One quick question about
That's the best telling of my life story that I've ever seen! :P
Perhaps. I was just mostly surprised to have seen the post deleted. I talked to one of the mods and he said that Elly had deleted it. The response that he forwarded to me from her seemed to indicate that she felt it was not's fault but rather their advertising company's fault and so the post was incorrect and so was deleted. However, she also seemed to lay the blame on other sources for me getting the stuff when I'm fairly certain that it WAS's fault. *Shrug*
I wandered over to their site (not forums) and got spammed with dowload crap. It asked if I wanted to dowload. I said no. It said "you have to click YES to dowload your FREE software." I know! That's why I clicked NO! It brought it back up. After 4 cycles, I had to quit out of explorer.

That site makes me angry.
SwissMercenary,Dec 8 2003, 12:57 AM Wrote:
Archon_Wing,Dec 8 2003, 12:24 AM Wrote:Hah, such is typical of them.

They also had this script, program, or whatever, that would block you if you were using a pop-up stopper for a while. It didn't seem to work in mozilla/firebird, but so I hear. :D They do delete posts that discuss pop-up blockers which is funny, because you'd think pop-up stoppers aren't some secret.

For IE users, there is always the Google toolbar. I won't give you the link, because I think it's fairly obvious. ;)
Bolty, I urge you to delete this post. He is blatantly advertising a competitive product!
It's true. Hours I could spend playing Diablo 2, I instead spend using the Google Toolbar.

Or was that reading the Lurker Lounge forums?
The other day, while I was browsing the forums (I can't remember why. It seemed important at the time), I got a full-screen popup that said "You have spyware on your system. Please click on this link to download it." I did what I usually do with such nonsense, and tried to right-click-close, but that failed. After I closed it without clicking on any links, I found some new spyware that hadn't previously come up - and I scan fairly regularly.

I also keep track of what windows I have open when I find evidence of spyware. It doesn't always imply a cause-effect, but a pattern certainly can.

If it does turn out that they're planting spyware, I think I'll stick to here and the Basin.
adamantine,Dec 8 2003, 02:08 AM Wrote:TheDragoon: I mention other sites there a lot, and my posts never dissapear (although they could just be slow in removing mine; I don't really check a week later if they're there).
Bah, they might just be (it seems) very lax in enforcing their "rules" at times it seems. They got awefully upset when I made a post wondering why some links to among other, Tommi's site explaining damage reduction and a thread here on the LL was blanked out (****'s ). Heck that info was not even present on their site so they can't even site competition or competing sites. After a few posts and so on (including me correcting an erroneous reply by Gail, where I simply clarified that the "text" telling you what kindof member you are is actually a picture with text on it, I was actually told to stop posting on their site all together, they didn't want me there. The interesting part was that almost immediately after, there were links again posted to the same sites they got upset about before. Oh well. I have even seen once a post from one of their site owners telling someone was rude by posting a link to another site after a link to the site itself had been posted previously in the thread. Anyway, I uess it is a matter of person and how they feel for the day if they delete posts with links. Seems to be when it suits their purpose so to speak.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf: ...I was actually told to stop posting on their site all together, they didn't want me there...

Wow. Isn't that kind of like telling God that you don't want Him in your church?

rofl :lol:
If they don't want you there, they can't be any good. Maybe a little hyperbole, but I still refer to your D1 guide after all this time. :)
That is exactly what happened to me. I ended up downloading Mozilla and it seems to block all of that crap, though. So if you still have ongoing business there (like I've been throwing PM's back and forth with Garbad), you can use Mozilla to check it without getting additional spyware.
Thank you for that information. Knowing that it's not just me (or not just you) is a good hint.

I really should install Mozilla. I keep putting it off.
I am amazed at that request. "Jarulf, we don't like your kind."

That just makes no sense to me, at all.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Since when have they ever made sense? I haven't even been to that site since Garwulf stopped doing his editorial things. The way Adam is telling it, I don't think I want to, either.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
I've encountered that full page ad on before. You can't close it with a right click since it covers your Windows task bar too. In situations like this, remember to use Alt-F4 or Ctrl-Alt-Del instead. You should never click on anything in an ad window, because even the close/cancel/no button could just be "yes I want to download your spyware" in disguise.
I find Norton Firewall stops all popups over there.

I was also surprised at the reaction over there when the 'Lounge went down last month. Nary a peep. The Amazon Basin was very supportive.

Hmmm ... (see signature)
Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Nastie_Bowie,Dec 10 2003, 08:18 PM Wrote:I was also surprised at the reaction over there when the 'Lounge went down last month. Nary a peep. The Amazon Basin was very supportive.
Well, to be fair, from what I have seen the relationship between the Basin and the Lounge is a rare one. You don't often see two fansites lavish praise on each other this much, or have such a strong cross-postership. But in my opinion, it's only strengthened both sites as a result...


Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Well, not everyone knows about this place. :ph34r:
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Agreed, and kudos to the 'Basin!

I see a few people that frequent here, diinet and the basin. Fenris_Wulf replied to my thread, at diinet when the 'Lounge went down. I see F_W at all three sites.

I was puzzled at the scarcity of replies to my thread, asking what was up. A lot of reads, few replies.

I have a lot of fun at diinet and respect the people that run both big D2 sites. 'Basin/diinet, a site that large has got to be a headache to run.

Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
I did, in fact, use ctrl-alt-del. I refuse to click on anything in popups. They're evil and will summon devils to kill puppies.

In this case, something I did caused the windows task bar to pop back up. I was therefore able to rightclick on the little box for the window, but nothing came up.
If you ever have trouble getting rid of spyware, I have only one suggestion for anyone not familiar with using regedit: go to and get Spy Bot. Spy Bot is both a spyware/adware blocker and a spyware/adware search and removal agent. It is a small download, and once you install you can update the definitions (much like getting updated antivirus definitions) in just a few minutes, so it stays up date nicely.

The developer is European, which is excellent since it makes it much harder for the dastardly US adware merchants with their lawyer hordes to stiffle development and disemination of the tool.

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