09-29-2006, 11:12 AM
Quote:I haven't checked if my Commander got epic-riding for free (I assume I didn't). Saving gold was never the point (even if my time is worth nothing I probably spent more in consumeables and repair costs)... but it'd be kind of weak to have to buy epic mount solely to get a flying mount.
-- frink
I'll be interested to know what they did there; I do know that they also lowered the cost of pvp mounts to 9g, so a commander could have all of the pvp mounts fairly cheap (Are there any mods to randomly select a mount when you hit your mount hotkey? that would be sweet!).
In other mount price news, the AV exalted mount requires riding 150 and now costs 8g with the exalted and honor discounts. So with riding 150, you'll pay 808g (with discounts) for an AV mount. This is an overall increase in the price of 168g: Previously the mount cost 640g with discounts.
Will there be level 70 versions of the gear in AV? because otherwise, it seems that AB might be a better place to spend my PvP time. I'm trying for rank 8, might try for rank 11, but I can only play 2-3 hours per night. So max honor/time is key for me.