Things I like about D II
1. Squashing bugs in Duriel's tomb on the way to meeting Tyrael.
2. Squashing scorpions in Act II.
3. Chasing chickens out into the Blood Moor.
4. Rabbit harassment in Act V.
5. Taunting Zealots back to you in Travincal, to kill them just for fun, when you have killed the Council but the game crashed and you did not make it to the WP in Durance 2.
6. The Warcraft Orc, the Herald as it were, who leads the charge for Baal's Army in the Act V cinematic.
7. Geglash.
8. Jamella's Grafitti in the air.
9. Leaping through Jail level bars, or leaping shortcuts in the Flayer Maze.
10. Watching Ravens take on Gloombats and Harpies in the Diablo II version of dogfighting.
11. Harpy versus Harpy dogfights (catfights?) sponsored by Necro Revival Promotions, LTD.
12. Being a boil on Gheed's bum.

What are the little features that you like?

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
the act 4 music

All the monsters that whoosh when they die (thorned hulks, venom lords, doom/abyss/oblivion knights)

The sight of a tight group of monsters falling down from an area affect spell (fetishes and act 4 monsters are great for this, on top of the death animations themselves)

Early on I liked the NPC talk also, but have lost interest.

The sight of what looks like thousands of bolts from lightning fury sometimes.

the act 3 jungle music

Everything that happens when a character gains a new level

I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
1. The dainty way a sorceress will swing any weapon
2. The Act2 music
3. The Necromancer's voice
4. The barbarian's taunt sound, cracks me up :)
5. The manic, energiser bunny Shadow Master
6. Slaying one of the Fallen or Carvers in the middle of "Bishib..." or "Raka....."
7. The departing/escaping spirit when you slay a fallen rogue.
8. The death animation of the Overlords in act5
9. The fetish/flayers/soul killers.....they crack me up every time. Some people find them annoying, I think they're hilarious.
10. Luring Jeryn far, faaar away from his palace in Act2 when he's trying to talk about quests.
11. The Necromancer's animation in the character selection screen
12. The amazon's comment (old, classic D2) of "wait, don't I get three wishes?" on slaying Izual. Not the rather cheesy "Goodbye Izual" that she does now.
13. Another classic "blonde" comment from our favourite D-cup warrior upon slaying Shenk...."Oops, did I do that?"

Been playing this game for well over 4 years now and still love it to bits.
I like the way Charged Bolt sounds when you've maxed the skill and have tons of +skill items equipped :wub: . This was especially true in v1.09 when there were no limit to the bolts! I fondly remember killing cows as fast as nova sorceresses and the feeling I got when observing typical responses EVERY single game, "What in the hell WAS that?!?," or they would just immediately leave assuming MSLE. Also, the humming static sound of a level 42 Charged Bolt was thrilling to say the least!

1 Sickly enough, my absolute fondest memories of Diablo II were TP trapping. I would befriend my victims in need of a rush, rush them most of the way, cow them, tell them to get on their eBay bought fighting gear, then go to finish the rush... but it would never complete :D . I would usually get all three council members and a few of those fireball-slinging vampires to swarm Mephisto and put up a TP in the middle of them all in Hell. 85% of the time, my poor hapless victim was toast with all his best gear lost. I never even bothered to loot because I already had everything I wanted. Sometimes I sit and wonder why I enjoyed it so much, but even now I get that warm fuzzy feeling in my heart when I do.

But my best memory of Diablo II was uninstalling it... and selling my CD's on eBay to ensure I’d never again be stuck in the monotony of this very addictive, time-consuming video game. That release for me was my greatest triumph in my entire time playing Diablo II, and thus the thing I liked most about the game. Yes, it's the SIMPLE things that make this game great ;) .

1 - Please don't hate the way I feel. You can resent my actions, critize my choices, or even question the way I feel, but please don't hate the way I feel because I can't control these emotions any more than I could stop time.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Having a fully maxed ShockPala and storming into one of the tombs of Tal Rasha (hell) and zapping a billion monsters (Ok, 4 boss mobs and a few dozen independent monsters) :w00t:
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
1. Someone finally killed Wirt
"My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes."
-- Ford Prefect
Yogi_Baar,Jan 21 2005, 02:46 AM Wrote:1. Someone finally killed Wirt

"Wirt The Greedy" had it coming!

It's Not The Look That Counts Because Survival Is The Most Important Thing.
What do I like? Hmm ...

Staticing the whole darn screen in one shot just to make pubbie players go "WTF?"

Watching the firestorm of 3-5 sorcs spamming Meteor, Firewall, and Hydra (that's me) just before a wave of Baal's minions shows up. (Always happens during Baal runs.)

Playing in an extremely lag-heavy game and not minding at all, because the party's hiding behind 4 characters' worth of summoned minions (2 necros, 1 druid, an assassin, and a pally pumping everything with his aura). This DID happen once. :D

Brainstorming with people for themed character builds - not necessarily viable ones, just funny stuff.
I love many things about D2 but my favorite would have to be the sound the runes make! :wub:
R.I.P. Pete! I can't believe you're gone. Sad
nightwing,Jan 20 2005, 10:26 PM Wrote:8. The death animation of the Overlords in act5

Forgot this.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Occhidiangela,Jan 20 2005, 05:18 PM Wrote:1.  Squashing bugs in Duriel's tomb on the way to meeting Tyrael.
2.  Squashing scorpions in Act II.
3.  Chasing chickens out into the Blood Moor.


