Beta Ends
But if you're surprised that they're wiping characters, you have a low IQ :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
There's also a last minute patch to try out for one day. Small changes, of course:

- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.1.1 (2004-11-17)

 Item durability costs have been greatly decreased for Superior (blue)
 and Epic (purple) items.  

Improved Unstuck
 We've added an auto-unstuck feature that you can use prior to
 petitioning a GM.  You can use this feature in situations where you
 are caught in a part of the terrain and cannot get out.  You can find
 the unstuck option by clicking on the "Help Request" button found
 on the bottom right hand side of the user interface.

Spirit Healer
 Using the Spirit Healer now results in a 25% loss in durability for a
 player's equipped gear and items in inventory, instead of the
 previous 100% loss.  The length of resurrection sickness suffered
 from using the Spirit Healer has also been decreased to a maximum of
 10 minutes.

 Reagent requirements have been removed from the following spells:
 Druid: Mark of the Wild
 Mage: Arcane Intellect
 Priest: Power Word: Fortitude

- The Daze effect has been reworked to have a smaller chance of
 occurring against players level one to 29.  The chance of a
 successful Daze effect against players 30 and above remains the same.

- The Improved Renew talent has been reduced in effectiveness per rank.
- The effect chance of Seal of Command has been reduced slightly.
- Redoubt now lasts either 10 seconds or five blocks, whichever comes
- The effect of Improved Moonfire has been reduced per rank.

- Bear Form has been improved to hold aggro more effectively.
- Growl: removed rage cost and global cooldown.
- Cower: increased the effect, added a cooldown.

- Judgment: Moved to level 4.
- Divine Protection: Moved to level 6.
- Purify: Moved to level 8.
- Seal of the Crusader: Now introduced at level 6.

- Feint: increased the effect, added a cooldown.

- New Spell: Reincarnation (Level 30). Reincarnation is a passive
 ability that will give you to option of letting you resurrect
 yourself once every half hour upon death.

- Inferno: Now dismisses your pet before casting to allow the Infernal
 to start Enslaved.  Useable outdoors only.

- Defensive Stance has been improved to hold aggro more effectively.
- Taunt: removed rage cost and global cooldown.

Bug Fixes
- Night Elf characters in Wisp form will now have correct collision
- Damage modifiers will now be calculated before armor points are
 considered, instead of after.
MongoJerry,Nov 17 2004, 09:01 PM Wrote:There's also a last minute patch to try out for one day.  Small changes, of course:[right][snapback]60386[/snapback][/right]

How is auto-unstuck different from /stuck?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
/stuck was removed in the 'stress test 2' patch.
BEEFMOTRTON,Nov 17 2004, 09:09 PM Wrote:/stuck was removed in the 'stress test 2' patch.
Right, so is it basically back now and touted as a brand new feature, or what?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Nov 17 2004, 07:17 PM Wrote:Right, so is it basically back now and touted as a brand new feature, or what?


Probably doesn't degrade you armor when used... :P
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Lissa,Nov 17 2004, 09:29 PM Wrote:Probably doesn't degrade you armor when used...  :P
That's a nice exploit. Get to the end of an instance, and your hearthstone is set half the world away? Just /stuck and run back to instance start to recover!

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Nov 17 2004, 08:04 PM Wrote:How is auto-unstuck different from /stuck?

Supposedly it doesn't page a GM to do it now. /shrug
Intolerant monkey.
Bolty,Nov 17 2004, 10:47 PM Wrote:That's a nice exploit.  Get to the end of an instance, and your hearthstone is set half the world away?  Just /stuck and run back to instance start to recover!


I would not recommend doing this. I cannot get onto the general WoW forums where a mor e detailed explaination of this was posted a couple of days ago. But the general gist of was that the auto-unstuck would create an auto report to note the character and position in the game so that they could investigate what needed to be fixed for a future patch. Doing this when not obviously being stuck and multiple uses by an individual or from a particular area or circumstance will likely be using an exploit. Consider the penalties for abusing an exploit from the terms of service.
Actually from what I understand, the new stuck command first attempts to use your hearthstone if it has cooled down, and if it is not able to, it will nudge your character in a random direction slightly.

I believe they removed the old functionality as it was being used to bypass content. For example, in blackrock depths, there's one spot where you'd have everyone but your priest drop down from a ledge, and pull a boss and defeat it. After you kill the boss, everyone that dropped down would use /stuck to kill themselves, and then be ressurected back up on the ledge, bypassing several pulls worth of fighting.
Bolty,Nov 17 2004, 09:56 PM Wrote:But if you're surprised that they're wiping characters, you have a low IQ  :)


I have high IQ.

Few regrets from me on starting fresh. I never asked for this stupid nose ring in the first place. Still wish I had made level 60 though. But it is not yet over!

O lente, lente, curite noctis equi!

Edit: never claimed I could spell.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
I'll miss you, Ozymandias! /cry
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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