The Tankazon
i have to agree that one handed tankazons are boring.
blocklock! nothing is more aggravating then having to spend huge amounts on dex and penetrate for a decent AR/block and end up being blocklocked.
2handed is the way to go :) much more fun and she looks better too

You have to know your priorities:
looks>survivability !!!
get your zon a 4 socket trelissed, add a skull and 3 ums.
wear circlet
get the coolest looking weapon there is (2handed): a blue ribcracker looks mighty fine, as do mauls
you won't be the most efficient killer, but you'll look much better then that fugly wearing pally and you'll learn some important lessons in crowd control (or die in HC)
Well thanx for the advice, but there ain't a chance in hell that I'm gonna give up my shield, just so I can 'look better'.
In fact, I intend to insert 'Eld' runes in all its 3 sockets. get the picture? :P
Quote:In fact, I intend to insert 'Eld' runes in all its 3 sockets. get the picture?
... and craft a safety amulet for her too :lol: :P
Wim-sama,Oct 7 2003, 12:34 PM Wrote:You have to know your priorities:
looks>survivability !!!
get your zon a 4 socket trelissed, add a skull and 3 ums.
wear  circlet
get the coolest looking weapon there is (2handed): a blue ribcracker looks mighty fine, as do mauls
Damn straight! But:

1. Armour: You want a Scale/Tigulated/Loricated mail of (any big +life). Full black, hmmmmm. Or Hawkmail, that looks really sexy.

2. Circlet indeed > *. I used to wear no helm at all in D2 Classic :lol:.

3. Weapon: 1 handed sword + Large Shield/Scutum/Hyperion. No contest.
* Raziel mutters something about "Crescent Moon" and "Passion" runewords..
If you're used to playing barbarians that have to specialize, having a character that is equally effective with any weapon does seem to be very versatile.

I have a level 71? hardcore tankazon. She uses a fast dagger with crushing blow as her melee setup, with the kuko bow on switch for physical immunes.

I got through most of nightmare mode by using the unique bow Endlesshail, since it adds the Strafe skill, letting me damage crowds from afar while keeping all my skill points in the passive tree. This may not fit your definition of tankazon, but it does mine. My role in hell mode is largely defensive, providing tanking services for others. But she can still progress slowly herself if need be.
There is no rule that says Tankazons can't use a bow. I use a special Reflex Bow myself to weaken monsters from a distance, before moving in to strike close range. The skills of the 'Passive and Magic' tree work with bows too! ( the 'Critical Strike' , 'Penetrate' and 'Pierce' skills work with ANY weapon, including bows). I think it's one of the best skill trees in the game.

My definition of a Tankazon is an amazon who puts points ONLY in the 'passive' skill tree. But that does not mean she can't use a bow!
SwordAzon,Oct 14 2003, 04:06 PM Wrote:( the 'Critical Strike' , 'Penetrate' and 'Pierce' skills work with ANY weapon, including bows).
Pierce works with bows? No way! ;-)
Pierce= "chance that your missile will continue THROUGH its target. It allows ANY projectile that the amazon THROWS or FIRES to pass through up to four targets, potentially hitting five monsters".

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