AR and Defense of Druid Minion?
Sorry for bad English.
How calculate AR and Defense for Druid Minion?
I know for monster AR=baseAR*klvlDR. Def=baseDR*klvlDR.
baseAR - data from columns *TH* from files monstat.txt
baseDR - data from columns AC* from files monstat.txt
klvlAR - data from columns L-TH from files monlvl.txt corresponding level of monster.
klvlDR - data from columns L-AC from files monlvl.txt corresponding level of monster.
Druid minion has 1 in columns noratio. HP of minion not multiply by data from monlvl.txt. But AR and Defense dependent from monlvl.txt (druid level=level minion).
For example spirit wolf. Skill lvl=20.
druid level -99. Normal.
From monstat.txt he has AC=50, DR=67.
For lvl 97 klvlAR-10.68, klvlDR-5.94.
I calculate defense=67*5.94=398.
Passive defense bonus 240%.
In skills.txt item_armor_percent=7*lvl+passive defense bonus=380%.
It is roughly fit with test result.
But calculated AR not fit with test result.
I calculate AR=50*10.68=534.
In skills.txt passive AR bonus 525%, and 75+20*19 in ToHit and LevToHit
Test result. Against monster of 99 level and 5000 defense Spirit wolf hit less then 25%.
Anybody know real formula?


Messages In This Thread
AR and Defense of Druid Minion? - by Eradan - 01-21-2005, 09:25 AM
AR and Defense of Druid Minion? - by Zingydex - 01-21-2005, 03:07 PM
AR and Defense of Druid Minion? - by Eradan - 01-24-2005, 02:50 PM
AR and Defense of Druid Minion? - by Eradan - 01-28-2005, 08:50 AM

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