v1.10 release summons vanishing
In beta I lost some Iron Golems due to them vanishing when I got too far away. I find this unacceptable.

I suspect this problem still exists (?) in the release version because I'm experiencing the problem with my Shadow Master on Ladder.
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"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits

I am currently running the NM countess for a missing dol. The character is a skelmancer as I did one for the beta: Skels warriors power.
At the beginning, I was raising them + a clay golem while looking for the tower entrance.
Down the stairs, I was avoiding battles as much as I could. The problem was that I was loosing skels at almost every floor, so down to be with 3 or 4 at level 5.
Running speed is +48, the skels are then far away and when they warp it looks like some of them are lost in the "Stargate"

So even if it is not so important to loose a skel than a good ethereal iron golem, it is still a pain to have to build again your forces without any good reason.
This has always been an issue

It mainly happens when your minions are in combat and you move away.

But I assure you this happened in every version of the game - in fact they're now much better than they used to be
Hmm I have a different "dissapearing" minions problem - specifically with Necromancer's revives; although I am not sure if the same can or does apply to other minions.

I have a wand with +revive that I keep on switch for my necromancer, and sometimes I switch to it, and revive one monster, then a bit later another one, up to 3 that my +skill items allow me. But since my primary weapon switch has better equipment, I switch back to it. When I switch back, I loose one revive (because I loose one point that the original +skill gave me), but I still keep around 2 revives without any point into them.

However, looking beyond the weirdness that I am allowed to keep any revives without any point into them, I encounter another problem - about 20-30 seconds or so after I switch back to primary weapon switch with no +revives, they both die simultaneously, way sooner then 180 seconds allowed to them pass.

So it bugs me - if I was allowed to keep two revives in the first place, why do they die after about 20-30 seconds? Argh. It would be interesting to hear if anyone else had similar problem.

your pets you gain via +skillitems still crash away when you levelup :-(
In this special case your pets you've been granted by weaponswitch and +skillitems not on weaponswitch seem however to survive, strange. Are they really there (that is: serverside, so do they deal out damage and block away nasty foes or are they just displayed clientside and do, in fact, nothing)?

As for the IG, this one often disappeared in all patches I paid attention to that phenomen (I can say at least since 1.08 for sure). There is no combat needed. Move away too far in a dungeon and the IG will get stuck and eventually disappear. I once even managed to run back to him and he just vanished right in time as I reached him. No plop, no crash, he just faded away (like items on the ground now do, even in town with players there). And there was certainly no combat, he just stood dumb around.
so long ...

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The pets are there indeed, they tank other monsters and deal some damage. I am not sure what will happen on level up, as I have not leveled up with them around. I will try it out when I am approaching next level =).

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