Agreed on those !

4. Hearing that wannabe hermit, Alkor, complain about wanting to be left alone when you bring him the Golden Bird.
5. The music in the Palace.
6. Watching fleeing monsters fall over and die from poisoning.
7. The view from the Arreat Summit. :D
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Occhidiangela,Jan 20 2005, 05:18 PM Wrote:What are the little features that you like?


Pretty much all sound related for me (I love my headphones).

1. The sounds of the flayers and their ilk. From warcries to their death throes, the little guys are just hilarious. Worth the price of my headphones just to hear this.

2. The death sound of a shaman (especially when proceeded by a cross-screen leap attack). Friends who have shared voice-chat with me in game can attest to the gleeful (maniacal) laughter that rushes forth after a successful one-hit-kill leap attack on a shaman.

3. Killing the Smith or Hephaesto in mid-pronouncement. "I shall make weapons from your...ARRRRRGH".

4. The sound of corrupted rogues bodies dropping after their spirit escapes. "Aiieeyh! (thump)"

5. Barbarian taunts, though I'd love this one customized--maybe "get over here!", or other taunts from The Holy Grail.
In the A3 Sewers, when you activate the mechanism to enter the second level, I just love how that sounds!

Occhidiangela,Jan 20 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:1.  Squashing bugs in Duriel's tomb on the way to meeting Tyrael.
I loved how squashing every single one of the bugs brought out Wirth's ghost who handed you a Godly Plate of the Whale and said, "So sorry for being such a putz in that other game. I hope this makes up for it and that you can forgive me so that I may move past this purgatory."

(No, this isn't true. Yes, I did try this, more than once, just in case. :rolleyes: )
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Act 3. There is a lot to like about the graphics of that act, and even the monsters are cute, provided you have some maxed area effect attack. Am I the only one who sees the eerie similarities between act 3 frogs and the WoW murlocs?
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Brother Laz,Jan 24 2005, 04:51 PM Wrote:Act 3. There is a lot to like about the graphics of that act, and even the monsters are cute, provided you have some maxed area effect attack. Am I the only one who sees the eerie similarities between act 3 frogs and the WoW murlocs?

Than again, a lot of spells and creatures are repeated through all the games, and blizzard loves to mix and mash animal parts, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were some frog based creatures in all the games.

Now the order of the terrain types, that's an uncanny similarity.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
- Act 1 - it's like D1 in a new engine
- Act 4, City of the Damned - the atmosphere is nice and gloomy
- Act 4, Chaos Sanctuary - again, atmosphere, including music
- Fireballing Andariel through the big closed door she doesn't know how to open
- Seeing golden items drop
- Seeing green items drop
- Seeing a rune above Thul drop
- The way Frozen Orb lights up a dark area if Light Quality is set to High
- Holding down the mouse button and rotating 360 degrees while standing in place, while in town
- Repeatedly casting Identify in town so that my character appears to be dancing
- Launching an AoE skill into a horde of Beetles and watching the charged bolts fill the screen
- Diablo's animations
- Night time
- Snow in Act 5
- Seeing the town below while standing on the edge of the Arreat Summit
- The way the monsters near Izual all die if he's killed before they're activated
- Seeing an entire group of Baal's Minions frozen in place by Freezing Arrow and M'av's set.
- Watching a new maggot egg immediately explode into baby maggots as soon as it is laid.
- Taunting ranged monsters so that they become melee monsters instead
- Jumping over suicide minions and watching them harmlessly explode underneath
- The way the necro's corpse looks on the ground
- Standing in the fireplace in the Pandemonium Fortress
- Interrupting Halbu every time he starts to kneel
- Cain wanting to talk to me every time I get a new cube (after giving mine to a mule), as if it was my very first cube

This is just a few that I can recall.
1. Some of the quest responses by NPCs you never talk to are hilarious.
I remember one talking about Ormus being deeply troubled, but as far as I know, there is no conclusion to that mess. Also, Ormus refers to himself in the 3rd person, maybe that's why...
2. If you play on 800x600 and make a bat in the tombs goto the very edge of the screen, it will sometimes freeze, still flying, but not going anywhere.
3. Act 3, the walkways are small enough to block someone who died from ever going back to get their body simply by standing in the middle.
4. holes in space (tal's tomb, maggot lair, river of flame)
5. tristram magically turned into a perfect square, the church shunk in size and filled in with dirt, you can't see adria's cottage even across the river. Makes me laugh every time.
6. Playing Diablo 1 after being accustomed to running.
7. the big green birds in act 3. I can't wait til I see a purple one.
8. Freezing diablo just as he starts to charge. He gets absolutely no traction and looks like he's slipping all over the place.
9. Speaking of slipping all over the place, the cliff lurkers fall over backwards tumbling if you hit them.
10. Andariel's Hair and feet.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
Entering the Arcane sanctuary with the amazon after the entire party has entered the portal, only to hear her ask herself "am I the first one to discover this magical place?"... Man, is that amazon dumb!
pazuzu,Feb 19 2005, 10:41 AM Wrote:Entering the Arcane sanctuary with the amazon after the entire party has entered the portal, only to hear her ask herself "am I the first one to discover this magical place?"... Man, is that amazon dumb!
Haha, I like that one. Blondes, gotta love em!
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.

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