who wants hellfire?
Sabra,Apr 10 2004, 01:35 PM Wrote:If I really like a lot of what I hear, I buy the cd. Simple.

I have more control and the recording industry is actually getting more of my money than it was in the last 20 years. Now I can be more selective in my spending. That rocks! That's an empowerment.
That is exactly how I feel regarding this matter. Having this capability allows me not only to sample things I have already determined I should like but to try things I would never have tried without being able to do it this way. It is almost to the point of being overwhelming. There so many things out there, not only in music but in video and software too, that one will never run out of new experiences. There simply isn't enough time in the day. That is a fantastic problem to have.

I think the entertainment industry is actually realizing this turn of events as well. I think they will eventually be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. They are feeling the pressure both internally and externally. Not only are the consumers demanding these possibilities, but the artists are pushing from inside. Many now realize the opportunity they have for exposure and distribution and embrace it.

Speaking of new possibilities, I just finished downloading another movie rental. I have really been enjoying this too. I wouldn't do away with watching videos on the tube with friends and family gathered around. But, for solo viewing, watching on my comp is very enjoyable. Nothing will ever replace watching in a darkened theater with an excellent sound system but wearing headphones and watching on the screen of my laptop as I sit reclined is very immersing.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:I think the entertainment industry is actually realizing this turn of events as well. I think they will eventually be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. They are feeling the pressure both internally and externally. Not only are the consumers demanding these possibilities, but the artists are pushing from inside. Many now realize the opportunity they have for exposure and distribution and embrace it.

That's really the most exciting part, as far as I'm concerned. The rest is just ... convenience maybe.

For instance, I'll start at my son's web site www.caslucas.com and from there I can link to the sites of other musicians, including Paul Currari, so I'm off to his site, download and listen to a few things there and then follow a link over to someone he likes and admires, listen there, etc. It's just a great way to see what new artists (that you would NEVER have heard of) are up to. I hear better and more diverse music surfing musician's web sites than I'd ever hear on the radio.

Again - triumph of the amateurs.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
I could do wit hellfire :D
[Image: 1850366440298943641ad.gif]
Sabra,Apr 11 2004, 07:14 PM Wrote:That's really the most exciting part, as far as I'm concerned. The rest is just ... convenience maybe.

For instance, I'll start at my son's web site www.caslucas.com and from there I can link to the sites of other musicians, including Paul Currari, so I'm off to his site, download and listen to a few things there and then follow a link over to someone he likes and admires, listen there, etc. It's just a great way to see what new artists (that you would NEVER have heard of) are up to. I hear better and more diverse music surfing musician's web sites than I'd ever hear on the radio.

Again - triumph of the amateurs.
I think one of the reasons why this is such is that the web has come a long way in a short time in terms of quality of content. In the early-mid 90's most people doing websites were simple amateurs with little knowledge of standards, both in terms of HTMl coding and visual presentation of information (this, of course, includes myself, some of my early webpages were an insult to the eyes). The fact that the W3C standards were consistently ignored also by browser makers (this includes both Netscape and IE) didn't help either.

One of the few good things of the dotcom bubble was that vast resources were invested into the research and implementation of good hypertext as a frontend to business. Most of these business failing didn't mean that the websites were bad though.

Nowadays most websites adhere to some underlying basic features over which content and presentation may vary. Having a consistent set of basic features allows people who are not "HTML gurus" to use the web effectively as a medium of expression of their work/hobbies. If you want to make a website about your music, paintings, photography and so on, any search engine will lead you to a nice tutorial explaining how to make an effective website for such a thing.

Of course, this is just MHO ^_^
the dude asked who wants hell fire...If you want it say yeah if you dont...dont reply to him? :huh:
[Image: 1850366440298943641ad.gif]
Did you bother to read any of the posts about this subject before asking this question?


This post by Pete said it best:

Pete,Mar 17 2004, 06:13 PM Wrote:Hi,

We are quite aware that Hellfire is no longer being published and quite difficult to find.  A number of Lurkers have searched for it for considerable periods and bought copies from e-Bay and other online sites.  But, until such time as either the copyright expiries or Sierra puts Hellfire in the public domain, what you are suggesting *is* illegal.

This is a site devoted to honest play.  I suspect that people who are honest in playing a game will be even more so in real life.  So, no, your offer is not welcome here.  However, you are, if you are willing to accept the norms here both as to play and as to piracy.


