AR and Defense of Druid Minion?
Sorry for bad English.
How calculate AR and Defense for Druid Minion?
I know for monster AR=baseAR*klvlDR. Def=baseDR*klvlDR.
baseAR - data from columns *TH* from files monstat.txt
baseDR - data from columns AC* from files monstat.txt
klvlAR - data from columns L-TH from files monlvl.txt corresponding level of monster.
klvlDR - data from columns L-AC from files monlvl.txt corresponding level of monster.
Druid minion has 1 in columns noratio. HP of minion not multiply by data from monlvl.txt. But AR and Defense dependent from monlvl.txt (druid level=level minion).
For example spirit wolf. Skill lvl=20.
druid level -99. Normal.
From monstat.txt he has AC=50, DR=67.
For lvl 97 klvlAR-10.68, klvlDR-5.94.
I calculate defense=67*5.94=398.
Passive defense bonus 240%.
In skills.txt item_armor_percent=7*lvl+passive defense bonus=380%.
It is roughly fit with test result.
But calculated AR not fit with test result.
I calculate AR=50*10.68=534.
In skills.txt passive AR bonus 525%, and 75+20*19 in ToHit and LevToHit
Test result. Against monster of 99 level and 5000 defense Spirit wolf hit less then 25%.
Anybody know real formula?

I'd really like to know this myself - knowing how much benefit extra points in Spirit Wolf would have could be very handy.
My Teory (all tested) disprove if anybody can.
Attack Ratung. For Raven, Spirit Wplf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly.

A1 from file monstat.txt column A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H)
0 - Raven
50 - Spirit Wolf
150 - Dire Wolf
300 - Grizzly

Where k2 from skills.txt column ToHit
k3 from skills.txt column LevToHit
lvl - level of skill.
_k2_ _k3_ _summon
100_ _15_ _ Raven
_75_ _20_ _Spirit Wolf
150_ _20_ _Dire Wolf
300_ _20_ _Grizzly

Attention: it is passive bonus from skill Summon Spirit Wolf(not for Raven), but not % is +AR.
lvl - level of skill Summon Spirit Wolf

K1 - coefficient from monlvl.txt (dependence from difficulty and druid level)
X - only test result= 80+-10. (I don't know exact).

Example. Druid 80 lvl on Hell difficulty. Raven-2 level. Summon Spirit Wolf - 10 level. Summon Dire Wolf - 10 level. Summon Grizzly - 10 level.
Raven AR=2689
Spirit Wolf AR=3154
Dire Wolf AR=3329
Grizzly AR=3629
Eradan,Jan 24 2005, 08:50 AM Wrote:My Teory (all tested) disprove if anybody can.
Attack Ratung. For Raven, Spirit Wplf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly.

A1 from file monstat.txt column A1TH, A1TH(N), A1TH(H)
  0 - Raven
  50 - Spirit Wolf
  150 - Dire Wolf
  300 - Grizzly

Where k2 from skills.txt column  ToHit
k3 from skills.txt column LevToHit
lvl - level of skill.
_k2_ _k3_ _summon
100_ _15_ _ Raven
_75_ _20_ _Spirit Wolf
150_ _20_ _Dire Wolf
300_ _20_ _Grizzly

Attention: it is passive bonus from skill Summon Spirit Wolf(not for Raven), but not % is +AR.
lvl - level of skill Summon Spirit Wolf

K1 - coefficient from monlvl.txt (dependence from difficulty and druid level)
X - only test result= 80+-10. (I don't know exact).

Example. Druid 80 lvl on Hell difficulty. Raven-2 level. Summon Spirit Wolf - 10 level. Summon Dire Wolf - 10 level. Summon Grizzly - 10 level.
Raven AR=2689
Spirit Wolf AR=3154
Dire Wolf AR=3329
Grizzly AR=3629

As I understand it, Ravens are ITD. Or has that changed as well?

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In Memory of Pete
No, Raven Not ITD. Test low-level Druid on Hell and you see, that Raven miss.
My test tell that AR Passive Bonus for Wolfs an Grizzly is practically useless.

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