Your Dream 1.10 Build\Warrior
I honestly have to go with a PALLY build for my dream char:
(Going to only touch on the MAIN points of the build/equip)

Maxed Conviction, Vengence, fully synergized with resist lit/ice/fire main attack is conviction/vengence

Main Items:
Main Pally items will be a BEAST Legendary mallet adding FANATACISM to his conviction
Armor will be Chains of Honor giving 200% vs demons and 100% vs Undead
Wisp Projector ring soley for casting The enhanced damage spirit. (swap it off after cast)

Delerium Helm for Crowd control.
DOOM ethereal Elite PoleArm: Adds level 12 COLD aura(no need for cold merc ability! *cheers*)

Player Effect Auras: Might, Fant, Damage Spirt
Monster Effect Auras: Conviction, Holy Freeze

To bad I can't get concentration in there somehow seeing as up to 4 auras can be active and effecting at any one time.

The Beauty of this build is that it's VERY strong defensively and Venegence is the ULTIMATE Cure all. With all the auras it'd be do ing INSANE elemental and physical damage per WHACK. It'd be super fast as well due to fant.
Just for fun...

Exile shield
Crescent Moon phase blade
Stone armour
Guillaume's Face
Goreriders / Goblin Toes
Possibly Hellmouth, Carrion Wind and Wisp Protector

Might merc
Doom weapon
Bramble armour

Auras: Meditation (with max prayer synergies), Holy Freeze, Might, Thorns, Defiance
Minions: Clay Golem, Pet Merc, Spirit Wolves, Poison Creeper, Choice of Spirit
Casts: Meteor, Twister, Firestorm, Chain Lightning, Static Field, Volcano, Poison Nova, Life Tap

Vamp/Mageazon (elemental complement):

Call to Arms matriarchal bow
Chains of Honor armour
Possibly Nightwing's Veil

Prayer Merc

or a Castaway Frostmaiden (elemental + effects):

Carrion Wind
Wisp Protector

While variants can be fun, it can also be fun at times to have a ton of special effects and a character that can keep all that minions alive most of the time :D .
A dual wielding Mace Barbarian with "Black" Rune Word in two flails and Double Swing at about level 12, wearing either Guillame's Face or Goblin Toe Boots, or both. Back Up weapon is a mondo "Black" Rune Word. Ogre Maul. Berserk Maxed. For Boss Killing.

Mace Mastery Maxed.

Everything Else is gravy. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Unfortunately your summoned spirit would go away as soon as you took the ring off.
I'd hack my character so that all his equipment was using the Breath of the Dying runeword. 'Nuff said. <_<

Seriously though... my dream character would be one that simply fills a role within a large group. Maybe a Fire sorcy with maxed synergies for Meteor and Fireball. Just as long as it's a character that doesn't have to be able to do everything at once.
One that:

* Doesn't need any stupid too-rare items to function. Just a couple store bought or crafted ones, please.

* Has several attack forms/skills, all of which are different in use, and takes skill and experience to use, and are required to be used in different situations.

So far I found that in Fireball/Firebolt/Hydra Sorc (my mod's, all three have a use[/advertisement]), Hammerdin, Arctic Blast + Summing Druid, and Mageazon.
Quote:Main Pally items will be a BEAST Legendary mallet adding FANATACISM to his conviction

As Beast is a 5-rune word (BerTirUmMalLum) and legendary mallets can only have at most 4 sockets, that's going to cause some difficulties.

Or is that just part of the dream :rolleyes:?
Loki,Oct 24 2003, 10:33 AM Wrote:Unfortunately your summoned spirit would go away as soon as you took the ring off.
Are you sure?

