Diablo II vs World of Warcraft
Not sure what a scammer per server density graph would look like, as a non MMORGP experienced person, I have no intuitive feel.

In D & D, one arsehole ruins a party.

Based on what you have shared in this thread, and some of the other comments, I'd venture to guess that over time scamming can be a self correcting problem. However, in re the problem in the first place, particularly loopholes that get abused:

"Over all all I wouldnt worry about it, although Im sure Blizz can make a few changes to help stop scammers. "

Maybe they can make changes, but will they? Mana Shield Bug in Diablo 1 leaps to mind. Trigger hack and hostility loop holes in Diablo II come to mind as well.

I sincerelly hope that Blizz is sincere about the bug and exploit removal in WoW. Since it is predominantly a Blizz South effort, and since they have made numerous improvements to both SC and WC, I will hold out hope that your "Can" has a good chance to translate to a "Will."

See y'all in the fall.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
That pretty much sums up how I feel. One good thing about MMORPs is they ussually have a live development team so most problems are addressed eventually.

Best wishes Occhi :)

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