Lurker Lounge Servers
Look for Kesh---- in Moonwell Dancers on Uldum (Alliance) or Lurkers on Terenas (Horde)

Server: Kilrogg
Guild Name: Lurker
Guildmaster: Unholysirlin
Officer: Jandra
DoomBunny,Feb 11 2005, 05:44 PM Wrote:Server: Kilrogg
Guild Name: Lurker
Guildmaster: Unholysirlin
Officer: Jandra

What faction is the guild?
MongoJerry,Feb 12 2005, 09:00 PM Wrote:What faction is the guild?

Sorry, Horde.

We don't have many Lurkers on our server. As a priest (undead, lvl 40) who's been in a lot of bad groups lately, I was hoping that might change :)
Hello, this is my first post here. A lot of my friends are lurkers, so I thought I'd join. My characters and their respective realms are:
Stormrage: Fellwynd-NE warrior(43), Iaurhenn NE druid(30), Misa human priest(6), Mattimeo dwarf pally(1), Saebriel gnome mage(1), Sayte NE rogue(5), Waken tauren druid(13), Batuluk orc hunter(10), Guildinstern undead warrior(6), Jarb troll priest(1)
Shadow Council(haven't played these much yet)- Ckaloren gnome warlock (1), Tamakhayana orc ahaman(1), Kadiyah troll mage(2), Wyrne undead rogue, Karahakune tauren hunter(1), Hryszycian NE druid (1), Beriah human pally (1), Eiamh dwarf warrior (1)
Tichondrius(pvp just for good measure)-Graah undead priest (1)

Iaurhenn,Mar 5 2005, 12:07 AM Wrote:Mattimeo dwarf pally(1)
Did you play Sacred Hard Core with the name Mattimeo?
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Hello everyone,
i am just making my undead mage called Zaloria on tichondis{i think thats how it spelled, forgive my spelling} me and my wife decided to play with the lurker lounge due to how we had a blast with d2 in the past...

Anyways i would like to formally join the guild{ack i said guild}, already did the as Mongojerry has said... so please if you see my lovely undead mage please say hi to us

If you find this confusing, my wife and me are currently going thru are servers and trying to find place to call home... even thought my WoW listing of characters is outdated, so if theres any waiting period on joining please tell us{us as in me and wife decided to make one character we both like so, so now we are on tichondis{never going to spell that name right} so i just wish to say hi and hope to join in your adventures in Wow.

[Image: chandelier.gif]
[Image: greyson.jpg]
[Image: demtorch.gif]
Wiccan,May 29 2005, 10:46 AM Wrote:<delurks>
Hello everyone,
i am just making my undead mage called Zaloria on tichondis{i think thats how it spelled, forgive my spelling} me and my wife decided&nbsp; to play with the lurker lounge due to how we had a blast with d2 in the past...

Anyways i would like to formally join the guild{ack i said guild}, already did the&nbsp; as Mongojerry has said... so please if you see my lovely undead mage please say hi to us.

Absolutely! Make sure to join the chat channel "Lurkers," or do a /who on Neriad or Pandarus and see if I'm on. I'd be happy to invite you into the on-line guild. The population of people in the active Lurking Loungers guild on Tichondrius is very small, but it'd be nice if it got bigger. There's also a large contingent of Amazon Basin (on-line guild name "Basin") folks on the server that is a good resource to find fun people to party up with.
I finally bought WoW and a computer that can run the game. :) Is this list still accurate, given that May 2005 was about nine months ago? I'd love to play with Lurkers again.
keenduck,Feb 25 2006, 12:46 AM Wrote:I finally bought WoW and a computer that can run the game.&nbsp; :)&nbsp; Is this list still accurate, given that May 2005 was about nine months ago? I'd love to play with Lurkers again.
The Lurker guild on Terenas is alive and well.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
keenduck,Feb 25 2006, 01:46 AM Wrote:I finally bought WoW and a computer that can run the game.&nbsp; :)&nbsp; Is this list still accurate, given that May 2005 was about nine months ago? I'd love to play with Lurkers again.

Stormrage we have PVE alliance on.
Terenas has PVE horde group.

Not sure of where there is a strong showing of players on the PVP or roleplaying.
I haven't played wow for 6 month or something now, but i have a lvl 60 troll rogue on skullcrusher (and some other mid 40 chars) some of the chars name

TheEmperor (lvl 60)

i'm sure it's more but i can't remember atm :P i will start playing wow again when my friend who bought the damn game (and never played it, and later on sold it to me) will send me the new password that he (didn't change) >.> anyway, he said i would get it withing a week... buti dout it.

and i do have some epic stuff from mc, did lots of mc runs before i quit ^^
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]
I've just installed WoW and I have a Level 15 Tauren Shaman on Shadowsong.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
Quote:I've just installed WoW and I have a Level 15 Tauren Shaman on Shadowsong.

Shouldn't you change your World of Warcraft Characters in your profile now? :P

Quote:World of Warcraft Characters:
I refuse to play MMOs
I play on Shattered Hand!
Quote:Servers that Lurkers are playing on

I'll keep an updated list here of the servers that Lurkers are playing on. If you have new information, place it in a post in this thread and I'll update this first post.

PvP West (Horde): Tichondrius (Amazon Basin server)
  • Guild name: Lurking Loungers<>
  • Guildmaster: MongoJerry<>
    [st]PvP (Horde & Alliance): Magtheridon server
    PvP (Alliance): Archimonde

    PvE (Alliance): Stormrage (Amazon Basin server)
    • Guild name: Lurkers<>
    • Guildmaster: Tal<>
      [st]PvE (Horde): Terenas
      • Guild name: Lurkers<>
      • Guildmaster: Gnollguy<>
        [st]PvE (Horde): Kilrogg
        • Guild name: Lurkers<>
        • Guildmaster: Unholysirlin<>
          [st]RP Pacific (Alliance): Cenarion Circle
          Lurkers chat channel

          To keep track of one another, join the channel "Lurkers" in whatever server you're on. To do so, type:

          /join Lurkers

          The game will tell you what channel number the Lurkers channel is. For example, it might tell you that it's in channel number 5. In that case, to post in the Lurkers channel, type:

          /5 Hi! Anyone home?

          To see a list of people in the Lurkers channel, type (if the Lurker channel is channel #5 for you):

          /chatlist 5
Does the original post still hold water? Are the LL guild still around after all this time, or have people moved to other servers?
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau

Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.

Chicago wargaming club
Look here for a very recent discussion of this:

While there are only two options for actually Lurker guilds (both PvE), there are other places where a Lurker may be welcomed, mentioned in this thread.
very good thank u so much for this work
Big GrinBig Grin

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