on minimap.
Added number of sockets in item names.
Added special monster magical bonuses on automap.

Updated for diablo 2 v1.09.

Reveal automap now shows cave/stairs/doorway level names, toggleable with numpad "+".

Reveal automap can predict some health, mana, combat, skill and stamina shrines.
Gems, healing pots, mana pots and rejuvs colour now configurable.
Boss, minion and champion monsters automap colour now seperately configurable.
Added graphics for refilling, health, mana (by me), portal, exploding and poison (by "HariKariEd") shrines.

Reveal automap now shows undiscovered preset shrines (mostly in acts 1,2) with a question mark above.

Made config file easier to use.
Prevented toggle visuals from effecting runes, charms and life bar.
Fixed full light radius, it now overides all quest and skill FX.

Added a configuration file.
Reveal automap shows chests in fake tombs, and an X for staff orifice.

Made monsters life bar brighter.
Made runes unique coloured and numbered, charms purple.

Fixed paging crash on low spec machines.
Reveal automap shows chests, cs seals, act3 sewer lever and an X where izual starts.
Added a program icon.

Reveal automap shows act5 waypoints, quest features (cairn stones, tree of inifuss, tower tome, horadric malus, gibbin, lam esen's tome, ruined temple stairs, etc).

Removed act5 non monsters from automap.
Added barb allys as minions on automap.
Improved version test.
Removed mousepad whisper joke.

Updated for LOD.
Added sanity check when loading shrines.
Changed in game keys to "/","*","-" on numpad.

Fully updated for diablo 2 v1.08.

Reveal automap only update for diablo 2 v1.08.

Can handle graphics for all shrines, includes examples by "Tidus".

Added info page.

Fixed win2k compatibility problem.

Added graphics for gemshrines.

Special monsters different colour on automap.
Big speedup in act4 reveal automap.

Added advantage mod style features :-
Full screen light radius, full infravision and sunny weather (toggleable with "9").
Monsters show on automap (toggleable with "8").

Reveals entire acts automap by pressing "0" in game.

Seems like the creater just makes some change everytime a new patch comes out. Whats stopping him from changing it again whenever a new patch comes out. And also maphack is practically undetectable due to it just recieving information not sending any. Blizzard can detect duping, iths, and various items, but from currently from what I hear ith items are labled as Eth runes, so simply to delete all ith Blizzard would just ahve ot delete all Eth runes, it would be such a great lose for everyone. We all should be happy that Blizzard is atleast making a last patch for such a currently corupt game :blink: .

If you don't trade much or at all(like me :D ) most hacks out there would effect you. If you really care about hacking then start playing private gmaes with trusted friends.

Also Warcraft 3 is an awesome game. Huge step of strategy compared to Starcraft would you just en mass -.-;. Also some of the custom maps are very good(thank the World Editor :) ).
A dangerous man is a man with nothing to lose.
I play pure. I basically don't trade with anyone who I don't personally know is legit, unless the barter is perfect gems. That is the only commodity that I think are not duped since they are pretty easy to find and make.

So, don't trade, just pick up what you can where you can, keep the best and sell the rest, and gamble now and again.

For example, last month I gambled a +2 Assassin Skills, 40%IAS, and resistance mod or two Katar. Great little rare for my Hard Core Trapper Assassin, and better than Bartuc's since it does not need 79/79 Strength/Dexterity.

I have on occasion gambled decent rare amulets and rings. You can, if you so choose to, do MF runs by yourself in games where folks are leveling elsewhere, and pick up the drops.

There are plenty of ways to put together a decent equipment package if you so desire.

Leave the trading for others. Be a self made character. :) PS, I also like to craft things, just because. :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
If anyone has played on the realms lately, things are completely out of control, I must admit I have been showered with gifts by friends, of course there is no satisfaction in this that I know everything I now posess is likely duped. Countless Soj's .08 items and other "crap" are now in my posession. This normally might be an occasion to celebrate, a donation of such magnitude would be truly rare, however I have serious problems with dupes, and I am very unsure of whether or not .08 items are illegit or legit, and what I should do with them.... I can live with this though, if I decide to give them to Larzuk for xmas, so be it. The thing that bothers me is a "gift" from my "friend"...

