Story question
Personally I think he's trying to see what it will take to get himself banned. What with all the "friends" who show up either outright trolling or claiming he is trolling. It would be nice if this were his intent if he would just leave rather than manufacturing drama.
Here's a suggestion: Ignore it. If he really isn't that smart now, he'll learn over time, if it's to pretend to be dumb, he's doing it for attention, and since ignoring is easy on a forum, you can take that attention away easy.

Also, don't go turning threads into unrealshadow13 talk.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
A google says that they were books before a movie. I'm sorry ok I'm not a WWI fiction buff.

Quote:Personally I think he's trying to see what it will take to get himself banned. What with all the "friends" who show up either outright trolling or claiming he is trolling. It would be nice if this were his intent if he would just leave rather than manufacturing drama.

'all the?' There has been that TurkeyBean guy and thats about it (he isn't my friend no idea what his problem is :huh: ) and thats it. I don't see why you are calling me a troll just because I don't know some little detail about a movie.
unrealshadow13,Aug 18 2004, 05:22 PM Wrote:'all the?' There has been that TurkeyBean guy and thats about it (he isn't my friend no idea what his problem is :huh: ) .
So you've forgotten about this lad have you?

unrealshadow13,Aug 18 2004, 05:22 PM Wrote:and thats it. I don't see why you are calling me a troll just because I don't know some little detail about a movie.
At any rate I call you Troll because that is what your recent behavior has been like. It has nothing to do with your lack of knowledge of a series of books that were made into a movie trilogy.
For crying into a bucket, can we just get back on subject again?

This is my view on "THE DUDE IN THE CINEMATICS":

When Blizzard started on D2, they knew they were going to have a couple of characters (5 at first obviously), so they couldn't make hundreds of megs of cinematics for each. Enter Marius, the poor sucker who gets into this mess.

The way he was woven into the story was brilliant. He goes through a story parallel to yours, some parts involving you, some not. Like, I think after you kill Diablo, he speaks of some hero eventually smashed the soulstone, meaning you the Paladin/Amazon/Necromancer whatever. And, as Smoketest said, Cain speaks of Marius in the game.

Another cool thing about the story is the different greetings from the NPCs. The necro takes quite a tune from Nihlathak :) While finishing the game with all the chars I liked hearing all the different responses to different classes. Lame, but amusing.

The D2 story is so awesome, but a lot of people I know don't even know the whole story or pay attention to the cinematics. Well, the game is good enough, but the whole package is obviously what you want. The amount of effort Blizzard put into the two games and their stories is immense. Check if you can find a Diablo 1 manual, and check out the stories in there; Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto all the Prime Evils get a mention, despite not even being in the game yet.
"we have been sent to earth during this dark hour/
to help free the humans from the evil forces that are presently controlling them/
differentiate the holy men from the phony men/
only then will you see the patterns in the pandemonium"

- The Constructus Corporation
Nobody stated anything about Tyreal's wings growing massively between cinematics.....seriously, in Destruction's End they're like 200 feet wide!

Anyway, mentioning the "different responses" part, I noticed some very strange phrases in act3 while browsing appears that Blizzard realizes nobody clicks "gossip" after about Act2.

qoutes like:
Asheara Wrote:Things are getting wilder then Lady's Night at the Slippery Fist

Alkor Wrote:Kill everyone you can, I have a love for death and destruction.
(note: these are primarily from memory, but those were the general sayings. Asheara's quote is identical, I know that)

Off The Topic: As everyone keeps wondering about my identity, and it's starting to get on my nerves, I will state some things. My name is Jesse Truscott, I was a modder on the Phrozen keep for years (as NewbieModder/Spigot), I attend the same classes in school as UnrealShadow13 (who I know as Arun), and the main reason I'm trying to get him banned here is because he keeps gloating about these things on AIM and everywhere he goes.. "lurkerlounge this, I'm gona get banned again, i'm gonna get unbanned, BLAH BLAH BLAH" - it's annoying everyone. My ulteror motive is that I want to get him off here so he stops linking to it and annoying us (yes, he is like this in real life). Good enough for you all?
UnrealShadow13 Wrote:The Lurker Longe is a very snobbish forum; not just any old lamer can be a member.
Does anyone see the irony in that?
Quoting an immature troll is lame.

Here are a few handy quotes that you can use instead, to show how "leet a lurker" you can be!

"If the Rogue didn't say it, it's not worth quoting."

"Where do I put this"

"I can't carry anymore."

*sound of heavy footsteps entering the room*
*Gruff voice: "Get her away from that keyboard, she's been eating coffee beans again!"*
*Raised contralto voice: "Eeeep!!" *
*"Oomff!!" as someone gets a hard elbow in the breadbasket.*
*sound of leather clad feet scampering across the floor*
*door slams as maniacal laughter fades down what must be a passageway, accompanying the fading pitter-patter of leather clad feet . . .*
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
TurkeyBeans,Aug 20 2004, 12:35 AM Wrote:Off The Topic: As everyone keeps wondering about my identity, and it's starting to get on my nerves,  I will state some things. My name is Jesse Truscott, I was a modder on the Phrozen keep for years (as NewbieModder/Spigot), I attend the same classes in school as UnrealShadow13 (who I know as Arun), and the main reason I'm trying to get him banned here is because he keeps gloating about these things on AIM and everywhere he goes.. "lurkerlounge this, I'm gona get banned again, i'm gonna get unbanned, BLAH BLAH BLAH" - it's annoying everyone. My ulteror motive is that I want to get him off here so he stops linking to it and annoying us (yes, he is like this in real life). Good enough for you all?
Truthfully I'm not interested in you and Unreal's personal dealings. I don't think any of the lurkers are interested in the drama you two keep cooking up. But if you have a problem with Unreal's behavior on the forums take it up with the Admins privately. You'll find their email addresses and can private message them through the Forum Leaders Link at the bottom of the forums.
Aside from my one post in the start, i'd like to stay out of the fight with him as well. However, everyone keeps making snide, sarcastic remarks about his "friends", always in quotes. Hence, I needed to state something. Now, why are my on-topic points being ignored ? :angry:
UnrealShadow13 Wrote:The Lurker Longe is a very snobbish forum; not just any old lamer can be a member.
Does anyone see the irony in that?
TurkeyBeans,Aug 20 2004, 12:41 PM Wrote:Aside from my one post in the start, i'd like to stay out of the fight with him as well. However, everyone keeps making snide, sarcastic remarks about his "friends", always in quotes.
That would be me and you can take it up with me privately.

[/end public discussion]
TurkeyBeans,Aug 20 2004, 05:41 PM Wrote:Now, why are my on-topic points being ignored ? :angry:
Well if you registered here to get your class-mate banned and incidentally make a few on-topic remarks while you're here perhaps you shouldn't be too surprised.

These things settle down if you continue to post in a non-trollish way. At one point in my three years or so of posting here I was getting the "dont let the door hit your ass on the way out" comments too

Post something that's interesting without being trollish. You must know a lot from modding, there must be interesting stuff to share

A belated welcome to the Lounge ;)
TurkeyBeans,Aug 20 2004, 12:41 PM Wrote:Now, why are my on-topic points being ignored ? :angry:
Sometimes that just happens. Not everyone reads your post while its at the top of the list, and sometimes the people that do have nothing to add or debate with what you said. Don't take it too hard though, its frequently read, but its the lurker part of the lounge that's in us.



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