Throwing Barb
I'm trying to make one, and I'm not sure how to go about this succesfully. I figured I'd make it with pvm in mind and just use maybe 10 weapon mastery 10 frenzy to boost my throwing effectiveness.
If anyone has any particular thoughts on the issue I'd like them, and if you've made successful throwers before just share a little wisdom...
what you need is 2 ethereal cruel ghost glaives of quickness WOOT!!! good luck on getting those :ph34r: ...
and if you run out? <_<

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Quite a few Throwing posts, strategies, etc on the old forums. Definitely worth your time to do a search (I've already beaten that point to a pulp in a different thread, so I digress).

My own Patriarch is somewhat akin to your idea. He opted for Axes, following both a Frenzy and Double throw... with the requisite Berserk. I maxxed out both Axe and Throwing Masteries... realizing the futility at the moment, but banking on possible changes in 1.10.

In his 70s, now. He managed to craft two sets of very nice Flying Axes awhile ago... so his damage is somewhere near respectibility. His Might Merc helps out, 'course. There's not much else to his tale, beyond equipment.

I find him very fun! Moreso than javelins on a 'Zon, actually. I think it's just the axe-whipping animation... I'm shallow that way. ;)

Good luck.
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Don't forget Howl and Grim Ward. Two awesome skills for locking up monsters with messed up AI. Shooting them in the back is a little safer than tackling everything head-on. ;)

Equipment: Pull out all the stops on getting a Razortail. That's the only way to get Piercing at the moment. Everything else is just the usual missile focused stuff.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Awe, nicodemus must like me, he won't spoonfeed anyone else
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
I would use Full mastery, a single point in doublethrow, a few in resist, a few in speed, full battle orders, 1 point in battlecry, and whatever else you use is extra.

BE WARNED!!!! HURLBAT's and FRANSISCA'a can not be thrown when dual weilding without using double throw.

EDIT: they can be thrown using the left hand throw button, but the damage is buggy and will barely hurt monsters.
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Hi Saga_Keeper,

I've played a thrower/frenzarian hybrid and he was a lot of fun to play. Throwing gives you heaps of tactical flexibility, a great safety-first option when you face a really tough mob, plus it's a change of pace - avoids monotony.

I went for maxing both my masteries (Sword was the back-up for me), and put about 10 into each of War Cry, Battle Orders and Frenzy. One point-investments in all other war cries and all the other combat skills except WW. I didn't pump Double Throw as the AR bonus didn't seem to justify it. I had about +5 skills from equipment.

I chose to use War Cry for defence because I had no good armour at the time. However, there's a case for keeping STR low and wearing light armour anyway - I think the STR req for flying knives is low - if you can find some nice ones. The DEX reqs are high generally for throwing weapons, so it would be ideal to choose your non-throwing weapons to fit this. Lightsabre is an obvious thought, or better still two of them. However, as I don't have even one Lightsabre, I can't speak from experience on that point.

War Cry worked well with the build. By Hell difficulty, I was often using throwing in panic-mode - ie, get in trouble due to Frenzied run speed (plus rashness), panic-cast War Cry, back off and start throwing as the Fanat-enchanted hordes surged towards me. When they get close enough, War Cry again and back off some more. Grim Ward helped as well.

I used a Holy Freeze merc. It may be that Might would have been a better choice, but it's good to be able to keep your distance (and because they're moving slower, you've done more damage by the time they reach you). Or a cold Iron Wolf - I used one of those from Normal A3 to NM A2 and he was great, but I don't know if he'd have worked as well in late NM or Hell.

On the choice of throwing weapons, I would bear in mind that knives and axes fly faster through the air and have bigger stack sizes than javelins, but the best javelins have the highest damage. I found knives and axes more fun. They create an almost constant stream of iron in front of you, like a physical Inferno.

Another advantage of javelins or axes is that you could use them for your Frenzy weapon as well - Spear/Axe Mastery work with them in melee (I don't think there's any mastery that boosts knives in melee, but others may know better). That would allow you to keep your weapon switch for a big two-hander for Berzerking, or a shield set-up for resists. You'll tend to lack a little for skill points, so may not find many points for Nat Res (I had just one plus adders).

Throwing is not a particularly high damage build, but it is powerful if you define power as the ability to handle a lot of different situations.

Good luck with your character.
- Cartimandua
I'm restricting myself to spoonfeeding one child per day, thanks... and she's my own. You were charity.

Now go troll somewhere else. <_<
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
Terribly useful information, I was going to use sazabi's set and a lightsabre, simply because I can...
I figured I'd opt for javelins due to superior range, but that all depends on how anya and malah feel about selling me goodies. (my cubing is being spent on a matriarchal bow for my 7/2 zon who is using 9/2 out of neccessity)
But yes, since you all loved this post, you should check my frenzy barb post, I mean... it's had a bunch of views but nobody has said anything... at all... this could be both good, or bad depending on how you view it... I do need to recheck some of the words as they are wrong (stupid spell checker doesn't get correctly spelled incorrect words) but yes, if anyone has any other useful input, on this char, or my guide (I'll probably put this char into a nice little section in variants) It'd be appriciated.
I decided to go losely on this idea...
5 frenzy
1 berserk
15+ WW
20 throwing mastery
10+ spear mastery
20 battle orders
1 battle command
1 double throw
10 increased speed
1+natural resistance

So far he's level 54 with not a SINGLE skill above 10 base(but he has 2 skills at their desired end level already!)... yay me...
Now I just need to go cowing and find some hyperions to cube... or spam some channels or something.


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