New 1.10 item
if there are other threads linking to this .... sorry
Thought some people might find this interesting
Amusingly, I killed Izual with a 1.09 Azurewrath. I thought it was funny.

It wasn't a Phase Blade back then, God knows how many times they've shifted its base item.

And at the moment, the stats just loaded. Yeech. Is Blizzard's entire purpose with 1.10 is to see how many ludicrous yet essentially worthless mods to their uniques as possible in order to drum up interest.

"Wow! lvl 13 Sanctuary! Who needs a pally now?" Uh, everyone who realised that Sanctuary is a really sucky aura not worthy of considering anywhere beyond Act II. Unless they decide to increase the amount of undead monsters. But I'd rather them allow leeching of skellys than that.

Anyway, Cain is no longer by the waypoint now. Think they've learned their lesson yet? :)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
The first thing when I saw that was LIGHTSABRE ON CRACK! I mean, they could of at least had the second "magic damage + really really fast" weapon on another elite item type.... Oh well

EDIT: WOOOAH, Aren't Phase Blades already Indestructable?!?!? What?!?!?
Yes, sanctuary is underused. That's exactly the point! So you don't need to waste points in it. ;)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Imagine that thing on a paladin who's emanating a level 31 Fanaticism, coupled with the inclusive level 13 Sanctuary (which, with his skill adders just jumped to level 24).

NOW you're getting the picture. :D
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Fanat with this weapon will be crap, conviction on the other hand...

At least Azurwrath is getting the mods (more or less) it deserves! It was painful to see the "Legendery sword of Izual/Tyreal" with such #$%&ty mods.

By the way, this barb seems to be the same barb from the Rainbow screenshot but now he do not have the valk glow so maybe the glow is something he get from the maul?

P.S Imagine a pally with conviction aura doing pindle runs with this thing...
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
I'm not sure I like the idea of any character being able to equip one of the Paladin's most powerful skills, even if only at sLvl 13. :huh:

1.) Paladins used to be a bit of a fifth wheel at times and giving their strengths away to others doesn't sit right in light of that. And dammit! Notice how the Barbarian doesn't have to have Sanctuary selected? The Aura is just ON. :angry: Caveat: An elite item is an uncommon item for a late part of the game.

2.) Azurewrath was an angel's sword before his fall from grace. While being empowered to slay undead makes some sense, it's primary focus should have been as a weapon made for a Demon adversary IMO.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
drools but with hesitation!

look closer at
requirements lvl 85:

take then into account that Blizzard might actual make an exp nerf as I think they have mentioned something about.
NiteFox,May 5 2003, 07:31 PM Wrote:Uh, everyone who realised that Sanctuary is a really sucky aura not worthy of considering anywhere beyond Act II.
I happen to think that Sanctuary isn't sucky. It is, after all, my icon. :P
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Quote:I'm not sure I like the idea of any character being able to equip one of the Paladin's most powerful skills, even if only at sLvl 13

While I agree that it raises some concerns if for example there is concentration/fanat/conviction in other items, Sanctuary is one of the most underused auras in the game and I think it's a nice thing, no one will use the aura by itself but if it comes from a nice item, why not...

And yea... 80+ lvl does seem a lot.
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Sanctuary+Chaos Sanctuary+Thorns=Only worry about the mage's spells (and use beserk on them, and you won't have to worry about melee fighters. :) )
Regarding Sanctuary, the fact that it isn't used a lot doesn't mean it's worthless, just that it's hard to use efficiently. Sanctuary is a very nice and balanced aura, but which only works in very specific places (a large part of Act 2 and the Chaos Sanctuary come to mind).

Regarding the item, I'm very concerned that 1.10 may introduce even more powerful items not to cope with the increased difficulty, but rather to draw items-driven players back to the game. 1.09 already did this, in fact.
Hopefully it will be insanely hard to find. Also I hope in 1.10 there will be no place where you can do "Mf runs"

That thing looks like a badly created Threewave item.

Ignore me I hate uber items. And those who played with me on threewave know that I LOVE to rant about them.
To all who's concerned about the aura nature of this item, first, think about its history, second, look at the god damn level requirement, I personally never even made it to 75...
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
jondifool,May 5 2003, 08:58 PM Wrote:look closer at
requirements lvl 85:

take then into account that Blizzard might actual make an exp nerf as I think they have mentioned something about.
Hmmm... Didn't they say something about characters over level 75 being very uncommon?

-- CH
Quote:Hmmm... Didn't they say something about characters over level 75 being very uncommon?

Yep, and someone at Blizzard said "Hell difficulty will be much harder in D2X" a long time ago (was it in a galaxy far, far away ?). And we all know how it turned out. :)

this isn't at all an indicator of what the other items in 1.10 are like.
This is actually somewhat what I was hoping for. Considering I have one character who is L85, and I have beaten the game (Hell Baal) with every class at least twice (more with some of the classes), stuff like that doesn't really matter to me. L85 is big, and will supposedly be relatively bigger than what it is. By L85, you really shouldn't have to worry too much about anything even with fairly crappy equipment (though if things get tweaked like some of Blizzards claims this could be different because it may be harder). So, this is another pointless item for PvM because by the time you can use it, there really isn't any point in using it. The mods make it look alright for PvP, that big magic and cold damage look to be things that would be helpful, and it would have a good attack speep. The aura wouldn't really matter in that regard except for maybe against a necro. I don't know, I don't PvP.

But I was thinking that if many of the new uniques were elite class, then many of them would have L80+ reqs so they wouldn't matter too much. It may effect the economy a bit (for the ladder, I don't care about the regular screwed up realms), but I don't see stuff like this having that much of an impact.

Now for people who are item hunters or who find enjoyment in player after you have beaten the game, then this isn't such a bad thing, it gives them something to look forward to and keep them playing.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Hail Corwin Brute,

What are you talking about? Don't forget that clvl99 is nigh impossible to get!

May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
My paladin would be QUITE happy with it... as 85 was at least a year ago for him. :D

Ahhh.. the benefits of OPEN Realm. ;)

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.

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