PS  Sorry if I've stepped on any Mod's toes.
The guy just asked DOES ANYONE WANT HELL FIRE, he didnt ask for a lecture on whats illegal and whats legal, if your affraid of gettin caught by the police for getting an illegal copy of a 4 year old game dont ask for it... :huh:
[Image: 1850366440298943641ad.gif]

Clearly something you are incapable of understanding.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I understood your point from the beginning - its you that are missing ours. And I daresay that most of us here are not afraid of being "caught by the police" but are instead holding to the higher standard of "Just because I may not get caught doesn't make it any less wrong to accept warez".
Cant you keep your "standards" to your self? He just wanted to know who wanted hellfire... if you dont want the game dont reply?
[Image: 1850366440298943641ad.gif]
Quote:Cant you keep your "standards" to your self? He just wanted to know who wanted hellfire... if you dont want the game dont reply?

If you don't see why this is wrong, I suggest you read the thread before posting in it again.

-Forum Moderator
Brett,Apr 14 2004, 08:54 PM Wrote:Cant you keep your "standards" to your self?

No I can't and I don't see why I should have to keep them to myself. Especially when I know that they are shared by the other members of the Lounge. If you don't believe me here is the sentiment of the Administrator of the Diablo section of the site:

LemmingofGlory,Mar 19 2004, 12:16 PM Wrote:The Lounge is not an abandonware or "warez" website. As such, we'll happily tell you how to get hold of a game legally, and we sympathize if you have difficulty locating it. However, we will not distribute the software illegally. If we made exceptions and distributed software (for free) to those who had difficulty obtaining it, it'd be inconsistent to not offer it freely to those who can obtain it commercially. The Lounge is not going to do this.


If you had read this you would have not felt the need to tell us to keep quiet on this score.

Brett,Apr 14 2004, 08:54 PM Wrote:He just wanted to know who wanted hellfire... if you dont want the game dont reply?

Evidently you haven't gotten my point yet. I understand that he was asking who wanted hellfire. I also comprehend that you feel we shouldn't reply. I get it - really I do. I'll gladly take a polygraph, swear on a bible, or spit on a penny if that is what it takes to make you realize that I "get it". I "grok it" - if you don't understand any of the other words I've thrown out.

But you don't understand me. I belong to the LL because its a like minded community. Its been an anti-cheat, anti-warez haven for years. When somebody comes in trying to upset this group norm then it is up to the group to explain and defend those norms. I speak up against the warez offers, not because I'm afraid of the law. Or that Sierra is going to break down my front door to take a pound of my flesh for having a warez copy of Hellfire. I speak up because as a member of this group, I have a right to speak up. You have a right to continue to tell me and others to not reply when the warez carrot is dangled. We have every right to ignore you and continue to uphold the group norms. Do you see where I am coming from yet? Do you grok what I am saying yet?
LemmingofGlory,Apr 14 2004, 11:31 PM Wrote:If you don't see why this is wrong, I suggest you read the thread before posting in it again.

-Forum Moderator

Please, ban?

Y'know, I spent the last 20 minutes composing a scathing reply, but when I went to post it I realised how perfect your reply was. I can't do any better than that, so I am posting this instead.
I've recycled legit Hellfire games for my friends and have always got what I asked for with it. Anyways, if you want a legit copy, you can get it here (it's a search for Hellfire on eBay).

Well, I have a copy on eBay again because the last buyer punk'd out and got a negative from me. Yes, its legit. This is not a shameless ploy to get publicity for my item as I expect it to sell for the price I'm asking NO MATTER WHAT, as this will be the third Hellfire i've sold.

There weren't any listings for Hellfire on Half.com, however you should check again later because thats where I got mine before for a mere $12.00 with shipping.

Here are the search results for Amazon.com, all in the thirty dollar range (what a rip off):


So there you go! It's your chance to get a LEGIT copy of the game, and you can't say you can't find it anymore because I just gave you three valid listings!
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
i keep lending mine out, and having to get a replace it.
I did so yesterday, costing only $7.20 this time.
The wind has no destination.
I purchased the BChest in order to have legitimate copies of D1 and D2/LOD, however Hellfire is not readily available here (Canada) either. But since I believe Hellfire should have been included with my Battlechest, does that not make my illegitimate copy of Hellfire legitimate? :P

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