03-13-2006, 04:41 PM
Bun-Bun,Mar 13 2006, 09:11 AM Wrote:Darnassus is in Kalimdor, the other continent.
If you do not have access to Menethil Harbor:
Fly to Thalanar in Loch Modan. Take the road north through the mountain passes. You'll face some level 20 orcs - not a big deal. Continue through the passes until you emerge in the Wetlands. Follow the road to Menethil Harbor. Get the flight path.
Once in Menethil:
Take the boat on the right to Auberdine. Run over to the inn to get the flight path. Run back to the docks and take the other boat to Rutheran Village. Run uphill to and through the pink portal.
You're now in Darnassus. When heading back, grab the flight path in Rutheran Village back to Aub - it's faster than the boat.
Thanks. Oh and what's in Darnassus? Good quests?