Children Removed From N.M. Apocalyptic Cult

Welcome to the Decade for Cult Child Abuse cases..."Three Children Removed From New Mexico Apocalyptic Church Compound"

Were their rights according to the BILL of RIGHTS Violated, in the same way some LL members Strongly believe happened at the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & Waco etc:

Quote:FOX News: Three Children Removed From New Mexico Apocalyptic Church Compound

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — State Police have removed three children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah and acknowledges having sex with some of his followers.

The two girls and one boy — all under the age of 18 — were taken from the northeastern New Mexico compound following an April 22 investigation, Romaine Serna, spokeswoman for the state Children, Youth and Families Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday. She said a fourth child, a girl, agreed to be interviewed by the department. Serna said that girl had been at the compound but now lives elsewhere with her parents.

The three children were taken into state custody because of allegations of inappropriate contact between minors and the adult leader of The Lord Our Righteousness Church, Serna said.

"I understand that it was very calm and they (state police) did not meet with any resistance," she said. Serna said she wasn't aware of any other youths at the compound.

Serna declined to elaborate because of the ongoing investigation by state police and the district attorney's office. No charges had been filed, she said. The church has at least 70 members, Serna said.

...Read on @ FOXNEWS.COM
Quote:Strong City End of the World Cult Movie:

This movie is 1hr 53min long was filmed and produced at Strong City by the Cult. It is about the appearing of Christ, the experience and testimony of the Seven, and the message all must accept who hope in the world to come.

Link to Strong City Cult Web Site.
Quote:The National Geographic Channel...Inside a Cult Wednesday May 7 8P :

Doomsday cult leader Michael Travesser prophesied that the world would end October 31, 2007 -- but what happened? Go inside Travesser's cult to meet its leader, its followers and the dynamics that shape cult behavior.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

Quote:Were their rights . . . Violated?
You left out a most important part of that article: "Serna said her agency received information on April 21 that warranted the removal of the children. She declined to reveal the information or its source."

If that information was valid, if it was checked in a reasonable manner, if it met all the other criteria necessary to justify a search warrant, if a judge having jurisdiction actually issued such a warrant, if the warrant was proper in stating what was to be searched and what was to be seized, then the accused's rights were probably preserved. However, "She declined to reveal the information or its source." stinks like week old fish and in light of Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him makes me wonder what she's hiding and how long she thinks she can hide it.

In answer to your question, the article you linked to is a perfect piece of modern journalism, almost totally devoid of facts or information, but gleefully casting a spotlight on the lurid details. On the basis of that, no rational determination can be made. But, again, I have my suspicions.


PS Having fun with codes, are you? Remember the old adage, just because you can doesn't mean you should.;)

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I'm not sure which I trust less, government organizations whose reason to be is to separate children from their parents, or guys who claim to be the Messiah and then instead of walking the earth bringing salvation choose to hole up in New Mexico having sex with various people in preparation for the apocalypse. Hmm, actually I am quite sure which I trust less, but I don't have much faith in the protective services either.
Quote:Welcome to the Decade for Cult Child Abuse cases...
Although, the last 12 decades were also Child Abuse decades where authorities suffered from moral cowardice. You have just now come to realize that young women have been married off to elder men in FLDS, and so now you have decided to be outraged and disgusted. I guess ignorance IS bliss. I hate to tell you this then Jim, young girls are abused in alarming numbers throughout the world. In fact, I think it is worse than it ever has been before.

Quote:"Three Children Removed From New Mexico Apocalyptic Church Compound" Were their rights according to the BILL of RIGHTS Violated, in the same way some LL members Strongly believe happened at the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & Waco etc:
It's probably too early to tell. And, it's not just LL members. :) Did you see my link to the Texas ACLU? This one in NM is definitely a weird case, but it doesn't seem to involve more than nakedness and what they describe as "holding". There seem to be direct specific allegations with evidence collected prior to the police action, so it seems to have been handled with proper warrants, and correctly from what I can tell. It's a good thing the State intervened now, before Wayne Bent moved into providing immaculate conceptions for the virgins.

