Lurker Lounge Servers
Gnollguy,Nov 24 2004, 07:29 PM Wrote:Is there anyway that we can get some sort of formatting for it?  Like you can have a box for the server name (and the type of server).  Then under that you can have a spot for char, race, and class (possibly level as well).  And then it would format something like this (server names, locations and types are not correct, these aren't actually my chars either):

Server: Terenas (Mountain PvP)
MarnTruehorn - Tauren Hunter L1
Gralk - Orc Warlock L5

Server: Stormrage (East PvE)
Amina - Human Warlock L58
Baldor - Dwarf Paladin L34
Matral - Troll Priest L60

Some that will be more legible than what we get now where it doesn't care about carriage returns or line breaks, or any formatting really.

Limit it to Say 4 servers and just 3 chars per server or something so you don't go overboard, but you could easily get all the mains and alts listed.  I'm a little bit of an information format freak sometimes and what it currently does bugs me.  :)

I like this idea. =)
Bolty,Nov 23 2004, 10:20 PM Wrote:If you add TOO much extra profile info, then each post will get to be a mile long vertically.
What limit is set for the WoW info box data? When I try to add another character for a new server (made because I can't even get the character list on the one from yesterday), I get the following:
Quote:The error returned was:

You entered too much data for the field '<#EXTRA#>', please go back and check the input
I tried counting a couple times but kept getting a different number and none of them were any kind of "standard" number.

[edit]At left is my best attempt at formatting using the basic input box we currently have.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
LochnarITB,Nov 24 2004, 07:41 PM Wrote:[edit]At left is my best attempt at formatting using the basic input box we currently have.

But how did you even get that? Creative use of spaces and lots of reloads to test it?
Well I do too, but that doesn't mean it's possible. I had to muck about with one tab on the control panel and one on one of my posts to get me closer to what I want. :) Really I would just be happy with getting it to put a return where I wanted. It didn't take HTML or BB Code in any of my testing. Ah well.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Ruvanal,Nov 24 2004, 07:29 PM Wrote:Creative use of spaces and lots of reloads to test it?
A few reloads, yes. However, spaces don't do the trick. It seems to eat extra white space. I actually had to manipulate the actual characters in each line. Note that I used night elf as one character type but gnm for another. Abbreviations like gnm were used to get me under the character limit but, if the line got too short, it wrapped the beginning of the next line up. Thus night elf to extend the line enough to push the beginning of the next line down where it belongs.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Gnollguy,Nov 24 2004, 06:29 PM Wrote:Is there anyway that we can get some sort of formatting for it?
Unfortunately, no. It's set to be a 200-character text area, and if it ignores line breaks you put in, that stinks. While I can make the amount of text greater or smaller, I can't allow for any kind of formatting; thus, perhaps I should just keep it as a profile field but not have it show in the forum threads - it just takes up too much space with much more than 200 characters and it's too hard to format well.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Nov 24 2004, 08:49 PM Wrote:Unfortunately, no.&nbsp; It's set to be a 200-character text area, and if it ignores line breaks you put in, that stinks.&nbsp; While I can make the amount of text greater or smaller, I can't allow for any kind of formatting; thus, perhaps I should just keep it as a profile field but not have it show in the forum threads - it just takes up too much space with much more than 200 characters and it's too hard to format well.

Hmmm, I was looking for it to be 200 but I could never come up with that number, always a little less (I did count white space). I do think it is a good thing and would be good to leave. It is possible to play with it a bit to get the formatting to work. Keeping it, with the 200 character limit, would allow people to list a few of their most used characters. There is no reason we need to have our whole WoW résumé.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Bolty,Nov 24 2004, 03:13 PM Wrote:Sorry there, Ajax.&nbsp; I shall bestow upon thee the title of "Suggestion Giver" and I apologize profusely.&nbsp; :)


No worries Bolty--I was just trying to find a way to justify my hatred of the Tauren :D Thanks though.

Since Archimonde is down, I've spent my time doing my Horde chars on Tichondrius. Actually, just an Undead Priest named Ravanna (Herbalism/Alchemy). So if you see me say Hi! She's doing very well, but I just can't escape the irony of the fact that my first and likely highest-level character is not only of the faction I dislike, but of the race that I loath. Oh well, it's just a game.

Happy Gaming!
Out here,
Ajax,Nov 27 2004, 09:07 AM Wrote:Since Archimonde is down, I've spent my time doing my Horde chars on Tichondrius.&nbsp; Actually, just an Undead Priest named Ravanna (Herbalism/Alchemy).&nbsp; So if you see me say Hi!&nbsp; She's doing very well, but I just can't escape the irony of the fact that my first and likely highest-level character is not only of the faction I dislike, but of the race that I loath.&nbsp; Oh well, it's just a game.&nbsp;

Happy Gaming!

Hopefully I'll be online sometime this afternoon (already set up my account, I just have to sit through the two-hour installation again), so I'll look up Ravanna with my Undead Mage if I can! B)

I'm not sure what profession(s) to grab though - Herbalism/Alchemy seems like it would be relatively low-maintenance and useful, but Mages can summon food/water anyway... Tailoring/Enchanting sounds neat, but from all accounts is very expensive... Or maybe I should make a mad bomb-building Engineer, hrmm... :o
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Well, I got bored with my Warrior, so he's been remade as a Shaman, who is currently LV8, and loaded with lots of ph4t l3wt, and a lot of silver. My friend and I also decided to start a guild of our own, The Bovine Legion. The only requirement for joining: you must be Tauren (hence, Bovine.) Currently, we have five signatures towards the charter, and I've been working on getting those last four, but I haven't had much luck.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
MongoJerry,Nov 23 2004, 01:15 AM Wrote:Servers that Lurkers are playing on

I'll keep an updated list here of the servers that Lurkers are playing on.&nbsp; If you have new information, place it in a post in this thread and I'll update this first post.

