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Quote:hi im new to diablo can you help me get started playing with other peopl?
There aren't too many of us left anymore, but you'll find most of the people concentrated either in the channel Diablo LE on the USEast gateway or on the Europe gateway (which I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with). If you're having problems finding people, that should help a little (use the East Gateway for now even if you don't live there). If you're having problems logging in, as it seems from your post that you may be, come back with specifics.
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If anyone fancies a little ironman gaming on diablo, feel free to message me on MSN:
sylph_uscm AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk
The worst I can say is I don't fancy a game, and that's doubtful if you're offering an ironman challenge.:)
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I played Diablo often all night long when I was at school some years ago. Now I installed it on my new notebook, what was pretty easy. But then I also tryed to install the V&K Middle Earth Mod again what completly failed. First I had to download the 1.07 version because I only have the 1.00 on cd. Then I found it pretty tough to get the mod. I'm not sure what to think about the page where I finally found it but what I'm sure of is that I had problems to download it. then I tryed to start the .dat file by dhack 206. But it allways says: "Failed to write to offset 0x47a649, len0x7: unzulässiger zugriff auf einen Speicherbereich". So I tryed the .exe file but to be honest I don't know how exactly how to do this because I have to start the game by the .exe file which updates the game to the 1.07 version, don't I? When I try to start it by the middle earth mod .exe file it says it can't find the access point in diabloui.dll file. :wacko:
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07-16-2007, 09:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2014, 10:14 PM by FireIceTalon.)
Hello all :)
Many of you here may know me already, if you play in USA East, channel Diablo LE. If not, stop by sometime. Im always up for a nice co-op game or some good ol' fashioned PvP.
My mains are:
FireIceTalon - rogue 50
Elessar - warrior 50
Ithryn - mage 50
Yes, i use lvl 50 chars for co op. I play for the fun and thrill, dont really care to power lvl anymore.
"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
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Hey, im always up for a hell/hell game or PvP match, my current accounts are: RemixII -Clvl 28 Low AC MS Rogue / Hero[HA] -Clvl 38 High AC Warrior / And Reject[HA] -Clvl 31 Artillery Sorc.
Im always in Channel Diablo LE@USEast. Hope to game with you soon.
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Hi! I've just returned to Diablo 1 after trying D2 and not liking it much for the third time, as well as realizing I still have an old L35 fighter saved from 5 years ago or so. I'm playing solo-multi, and not really interested in going onto the, but it's sure good to find that people still keep the fire burning. See you around.
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Hi, I'm Eden and I just hunted down my D1 and Hellfire disks so I'm going to obsess about the game for a few months. :)
Hi all,
I just got the urge to replay this classic that had me glued to the chair 10 years ago as probably one of the most addictive games i've ever played.
I'm looking for a few honest people to play the game from lvl 0, absolutely no cheats, trainers, etc, just plain old fun. Just PM me if you are interested.
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Quote:Hi all,
I just got the urge to replay this classic that had me glued to the chair 10 years ago as probably one of the most addictive games i've ever played.
I'm looking for a few honest people to play the game from lvl 0, absolutely no cheats, trainers, etc, just plain old fun. Just PM me if you are interested.
Hey there. You should check out channel Diablo LE in USA East.....thats the primary spot for legit players nowadays. Most are high lvls, but there are some people always willing to make new chars and what not. All in all, its the place to be if you are a legit. Most everyone there is pretty helpful too. GL HF.
"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Decided to start playing Diablo again after so many years! I hated the cheating back then and I'm glad that even today there are still legit players! So here I am saying hello and hoping to play with some of you guys! My clvl is only 17 but I'll get there! I'll be hanging around 'diablo le' channel so see you there!