Wapptor the legit, the one who runs a legit clan, the one who loathes and despises the leviathan that is the hacking community...now owns a bugged string... I recieved the damn thing in a free game from an old friend, and promptly had to exit battle.net due to problems going on at home...then I realized I had put the thing in my inventory... I do not know what to do with this thing! I cannot and will not wear it ever, and I dont want to trade it so that someone can use it or dupe it again, yet I feel horribly guilty just selling it for no purpose. What should I do?!?!

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Quote: do not know what to do with this thing! I cannot and will not wear it ever, and I dont want to trade it so that someone can use it or dupe it again, yet I feel horribly guilty just selling it for no purpose. What should I do?!?!

Destroy it for no purpose? It exists only because of duping(or some other hack). Using it, or trading it only serves the creators/dupers. Destroy it.

I guess if your really desperate for a non destroy option, give it to a PKK. Of course either way, just having it is a serious breach of "legitness"...

BTW I play in realm pubbie games still, and yes it is ridiculous. I'm really hoping for 1.10 soon. Until then, I've stopped trading completely(or at least till things calm a little).

Basically these new Iths, and new duped items have very little effect on a legit player, cause they never used them in the first place, or traded much anyway.

The only thing it has done is to lower the value of the previously existing high end gear that I did find myself. Not really a problem since I use most of it anyway.

EDIT: Another thought: I mean really, how many public games/trades before this latest duping had real value? 99% of people I meet in bnet are maphack/dupe/pindlebot/younameit users.

This outbreak may increase the godlyness of your average player, but it does nothing to my enjoyment of the game.

OTOH the new ladder system may allow me to trade. (I can't wait to actually complete a high end set). Perhap someday we'll be able to exchange items of similiar value on bnet.
VillageIdiot: What was the point of all the version updates? Perhaps pick out a few key parts that support whatever you are trying to say.

Wapptor: You might want to ask youself how you got all those 1.08 items in the first place. I don't see what you want when you say most of your items "crap" and are most likely dupes - and yet you still have them? I would say that the countless SOJ's would be enough to assume all your gifts are dirty. What exactly are you trying to get out of this? You basically told us that you have a lot of dupes but don't want to get rid of them. I don't see how hard it is to simply drop what you think is duped (at least the "bugged string") in a private game and then leave. It would be as easy to do as it would be for me to pass up a free Godly plate of the Whale in D1. Anyways, if you really don't want them, you already know the answer to your own question, and I would think you would have already gotten rid of them.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
Yes, I think I can feel ok getting rid of em now, still I own a 08 valor that I know is legit but now I obtained a free 08 gaze, are 08 items legit or not?!

-Wapptor (yeah the bugged string is going to get the chop) :D

edit: langolier, its only 2 08 items, the valor which I know is legit (friend found, i bought) and the gaze which is a gift and maybe a dupe...
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Well, there ARE some legit 1.08 items, but unless you found it yourself, assume 99.9999% of all 1.08 items on bnet are dupes. I think you can be pretty sure that any "free 1.08 gaze or Free sojs" are duped...

I don't even accept gifts on bnet at all usually. I tell the person to give the stuff to someone who wants it more. If the item is something that has a low chance of duping, and little public value, but is useful to me, I do take it though.

That makes me no longer legit, as well as the fact that I have traded on bnet. I can live with not matching everyones personal definition of legit. I stay pretty clean, and that's enough for me.11
Duped or not? You Tell Me!

These are SoJs. I have a bad habit of keeping my sojs/favorite pic sojs together. After this weekend, I better shuffle them around when trading. LOL.

And no, I didn't dupe, but I can tell you this! This is a softcore character, so I am gonna say that the answer is....... they are dupes. LOL

So much fun. Anyone heard a thing out of Blizzard? EVERY place is quiet - here, Battlenet, Dii.net, I'm just curious.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
Have they stopped duping yet? I haven't played since all of this was going on :(
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
the Langolier: Well, I was trying to show how it is somewhat pointless for Blizzard attemping to patch up some hacks, since hackers will always eventually find some flaw/bug to exploit. I mean how many times did Blizzard have to patch up duping? And I've heard about Blizzard's so called dupe scanner that can be confused quite easily.
A dangerous man is a man with nothing to lose.
Pointless? Yeah, I would tend to agree. But Blizz needs to delegate authority to someone up there to watch the hacking channels. Otherwise...