PvP West (Horde): Tichondrius (Amazon Basin server)
PvP East (Horde & Alliance): Magtheridon server
PvP Central (Alliance): Archimonde
PvE East (Alliance): Stormrage (Amazon Basin server)
&nbsp; &nbsp; Guild name: Lurkers
&nbsp; &nbsp; Guildmaster: Tal
RP Pacific (Alliance): Cenarius
Lurkers chat channel

To keep track of one another, join the channel "Lurkers" in whatever server you're on.&nbsp; To do so, type:

/join Lurkers

The game will tell you what channel number the Lurkers channel is.&nbsp; For example, it might tell you that it's in channel number 5.&nbsp; In that case, to post in the Lurkers channel, type:

/5 Hi!&nbsp; Anyone home?

To see a list of people in the Lurkers channel, type (if the Lurker channel is channel #5 for you):

/chatlist 5

Mongo> Cenarius is not an RP sever. Cenarion Circle is. Might want to fix that.

Also, if anyone is interested in PvE Horde and hasn't started elsewhere Terenas in the Mountian Timezone has been up pretty much constantly and pretty much never over medium pop. Treesh and I have a couple of L16's on there already as well and a guild presence wouldn't hurt. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I have an Undead Warrior on Tichondrius, and a Night Elf Druid on Magtheridon (Jhaele and Ehlianna, respectively).

I love them both. :(
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
So, I just got WoW (Christmas? Who would ever think of getting a game on Christmas!? *overdramatic forehead slap*)

And I now have two horde characters on Tichondrius (Vizzix the undead mage, and Mania the troll warrior), where Mongojerry has the Lounge guild. So I follow the steps to join the chat, do the command to list off everyone in the chat, and it says only my character is in there.

So what's up with that? Do I just not know what I'm doing with the game (entirely likely), or am I invoking Murphy's Law, in that I am only ever online when every other member on the planet is somewhere else? Or maybe I'm just being insane in expecting there to be some other horrible, anti-social person to be on there on Christmas day?
Bob the Beholder,Dec 26 2004, 03:04 AM Wrote:So what's up with that?&nbsp; Do I just not know what I'm doing with the game (entirely likely), or am I invoking Murphy's Law, in that I am only ever online when every other member on the planet is somewhere else?&nbsp; Or maybe I'm just being insane in expecting there to be some other horrible, anti-social person to be on there on Christmas day?

Strange. I was playing there most of the day today. Are you sure you joined the channel "Lurkers"? Next time you're on, whisper me (Neriad), and I'll get you setup. Just go:

/w Neriad Heya! Add me to the guild!
Howdy all,

I recently got the game but forgot to post that I play on the Shadowsong server. My main playing char is Bardockus who is a human paladin. I'm on alot on the weekends, so if you need a hand or want somebody to quest with, let me know.

'Me not that kind of Orc' - lazy peon
:angry:I have to wait a few days for it to come in it was delayed.... but I ordered it from blizzard, 3 weeks ago so I shall be there.. so it’s just a matter of waiting for it. :angry:

MongoJerry should make story of WoW, like he did with D2....
[Image: chandelier.gif]
[Image: greyson.jpg]
[Image: demtorch.gif]
Wiccan,Dec 26 2004, 05:56 PM Wrote::angry:I have to wait a few days for it to come in it was delayed.... but&nbsp; I ordered it from blizzard, 3 weeks ago so I shall be there.. so it’s just a matter of waiting for it.&nbsp; :angry:
MongoJerry should make story of WoW, like he did with D2....

You can check out my beta reports! I've been taking tons of screenshots along the way, but I've been having too much fun playing the game to write about it. Plus, I just started working at a holiday period job, so I've been extra busy. I'll get to it. Check out my beta journals below, though.
So far I have 4 characters, each on a different server.

server: Whisperwind
character name: swirlian
type: Night Elf Priest

server: Mal'Ganis
character name: swirly
type: Tauren Shaman

server: Medivh
character name: swirly
type: Orc Hunter

server: Zul'jin
character name: swirly
type: Human Paladin

3 of the characters I made because I have 1 or more friends on that particular server and so I mainly just play those characters when I can play with my friends or when needed to keep pace with them if they played some without me. The exception to this is my orc hunter on Medivh who I play when all my other characters are caught up to my friends, but no friend is on. Feel free to message me on any of them though, more people playing together is always a plus. : )
Info for the EU Final Beta:

I am playing on:

DE Beta 2 (Undead Mage: Yogu)


EN Beta 5 (Troll Rogue: Yugo)

just an FYI :)


"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
MongoJerry,Nov 23 2004, 01:15 AM Wrote:Servers that Lurkers are playing on

I'll keep an updated list here of the servers that Lurkers are playing on.&nbsp; If you have new information, place it in a post in this thread and I'll update this first post.

Requesting that this post is updated to show the guild on Terenas. We're named Lurkers and Terenas is a Mountain PvE server. Thanks.

Edit: Forgot to mention that this is a horde guild and Gnollguy is the guild leader.
Intolerant monkey.

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