Mirajj,Mar 24 2006, 08:55 AM Wrote:Exact warrior skills I know very little about...but someone will answer. It looks to me like your math is a bit off. I don't think that +85Ap is a direct add to your white damage, but some of the modifers for it. But again, I don't know much about that kind of stuff.
As to the instances...that's the point behind them. They are there to begin fostering the sense of teamwork that you need at higher levels. They are not meant to be soloed, though they may be carefully duo'ed. If you want to do one, mention it in GEM chat. There is almost always a party's worth of people on with alts (or possibly even mains) in that level who are happy to help out.
What's a GEM chat?
Thanks for the explanation, guys..... so B.S. is really just that.... BS. A drop in the bucket.