gem trouble
You've got a good point, Dyntheos, but there's something subtle and clever going on here.

The internet is a horrible place full of horrible people: that's right, the feared, repulsive, distasteful everybody. Having an intelligent, informative, grade-A discussion only happens in a regulated community like the Lounge. And that's only because those who wouldn't add much to the discussion are shouldered out. So you've got a choice (or rather, Bolty has a choice): you either accept everybody, and therefore put up with inanity, ignorance, laziness and poor communication skills -- or you encourage an atmosphere that doesn't tolerate much of that, and end up with a smaller, slightly elitist community that has terrific conversations. It is a damned-if-you-do/don't situation. But there are plenty of places to go and swap words with the unclean masses, but few that produce great discussion.

Personally, I see poor grammar and punctuation as a common symptom of unwashed-ness (so long as the speaker is fluent in English). It shows, specifically, that you don't care enough about the community, or even your own topic, to communicate effectively. That lack of respect means we're probably better off listening to somebody who does take the time to get it right.

So it's basically a sort of verbal profiling. It sounds unfair, but remember that it's the only thing keeping this community head-and-shoulders above the rest.

The bottom line is this: If you want to be treated well, show effort in your posts. That's it.
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
And I agree 100% with you. It's the manner in which the education of newer members is done, which detracts.

I appluade a community of high standards, having a forum which is easy to read due to the posters making the effort to post in legible english.

Yet the ridicule (however minor) of those who do not fit those standards (instead of polite education) only lessens the forum as a whole, and lessens those high standards that we aspire to keep.
Dyntheos,Aug 13 2003, 08:50 PM Wrote:Yet the ridicule (however minor) of those who do not fit those standards (instead of polite education) only lessens the forum as a whole, and lessens those high standards that we aspire to keep.

Being asked about what the chat gem does is like a little kid coming up and asking you if you know where to find a left-handed monkey wrench. It's obvious that someone's playing a practical joke on the child. I gather that you're the type who would sit the child down and explain thoroughly that it was all a joke, and there is no such thing as a left-handed monkey wrench.

That's all and good, except that imagine there's a big sign outside your door reading "there is no left-handed monkey wrench," and the child walked in and asked you anyway. Would you still educate them, or else continue the joke and tell him/her that your buddy down the street might have one? (the "big sign" is the search button, easy-to-use and quite informative.)

Ridicule is practically expected for such a post. The poster wasn't flamed by *anybody* in this thread; it was all friendly ribbing. This is the essence of the gem and the Cow Level in Diablo 1. Are we elitist here? You bet we are. It is the only known way to keep jerks out - it has to come from the forum culture, because moderator intervention is equivalent to stopping up little holes in a dam. If the dam breaks, mods will get washed away. Do the forum regulars sometimes go too far with the policing? You bet. But it didn't happen here in this thread.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:Ridicule is practically expected for such a post. The poster wasn't flamed by *anybody* in this thread; it was all friendly ribbing. This is the essence of the gem and the Cow Level in Diablo 1.

[Image: cainmoo.jpg]

But sometimes even Cain is wrong.

*sigh* I suppose Warrior and I will have to be content thinning the herd by ourselves.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
Christ, dude, this thread is utterly innocent.

The question was answered, and there was some commentary about spelling/grammar, but for the most part it was a Pythonesque hijack. Those occur a lot on the net, as a lot of the people here are python geeks :P

Every forum has a topic or two that rub the regulars the wrong way. Fact is, when you go to a board, it's like going to a bar. Some stuff holds true universally, but it's a good idea to maintain a socially acceptable air about yourself. Whatever that social circle deems acceptable, mind you.

I was surprised, upon returning after a several year hiatus, to discover the loathing some vocally express for poorly written posts.

However, if you look at a forum like Somethingawful, you see that oppressing the newbies is a great way to maintain community standards. The difference between a 'newbie' and a 'new user' is that the latter researches, learns, and adapts.

But there's no viciousness in this thread.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.
Bolty,Aug 14 2003, 01:58 AM Wrote:Being asked about what the chat gem does is like a little kid coming up and asking you if you know where to find a left-handed monkey wrench.

I personally like tryin to sell Elavator passes for one story buildings, but whatever works :)

Arreat Summitt FAQ page....check the last Question. There is a text docc that is in your D2 folder, and it explains the jewel in depth.

You can as well search The Lounge for info, as well as a few other "Trollish" and "Less Informative" Web sites. Its a long debated, and the answer is always there and the same. The jewel will do nothing but GET YOU PUMPED UP FOR 1.10 !!!! GET PUMPED !!! B)
*NERDmanWhippy on Us East
non-offensive text
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
If my brevity caused you to think that I was referring to you as a fool, then the lack of clarity came from absence of amplifying commentary: that's on me. I presumed that you would understand the reference to the behaviour of the fellow who you think is getting flamed, however, I understand why you might think I was directing that your way.

Your definition of flaming is borderline useless, IMO, as it appears to be set at far too low a threshold.

Were you ever a jock? An athlete? Rushed for a frat? A little hazing here and there, particularly when generally good natured, is a normal welcoming behaviour presented to a greenhorn.

The two little quips were aimed at framing a couple of general principles that apply to lurking as a form of internet activity that precludes posting.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:You forget to tell about the knights who say....NI!!!

acually it was "ikiikiwakatubangdigy...." in the end it sorta died off but thats the just of it. :blink: :lol: :D :P :ph34r:
i'm not lazy, i like to think of it as "slectivly active"...
Archon_Wing,Aug 13 2003, 11:53 PM Wrote:The  gem jokes are pretty much present in any forum, and anyone can tell they're jokes.
Blizzard itself even considers the Gem a joke. Its better to have asked here, than in a chat channel. I have been flamed before (never here) and this in my humble opinion was never a flame. Also I don't know what classifies me as an "elitist", but please if you find where I can apply....They keep telling me that I have to sign up at my local Library's Chess Club....I don't fear much, but that I cannot do.... ;) .... Welcome to the forum and like I said before ..... GET READY FOR 1.10...ITS COMING .....LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN....GET PUMPED!!!!!
Im In game as *NERDmanWhippy, and feel free to wisper me if you ever need anything....Im usually pretty helpful for info ... good luck

*NERDmanWhippy on Us East

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