It does makes me wonder about the nuances of this law. For example, how would the State deal with nudist colonies where adults and children run around naked together? There was a political candidate who was undone in Minnesota in 1990 because his adopted daughter used to have naked pool parties with her friends & dad. After he withdrew from the race for Governor, he was never investigated for the alleged crime. There seems to be a line here that could easily be crossed though where nakedness in private/public when it involves other people's children. There are some individuals who enjoy the liberty of being naked in public/private who could get into hot water.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


Points well taken.

What does this mean...> "PS Having fun with codes, are you? Remember the old adage, just because you can doesn't mean you should.;)

You left out a most important part of that article: "Serna said her agency received information on April 21 that warranted the removal of the children. She declined to reveal the information or its source."

If that information was valid, if it was checked in a reasonable manner, if it met all the other criteria necessary to justify a search warrant, if a judge having jurisdiction actually issued such a warrant, if the warrant was proper in stating what was to be searched and what was to be seized, then the accused's rights were probably preserved. However, "She declined to reveal the information or its source." stinks like week old fish and in light of Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him makes me wonder what she's hiding and how long she thinks she can hide it.

In answer to your question, the article you linked to is a perfect piece of modern journalism, almost totally devoid of facts or information, but gleefully casting a spotlight on the lurid details. On the basis of that, no rational determination can be made. But, again, I have my suspicions.


PS Having fun with codes, are you? Remember the old adage, just because you can doesn't mean you should.;)
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

Points well taken.

"I guess ignorance IS bliss" YES IT IS and alot less Stressful.

ps: FYG, I know that Child Abuse is universal and has been around since Day One, I might be Ignorant but I'm Not Stupid.

Quote:Although, the last 12 decades were also Child Abuse decades where authorities suffered from moral cowardice. You have just now come to realize that young women have been married off to elder men in FLDS, and so now you have decided to be outraged and disgusted. I guess ignorance IS bliss. I hate to tell you this then Jim, young girls are abused in alarming numbers throughout the world. In fact, I think it is worse than it ever has been before.

It's probably too early to tell. And, it's not just LL members. :) Did you see my link to the Texas ACLU? This one in NM is definitely a weird case, but it doesn't seem to involve more than nakedness and what they describe as "holding". There seem to be direct specific allegations with evidence collected prior to the police action, so it seems to have been handled with proper warrants, and correctly from what I can tell. It's a good thing the State intervened now, before Wayne Bent moved into providing immaculate conceptions for the virgins.

It does makes me wonder about the nuances of this law. For example, how would the State deal with nudist colonies where adults and children run around naked together? There was a political candidate who was undone in Minnesota in 1990 because his adopted daughter used to have naked pool parties with her friends & dad. After he withdrew from the race for Governor, he was never investigated for the alleged crime. There seems to be a line here that could easily be crossed though where nakedness in private/public when it involves other people's children. There are some individuals who enjoy the liberty of being naked in public/private who could get into hot water.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Quote:FYG, I am know that Child Abuse is universal and has been around since Day One, I might be Ignorant but I'm Not Stupid.
I tend to be Captain Obvious sometimes... My beef isn't with the ignorance, it's with the ignoring until it's politically or economically advantageous.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Hey there guys that thing really happens that some of the Church Leaders Abuses there members like Iglesia ni Cristo Leader Felix Manalo. So be aware of it!
Leilyn Real
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Quote:Highly relevant, efficient advertising to forum, blog, wiki and other types of web sites. Drive large number of visitors to your website and build quality links.
This time I'll just point out that advertising spam, especially in a 'say nothing' post, is pushing the limit. Lose the ad or I'll just report you and ask to have you banned.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Hi Pete.

I AGREE with you Off with his Head, this time ;)

Now for the Rest of the Story: :P
Quote:Member Group: Lurkers
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Advertisers only pay for posted messages which remain on forum, blog and other websites for a minimum of 5 days or 120 hours. This is what is known as message "Settle-In" period. It allows the advertiser website to receive fair amount of direct traffic and to benefit in SEO process, while other people talk about it in their own circles and market the product or service even further. Normally messages that "Settle-In" should remain on forum, blog and other websites for a very long time, if not indefinitely.
This time I'll just point out that advertising spam, especially in a 'say nothing' post, is pushing the limit. Lose the ad or I'll just report you and ask to have you banned.

Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

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