Official expansion talent previews
Quote:This may be revealing of my warrior ignorance, but why take Booming Voice over Unbridled Wrath in a dual wield flurry build?

Because I always forget to refresh battle shout and unbridled wrath is really not very much rage generation when you work it out. Those 5 points are preference. Imp. demo, UW, and Booming Voice are all kind of filler just to get higher in the tree, none is tremendously useful from what I've seen.

I'm not saying it's a perfect build. Someone may want 3/3 precision and 2/5 1H spec, or to move around points between Imp. battle, DW spec and Imp. execute.

Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Warrior expansion talent calulator changes:

Defiance a 3 point talent instead of 5 for the same result
Improved Thunderclap added a speed recution component, so now it reduces rage cost AND improves the actual ability
Improved Rend now increases rend damage by 25% / 50% / 75% instead of 15 / 30 / 45
Anger Management changed to read "generates 1 rage per 3 seconds"
Improved Slam now a 2 point talent instead of 5 point talent, and benefit was DOUBLED ( 1 second cast time reduction, so 0.5 second cast time for 2 points)
Deathwish changed to increase all damage taken by 5% instead of what it was before (+20% physical taken / -20% to all resists)
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:The way things look, I think it will pan out this way for arms:

PvP Mangler: 31 Points Arms to Mortal Strike, 30 Points in Fury to Flurry/Deathwish. This build will have mortal strike, deathwish, improved intercept, flurry, enrage, and weapon specialization, impale and deep wounds. It will be ridiculious.

Arms Raid DPS: 41 Points to Endless Rage, 5 to Cruelty, 5 Tactical Mastery, 5 Toughness, 5 Defiance. Can replace any amount of defiance with shield block stuff too, or last stand. This build can swap from DPS to off-tanking, and uses the blood frenzy debuff to provide a general increase in raid DPS.
Your PvP mangler will not have Tactical Mastery, which a must for any PvPer. If anything, you could drop Flurry for TM. While on paper, Flurry looks like a lot of damage in PvP, in practice, a lot of PvP is spent on "jousting", and you have prolonged periods of time where you are not attacking any target. TM would be a much better choice then Flurry imo, and you will end up with 31/23/5 build, with 2 points being floaters.

As for Arms Raid build, it looks like the extension of the current 31/5/15 build - the only thing is that I can point out is that Defiance is only 3 points now - yeay (which it probably wasn't at the time of your post), so you have 2 points to play around with.
Quote:Warrior expansion talent calulator changes:

Heh, nice one by Blizzard there. "We have tweaked all the classes' talents based on some large forum explosions, and we have distributed small changes throughout each class's 75+ talent icons. Have fun going nearsighted trying to find what we changed!"

Seriously, would it be too hard to tell the guy changing the talent calculator code to make a note for each talent he changes? :blink:
Quote:Anger Management changed to read "generates 1 rage per 3 seconds"

Anyone else notice that? Do they mean it generates rage constantly? Anyone have the numbers on out-of-combat rage decay handy so that we can see what this looks like in and out of combat?
Quote:Anyone else notice that? Do they mean it generates rage constantly? Anyone have the numbers on out-of-combat rage decay handy so that we can see what this looks like in and out of combat?

I assume it's just a tooltip change. The normal loss of rage is something like 3 rage per tick (seconds). It can't possibly generate rage out of combat because then everyone would run around with full rage, which is anathema to the whole design of the warrior.

0.5 second improved slams... very interesting...
Quote:Your PvP mangler will not have Tactical Mastery, which a must for any PvPer. If anything, you could drop Flurry for TM. While on paper, Flurry looks like a lot of damage in PvP, in practice, a lot of PvP is spent on "jousting", and you have prolonged periods of time where you are not attacking any target. TM would be a much better choice then Flurry imo, and you will end up with 31/23/5 build, with 2 points being floaters.

Your entirely right. Here's my crack at a PvP build:

My favorite 60-build was Arms/Prot, but I'm not entirely sure what the best way to build that is. Fury/Protection might be a better way to accomplish the same goal.
Quote:Anyone else notice that? Do they mean it generates rage constantly? Anyone have the numbers on out-of-combat rage decay handy so that we can see what this looks like in and out of combat?

Yeah, this is a change in the wording to reflect the way anger management currently works and has forever worked.

Current rage mechanic (and I assume how this will work in expansion):
- In combat: 0 rage per tick
- Out of combat: -3 rage per tick

Current rage mechanic with Anger Management (and I assume how this will work in expansion):
- In combat: 1 rage per tick
- Out of combat: -2 rage per tick
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Well, that settles it. 2h Fury/prot hybrid when the expansion comes out. .5 second slams for a measly 2 talents? Yeah, count me in for that. Heck, you could even take those two points out of what used to be defiance, gratis.

