drops of the hellforge

About the drops of hellforges, a d2 'friend' has recently told me, that I had to:

-have a high level character so that I could improve the chances to have a high rune dropped
-repair the hammer before using it and this could increase my chances

So, that's what I did for a paladin, then for a sorcerer.

For the paladin, I completed the hellforge quest of hell mode when he reached level 82, and I repaired the hammer before using it to destroy the soulstone. I got a VEX

For the sorcerer, I completed the quest when she reached level 85 and like I did before, I repaired the hammer. I got an IST :blink:

I never got above um rune from hell hellforges (after + 15 hell hellforges).
Then I got a vex and ist from my last 2 hellforges .

Does this really work ?
Or is this pure luck ?

Never heard of anything like that. The Vex is especially odd since Hellforge drops are capped at Gul.

Conventional wisdom is that the Hellforge randomly picks from a choice of about 10 or 11 runs, with completely equal odds of each rune dropping. Character level doesn't make a difference, nor anything else you might do.

There's a set of 11 possible runes for the Hellforge for each difficulty (El-Amn in normal, Sol-Um in nightmare, Hel-Gul in hell). The runes from Hellforge are always, without exception, equiprobable. That is, you'll always have exactly a 1/11 chance of getting a certain rune in the range, and nothing can affect this probability.

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