Best build for Druid in Single TCP\IP game
I was going to start a game with a few friends and the set up is going to be a necre,druid, and either a pally or sorc. I'm the druid, what would be the best build for a team like this. Would it be a good idea to go elemental/summonor of as a shapeshifter/summonor?
It really depends upon what types of characters they want to play. My outlook, from the Druid standpoint, would be quite different if I was playing with a Zookeeper as opposed to a solo Necromancer-mage. However, I'll give you my outlook, making some assumptions as to the types of characters the other players will play. I'll assume the Necromancer is one of the more or less standard Summoner, low level curses, Corpse Explosion character, the Paladin would be some form of melee Paladin (using either Conviction or Fanaticism) and the Sorceress would be some dual-tree sorc.

Now, in most situations of PvM combat, the Necromancer actually ends up being a very powerful tank for a party. Having so many minions running around can keep all monsters busily engaged with each other, thus reducing your need to act as a "Tank." In this way, I would find that wolves or a grizzly summonable are not really necessary for your build. Also, a vine would most likely be a bad idea as it would eat up the corpses that the Necromancer would otherwise raise or blow up.

However, since you are playing in a party, your spirit would likely be very powerful. All three choices are good ones, but some combinations would be very powerful. If the Paladin uses Fanaticism or Concentration, then Heart of the Wolverine's damage boost would not be as critical and so you could go with Oak Sage which would help keep all of you (and the Necromancer Minions) alive. If the Paladin goes with Conviction, he might appreciate help from Heart of the Wolverine to boost his physical damage. However, perhaps an even better combo, in that case, would be to go with Oak Sage and make an Elementalist (which is very fun to play with conviction). :) Another possibility that could be fun would be for the Paladin to use Thorns and you to use Spirit of Barbs, perhaps with the Necromancer using Iron Maiden to tear through the monsters in that way. If you are teamed up with a Sorceress, then 2/3rds of your party will likely have somewhat low life totals and so Oak Sage would probably be the best choice in order to minimize the threat that LEB's or other dangerous situations would pose.

Now, as for the main part of your build, I would suggest the following:
If playing with a Sorceress, you will likely have all of the elemental damage you could possibly need, so go with one of the Wereforms. If you plan on twinking over a weapon with a lot of IAS on it, then the Werebear might be a good choice, since the stunning abilities of Maul and Shockwave would most likely help you if, for some reason, the Necromancer's minions all die off from something (duration expires at the same time or an LEB, a MSLEB knocks them all down, or one of the act bosses makes swiss cheese out of them). However, if you plan to just play your characters straight through, without trading over a fast weapon or two, then the Werewolf would most likely be the best choice since it tends to be a little more forgiving in terms of being able to use a less spectacular weapon to good effect.

If you play with a Conviction Paladin, then an Elementalist would be a good choice though one of the Wereforms would also be a decent choice in case the Paladin is dealing most of his damage with Vengeance (and so you could use a good physical damage source). If Concentration or Fanaticism is used, then a Wereform would be the best choice as you could feed off of the extra damage his auras impart upon you.

In case you decide to go with a Wereform, go check out my Werebear and/or Werewolf guides to get some general information for it if you haven't played one before. If you choose an Elementalist, go look for Zarathustra's guide. :)
Necro and Sorcie are providing the magic, paladin is providing the front line. I'd suggest backing up the paladin. Werewolf, if you want to get a jumpstart.

Opt for Oak Sage when you get to the level needed... it's the one thing that a paladin cannot do for the party. I'd leave the summoning to the Necro... and concentrate more on developing your own killing prowess.

*tips helm*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
One bloody minute's difference. *sigh*

Yeah... what TD said. ;)
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
The necro is probably going to be a zookeeper in case that changes anything.
Hail Nico,

Until he's doing it consistently, he's not keeping up with my record ;)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

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