Quote:Consider also the fact that Endless Rage costs a significant chunk of rage in the first place, which is counterintuitive to its alleged purpose, and you get a talent that has good intentions (I like the idea itself of this talent), but suffers from poor implementation.

30 Rage cost for 6 full Rage bar Executes would be very strong indeed (equivalent to 600 rage). Imagine that combined with Recklessness (most attacks are crits) or some item that gives you significant bonus damage for a short time

It's surely too early to talk about poor implementation
Quote:30 Rage cost for 6 full Rage bar Executes would be very strong indeed (equivalent to 600 rage). Imagine that combined with Recklessness (most attacks are crits) or some item that gives you significant bonus damage for a short time

It's surely too early to talk about poor implementation

It doesn´t say ¨Makes all abilities as if they were done at 100 rage.¨ It says that abilites don´t cost rage.

So your first execute would drain your excess rage, then every subsequent one would just be an ordinary execute.

No free 100-rage executes, as far as I can tell.

I would guess that Jester is right. OOC is a free move, but on ferocious bite, it takes your remaining energy and converts it to damage. You don't have to pay the base cost of the move.

6 executes would be nice, but if you have a 2h weapon, wouldn't slam do more damage? Back of the envelope, 270 ashkandi weapon damage, 90 for skill, 270 for AP > 600. Or does execute have some relation to weapon damage or AP I am unaware of?

Even if it is only close, I would think it would be a skill better used to get to execute range.
Quote:Well, that settles it. 2h Fury/prot hybrid when the expansion comes out. .5 second slams for a measly 2 talents? Yeah, count me in for that. Heck, you could even take those two points out of what used to be defiance, gratis.

Well, if functionality remains the same, it will still trigger the 1.5 second global. The primary function of the talent is to make interrupts less painful. A full 1 second duration reduction for 2 talent points does that a heck of a lot better than a 0.5 second duration reduction for 5 talent points.

It will be a decent talent, but it's not going to be amazing.

I'm also seeing the Flurry talent noting that specials won't proc flurry, so slam will have the negative side-effect of not being able to proc flurry, even though I'm guessing it will eat charges.

I think it's pretty clear that in the expansion Windfury will also only proc from normal attacks (the proposed change in 1.12 that got pulled very quickly), and all enchants, etc...
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:...I'm also seeing the Flurry talent noting that specials won't proc flurry, so slam will have the negative side-effect of not being able to proc flurry, even though I'm guessing it will eat charges.

Just wanted to clear this up quickly; the change the flurry tooltip is to "clear up any confusion about it previously triggering from effects such as Gnomish Deathray.". It will still proc from yellow damage.

~Frag B)

Edit: Interesting to see the talent changes, might try something like this now: 8/11/42 Imp. Thunderclap seems a useful place to put those 3 floating pts. I had. The focus of the build is rage/threat & mitigation.
Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
Seed of Corruption will be AMAZING.

To review, Warlock ability, Seed of Corruption (not a talent):

Quote:Seed of Corruption - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
882 Mana30 yd range
2 sec cast
Imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing 1044 Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes 1044 total damage, the seed will inflict 1110 to 1290 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target. Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target.

Tseric posted:
Quote:Seed of Corruption will explode whenever the target takes a total of 1044 damage from one or more sources. It only damages opponents. The damage from the explosion will count toward the 1044 damage of another target, should one be nearby.

Do you know what this means? Seed of Corruption on 5 enemies, set one off with Shadowburn (etc) and they will go off like firecrackers -- boom, boom, boom, boom!

This is amazing for farming and will be great in any PVE situation with multiple enemies who are at least strong enough to receive 1044 damage.

The hilarity factor is completely twisted and awesome. Kudo's to whoever designed this AoE for warlocks.

PS doubt it will be made instant-cast by Improved Corruption, which dampens the fun slightly -- but still!
PPS also Tseric said Dark Pact will scale with gear. Nice.
I´m thinking that there will actually be a lot of scope for different kinds of warriors with the new talents. I like that aspect of it.

You can buy the "tank" package, for 13 points now, giving you most of the functionality needed to OT, or even MT in a pinch. Then, if you want to go for more prot, you can climb to 31 and still have enough points to get flurry, or you can go the whole route and get 41 or more, and then just take the rest of the points elsewhere.