I have no 1.10 experience, but I have a 1.09 werewolf who gets his spirit from a pelt. After casting he takes off the pelt, carefully folds and wraps it, and stores it in his stash. The spirit still happily follows him about. Along with several of the fleas.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
LavCat,Oct 25 2003, 05:34 AM Wrote:I have no 1.10 experience, but I have a 1.09 werewolf who gets his spirit from a pelt.&nbsp; After casting he takes off the pelt, carefully folds and wraps it, and stores it in his stash.&nbsp; The spirit still happily follows him about.&nbsp; Along with several of the fleas.
afaik you're both correct. That is, I strongly suspect LavCat's druid is also wearing some generic +skill, which could trigger the "bug" effect I recently reported in Maggot Lair (a long known effect that has new v1.10 implications due to cross class skills). It will be interesting to see if v1.10 final, as opposed to v1.10s, alters the way the code handles these cases or if v1.10 will be subject to various skill granting exploits.
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
But isn't this situation a bit different because for Wisp Protector, the spirits are cast from skill charges instead of from +oskills... and I don't think skill levels of charges are increased by anything at all.
I didn't realize they were charges. I'm not sure if charges work differently...never used a summon charge before. Give it a shot and tell me what you find out.
I've just tested it and any spirit from wisp projector vanishes when the ring is removed, even when the character has global +skills. In fact, the +skills don't benefit the level of spirits from charges. One interesting fact though, is that if the character is a duid with at least one point in the spirit, the spirit is retained when the ring is removed and the level of the spirit is unchanged. So a druid with one point in a spirit and no +skills could get a higher spirit by using a ring and removing it.
Edit: Correction, a druid doesn't even have to have a point in the skill to retain the wisp.
Edit #2: If a spirit is cast from heart of the oak with a non-druid, it vanishes when weapons are switched (so heart of the oak is no longer actively equipped). However, if the character also has wisp projecor equipped, the spirit is retained at the original level.
How about a holy shock paladin with an itd or high AR bow.

Would have to be named:
shOcchi :P

With LEAF staff(preferrably with +3 Inferno +3 Warmth and +3 Fire Mastery), Lore helm(or whatever adds even more skill points) and as many + Fire/Sorc skills items as possible. I want a level 50 Inferno dammit! ;)
In responce to you wanting inferno: This item gives +12-18 to inferno:

Flame Bellow:
One-Hand Damage: (43.2-54.4) To (205.2-258.4) (124.2-156.4 Avg)
Two-Hand Damage: (151.2-190.4) To (321.3-404.6) (236.25-297.5 Avg)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 185
Required Dexterity: 87
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+170-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 233-482 Fire Damage
+3 To Fire Skills
+12-18 To Inferno (varies)
+10-20 To Strength (varies)
+5-10 To Vitality (varies)
12% Chance To Cast Level 16 Firestorm On Striking
Fire Absorb 20-30% (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

So that's +3 to your fire skills and 12-18 to your inferno just off on one item.

Potentially +21 to inferno *just* by having that item. I think you could easily break 50 with that.
20 reg inferno, +21 from sword We'll say 4 Fire Mastery charms, +4 from dual rings, I know a +2 fire head thingy would be easy to come by, same with a +2 amulet. There are armor pieces out there with +1 skills, so that would be another. MageFist gives +1 to fire skills. I can't think of any boots that would help.

So that's 20+21+4+4+2+2+1+1
so I think getting a level 55 inferno wouldn't be impossible! And you could certianly go higher. I wouldn't be surprised if you could hit 60.


Did some calcs and inferno would be pretty awesome at that level. Not to mention you might as well dope up on Meteor then as well.
You could get to 50 with that WITHOUT charms. But good luck having enough mana to cast a lvl 50 inferno for long when you have to pump your strength to 185 and dex to 87.
That +12-18 on Flamebellow is an oskill. A non-sorceress could get +12-18 from that item, but sorcs will (fortunately!) get only +3.

Also, though BKWB had +2 skills in the first beta, it was reverted to just +1 in 1.10s. So there aren't any +2 skills rings anymore.
For maximum slvl inferno:

Base 20
+3 inferno Leaf = +9
Arachnid Mesh = +1
Dual SoJ/BKWB = +2
Magefist = +1
+3 inferno Ormus' Robe = +3
+3 fire circlet = +3
+3 fire amulet = +3
10 +1 fire charms = +10
Annihilus = +1

Total = 53. You could also have a battle command and a skill shrine active for a total of 56. I think that's the highest you can get inferno, and all items were chosen solely for inferno bonuses, even if other items would be better for the build.
Inferno will always be my baby, cos of the flexibility as compared to spamming firewall, or running all day on blaze. If any modmakers could make Inferno have a jet-effect(pushes the caster back at a speed dependant on the length), let me know, I would love to have that mod! :D
On the inferno sword: Can someone make a char with it and CONFIRM that it doesn't add to inferno? It SPECIFICALLY SAYS +12-18 to Inferno, not grants inferno or anything else.

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