Hey everyone just got back my diablo.... im US EAST Diablo LE since thats where this fourm told me to go for legit gaming:P..... any ways was wondering if anyone wanted to get an Ironman Group together.... you can find me on the name 2cizzle, post reply here or my msn is
Hope to hear from some interested ppl
Hi! Im always looking for legit players to game with on diablo 1 USEAST
been playing since about diablo v1.05 on and off
my hotmail is
and my characters are:
Althea(LBL) 35 rog
Azrea(LBL) 38 sorc
Cup_O_Beer(LBL) 27 war
Tamis(LBL) 10 rog
Helloooooooooo...oooo. I'm KPhoenix, I play on USEast, (because USWest is dead, and has no legit channel). I'm in the Lx2 Clan (Legit Legion). My characters are legit, yes, and let's see... I've got a Warrior variant that uses no spells, another Warrior variant that uses no shield, and always a Lightsabre, a Rogue (LVL37), a Sorcerer (LVL21), and a bunch of mules. I'm in Diablo LE alot, and I LOVE to duel, so add KPhoenix-Lx2 and request a duel. :3
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Quote:Feel free to use this thread for introductions and "I can't find players"/"Find players here" sorts of posts. These sorts of posts seem fairly common, so it'd keep the board less cluttered if they all fell into the same thread.
Be very careful with clan spam. If someone can't find players, suggesting a clan is one thing. Popping in here with advertisements is another. (Yuck.)
Otherwise, feel free to setup games and solicit playing partners here.
Hello i am new to the LL and a 4 year old to diablo, its a Classic. Multiplayer. Legit Multiplayer. Diablo II just doesnt give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside when i beat diablo on hell difficulty. D1 does.
[font=Comic Sans Ms][size=7]
Aogon(LGT) - Leader of a clan on where the we are tring to revive D1 the way its supposed to be played! ALL YOUR DUPES CANNOT SURVIVE MAKE THEIR TIME. LEGIT clan (LGT)
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07-24-2008, 02:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2008, 02:34 PM by TheKingofKewl.)
Hi my name is Rob and with a small increase of players on bnet lately want to see who wants to still game in co-op.
If you want fill out a short chart (thing) following this, to let others know some basic information. Low will be a few hours a week or a a singular long session or so per week. I realize the irony of mine below at the moment, I am not able for the time being to play much but should be changing soon and I will update it. Medium can be a couple days a week and High can be a few or long gaming sessions.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Play frequency: Medium
Realm: East
Characters: Roldan lvl 32 Warrior
So I've recently reinstalled my favorite RPG and I was shocked to find this community for it. looked stale when I checked today but I hope to maybe play with some of you folks when I've gotten some characters together.
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If your on East send me a PM or reply to my link in this thread when you become ready. I'll play with you.
Quote:So I've recently reinstalled my favorite RPG and I was shocked to find this community for it. looked stale when I checked today but I hope to maybe play with some of you folks when I've gotten some characters together.
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Hi, my name is Efraim. With the announcement of D3 I saw a bunch of people say they were interested in playing D1 and figured it would be a good time to give it another try.
Suprisingly from Israel I have a much better ping to bnet on East than on Europe so that's likely where I'll be. Currently playing a sorcerer named Millak, lvl 25 so far, since I liked the name from WoW's random name generator (and used it as my own in that game for >150 days played)
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I suppose I'll introduce myself, some of you probably know me from the Diablo channel "Diablo LE" I am usually there under the name Maddulf on US-East. I'm very much into legit play, and try to only do coop with those I know who are also legit. I've been looking for a D1 forum since I came back last week, and I'm glad to have found this place.
I also play Diablo 2: LoD on a regular basis, under the account name LegionOfHate... also on US-east. Although my only interest is play classic Diablo at this point.
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02-09-2009, 10:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2009, 10:25 PM by pmLowlandeR.)
Hi people!
this is my first time here!
I´m looking for people who wanna play D1 with me, because i can´t find any!
I´m from Austria, and i cant play in bnet, only network!
because i only have Diablo as ISO, and it don´t let´s me insert my serial, don´t know why! But i´m tryin to get my cd back so i can play bnet as well.
I´m playing v1.00 cause i don´t know if the patch works with my ISO!
(But i can try to upgrade)
So, if ANYONE is out there who want´s to play with me (i´m tired of playin solo), contact me pls!
Well, only legit pls!!
PS: I don´t know if u can email me wover my account here, so this is my mail addy:
Thx, i´m looking forward to get at least 1 mail xD