Their Anti-Hack Policy is equivalent to a big sign that reads, "Go Ahead, Try and Hack Us"

Since the beginning of computer gaming, people have always looked for that challenge of getting around the code and manipulating it. Some things never change.

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
I realize that Blizzard can't completely stop people from creating hacks, but I think that they could do more. For example, have a Blizzard employee try to buy or trade for hacked items on the realms. When they find someone who will trade them a hacked item, ban that person's CD key. Have someone monitor the trade channels, if someone asks for a hacked item, ban their CD key. Randomly check accounts for hacked items, if the account has a hacked item, ban the CD key of the next person who logs into that account.

These are *very* simple ways to stop hacks. (I'm not talking about dupes here.) These methods by their nature will not result the banning of anyone who is legit. Also, this method punishes the user of hacked items as well as the maker. After you ban enough people for just having hacked items, the demand of such items will go down, so there will be less of a reason to make them. Does anyone know of a reason not to do this??? Why hasn't Blizzard thought of it???

Maybe you could even similar methods to ban the CD keys of people using dupes, but you'd have to think of a good way to be 100% sure.
USWest Hardcore Realms
Accounts: mikedok5, mikedok6
As far as I know, the method has been shut down, but, I imagine Blizzard is deliberately letting these hackers go? Why? They probably want to see how many of the methods are released before releasing 1.1, patching all these methods.

If they reencrypted their packets, or changed encryption on packets everytime someone logged on (dont know how feasible those are), it would put a major halt to all Bnet duping for a long time.
Nah, hiring someone to monitor costs money. It's all about money with them. See any Dilbert cartoon, that's Blizz incarnate. The employees know what to do, but to do it costs HUGE BUCKS.

Although they make the best games, they have the most open code. The programmers are low paid (all game coders are), the support staff is a joke, and most of them should be shoveling on a highway somewhere with their experience in computer gaming. My opinion, I could be wrong.

Either way, the Blizz guys are not that exclusive in their hiring practices. How many of them are actually rogue programmers in disguise? They all have friends, "Hey, any loopholes? We can make serious money". I know this from my friends in the defense contractor industry. You even breathe you are buddies with another programmer and they fire you and prosecute. Since this is a piece for profit business, (and I mean piece, not peace) they are NOT that exclusive. Churn em out, don't worry, we'll release a sequel.

D3 is a long time in the making, because who would want another Blizz game mastered by hackers? Well, they all are, but I mean who would play it?

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil

I think the main source of the problem stems from Blizzard's unwillingness to do anything about the situation. Yes, it is software, and as such, it's going to be cracked. However, I have a real problem when a company says something regarding a stance on dupes/hacks/cheats, and then does not back their statements up. I mean, how long did it take Blizzard to acknowledge that ITH items existed? Half a year? A year? And don't get me started on the "Player Not Found" bug from a few months back.

Oh, did anyone else notice this? Blizzard banned the selling of Warcraft III Expansion Beta CDKey's on eBay, and not Diablo II items. Funny, seeing as how both are against the ToS.
Mikedok, your heart is in the right place, but you don't know what your talking about. Dupers and hackers usually have multiple cd-keys and may even have the CD's themselves. When they get a cdkey banned, they just discard it, however, if they have the CD, they resell it on ebay. Now how fair is that when a person buys a copy of d2 online and can't play on B.net? Banning cd keys is a ridicilous idea that only hurts consumers in the long run.

So whats the alternatives? Banning accounts is next on the list, but I'm sure you know that any hacker or duper worth his own will use a proxy IP address and a fake account (one with barly anything on it but one character) to use and test their hacks. So banning the account does nothing, and same with the IP. Even a static IP can't fix the proxy problem.

So how do you stop a duper or hacker? Well, I dont have that answer for you, but I can sure tell you that a CD-Key ban is a really bad idea because I myself bought my copy of diablo 2 off ebay and so did my friend which means, so did lots others who play legit and I'd hate to see all these legit people getting screwed over because of a banned cd-key.

Any thoughts or suggestions on my own thoughts welcome.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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