There will also always be a spot in raids for a 41 arms warrior, with blood frenzy adding DPS for warriors and rogues. Something maybe along these lines, for a hybrid:

Might even consider that as a spec. Wouldn´t even have to change what I´ve got too much. Misses cruelty, but you could drop some points from prot. to get it, I suppose.

There are some notable updates to check out as of today:

The biggest thing that jumps out at me is a big change to Mana Tide (hello scalability):

Quote: Restoration
* Mana Tide Totem – Now restores 6% of total mana every 3 seconds, costs 83 mana (at level 70) and has no replacements.

Entire text below for the lazy (forgive the formatting, click above if you want better):


* Axe Specialization – Renamed “Poleaxe Specialization”: Now increases crit chance with Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Mace Specialization – Now “Gives your melee attacks a chance to stun your target for 3 sec and generate 2 rage when using a Mace.”
* Polearm Specialization – Replaced with "Weapon Mastery”: “Increases skill with all weapons by 2 and increases your chance to resist Disarm effects by an additional 25/50%.”

* Rampage – Cooldown removed, rage cost increased to 30, description changed.

* Vitality – Now also increases your total Strength by 2/4/6/8/10%.


* Empowered Corruption – Now increases by 12/24/36%.
* Lasting Afflictions – Removed.
* Contagion – Now “Increases the damage of Curse of Agony, Corruption and Seed of Corruption by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the chance your Affliction spells will be dispelled by an additional 6/12/18/24/30%.”
* Improved Howl of Terror – Now reduces the cast time by 0.8/1.5 sec.

* Demonic Fortitude – Renamed "Demonic Resilience".

* Nether Protection – Chance to proc is now 10/20/30%.
* Soul Leech – Now returns 20% of damage as health.
* Shadow and Flame – Bonus is now 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Shadowfury – Now a 0.5 second cast, new rank values.


* Totem of Wrath – Now 166 mana (at level 70), has no cooldown, lasts 2 minutes, and increases spell crit by 3%.

* Stormstrike – 5 yd range.
* Shamanistic Rage – No longer has a mana cost and regenerates mana equal to 15% of your attack power.

* Mana Tide Totem – Now restores 6% of total mana every 3 seconds, costs 83 mana (at level 70) and has no replacements.


* Remorseless Attacks – Added Mutilate to the list of affected abilities.
* Mutilate – Description changed: “Instantly attacks with both weapons for an additional 44 damage with each weapon. Damage is increased by 50% against Poisoned targets. Must be behind the target. Awards 2 combo points.”

* Surprise Attacks – Added Shiv to the list of affected abilities. Now damage caused by the affected abilities is also increased by 5%.


* Silent Resolve – Now also reduces the chance your spells will be dispelled by 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Improved Mana Burn - Cast time reduced by 0.5/1.0 sec.


* Improved Renew – Added Circle of Renewal to the list of affected abilities.
* Empowered Healing – Greater Heal bonus is now 4/8/12/16/20%, Flash Heal bonus is now 2/4/6/8/10%.


* Divine Illumination – 3 min cooldown, 10 sec duration.

* Improved Resistance Auras – Description changed: “Your Resistance Auras also reduce spell damage of the appropriate type taken by an additional 3/5%.”


* Playing with Fire - 1/2/3% increase for 1/2/3% penalty.
* Burnout – Replaced with “Pyromaniac”: “Increases chance to critically hit and reduces the mana cost of all Fire spells by an additional 1/2/3%.”
* Molten Fury – Description changed: “Increases damage of all spells against targets with less than 20% health by 10/20/30%.”
* Empowered Fireball – Bonus is now 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Dragon’s Breath – New rank values.

* Empowered Frostbolt – Bonus is now 2/4/6/8/10%, now increases crit chance instead of hit chance by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Summon Water Elemental – 3 min cooldown, reagent cost removed, 492 mana (at level 70), 45 sec duration.
Note the change to the Vitality Talent for warriors, is the addition of 2/4/6/8/10% str in to the 1/2/3/4/5% stamina bonus.
Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
Edit: Bleh, already up-_-
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Quote:Note the change to the Vitality Talent for warriors, is the addition of 2/4/6/8/10% str in to the 1/2/3/4/5% stamina bonus.

Umm... that's a lot of bonus on STR. Hmm.... A DW spec / Devastate build is looking like a new interesting hybrid damage / tanking build:

The synergy of DW spec + 1H spec + 10% increase to STR seems like it should be nice when you can use devastate for damage. Somewhat limited in a threat sensitive environment, aside from slam spam.

That combo with an appropriately slow 1H weapon, looks to likely surpass the efficiency of MS in terms of damage per rage... assuming devastate gets knocked down to 12 rage by 3/3 focused rage.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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