Legit Meeting Area
Seems like Ant came to the worng *Legit community*

And guess what guys, you arent *the las bastion of legitimacy*.
check www.diablo-forum.de.vu, go to channel diablo LE in useast.

Not because we arent a part of your diablo community (a diablo community based on people who just post in a forum its just pathetic) we aren't legits. Just get down from your cloud guys. I mean, you see a guy trying to gather people, and you come with things like: a guy trying to run a Braveheart makes me ill.
If you were an avid player of d1 its fine. But look at it, you just *were*, you aren't one anymore. There is people who still plays the game, in b.net, dealing with hackers and stuff, trying to bring some life to our dying legit community. And what you do? comfortably from your forum, you send him to hell.

We all know a community doesnt born in some days. But we have to start somewhere. Obviusly, everyone who wants to hack in d1, with some knowledge can do it and not get caught. But we choose to take the risk.

I know you will literally destroy my post with my grammar errors. Thats fine, its the only way you can react before people trying to do things, because you're way too much to join someones intent to do something.

My english isn't my first language, so don't post about my grammar, as I said above.

Give me a damn break. Dealing with hackers? First off: No one on B.Net hacks. They are trainerbrats. Second: How are you "dealing" with them? If you mean playing in passworded games with people you know your not doing anything to combat the problem, which is what I'm thinking is the intent of your statement. Otherwise the only other way to deal with them is use their same methods "against" them, which just makes you another cheater like the trainerbrat themselves.

And what do you know of *any* of our play habits? Just because we've been a member of the community (and others before that) does not mean that we never pick up the game anymore. Within the last couple of days I've seen the usual B.Net channel with pleanty of old faces.

As for the dying legit community: what dying community? We're all doing just fine, and if your sticking to your own guns then apparantly your a member of a different one as well. What is the point advertising for a brand new community when strong ones already exist?

What risk are you taking? That you'll be PKed by an idiot cheater? Oh god, I mean you'll lose half your gold and possibly some equipment. Boo-freaking-hoo. It isnt a risk, and if your *that* worried about being PKed then you've already lost. PKers usually PK to greif the player. If you act like you could care less, or that you're having a good time, then the PKer will just get bored and leave. Basic stuff, but apparantly not many get it.

All of this rallying to a new community is completly unnessicary. If he had simply stated that he was looking for players then I can guarantee that no one would have a problem. However, his methods just reek of a person who really dosen't know anything about either starting an actual community, or even how to tell/deal with non-legits.

So to reiterate: Community already exsists, your not sacrificing yourselves, "leader" knows next to nothing about the game, pointless proposal.

Edit: Oh, and I didn't say anything about your grammar
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Ah, be fair though. We used to get 20 people in channel Variants at once on a typical Tuesday, and 10 people every night, and that was only a small fraction of this community. We used to not even have to be a community because their were so many of us and so many other legit groups out there to choose from. If you wanted to form a party of crossdressing warriors that say "Ni", you could find 3 of them to join you within an hour. Now it's hard to get a decent game at all. You can sit in a pseudo-empty channel and wait for hours to see whether the clients are tabbed out or just leaving the channel open, and maybe you get lucky and somebody pops in. You can post a game request and nobody responds.

The whole verify-legitness-using-a-scanner thing will never go over here (although heaven forbid anyone would enter one of OUR games or channels without announcing their proper DSF/LL name, or even having a proper DSF/LL name to announce :rolleyes: ). Making dueling a major point in the sales pitch will never go over here, either, since almost nobody here has ever cared about dueling. But otherwise, what's so bad about the idea? I wouldn't mind hopping over to their channel some time, to see if anyone is up for a game.
yep, that was the idea of this. Trying to enlarge a community. When I wrote about a dying community, of course I was talking about mine, god. Dealing with pks an hackers: obviusly noone of them are hacers, hackers dont waste their tine trying to pk ppl in an old game. Its just a way to call them, just like the word Legit. And I mean dealing with all the guys who arent legit going to harras our channel with bots and stuff, when you make a pubb and you get a hacker killing everything in lvl 15 when you are trying to clear it. Thats what I mean with *dealing*.

And wtf its wrong with you guys? Was just an invitation from legits to legits. But as I said in my last post, you seems to think that youre way too much to meet another legits.
Yes, you are the last bastion of legitimacy, our community and the other small ones in b.net are just a bunch of ignorants.

Thanks to nystul, because he was the only one here who got the point.
Be humble guys, just look at the first respones of lemming to Ant's post.

Stratovirus,Apr 17 2005, 02:50 PM Wrote:yep, that was the idea of this. Trying to enlarge a community. When I wrote about a dying community, of course I was talking about mine, god. Dealing with pks an hackers: obviusly noone of them are hacers, hackers dont waste their tine trying to pk ppl in an old game. Its just a way to call them, just like the word Legit.

And wtf its wrong with you guys? Was just an invitation from legits to legits. But as I said in my last post, you seems to think that youre way too much to meet another legits.
Yes, you are the last bastion of legitimacy, our community and the other small ones in b.net are just a bunch of ignorants.[right][snapback]74232[/snapback][/right]
Some notes on terminology: if you know said cheaters are not hackers, why do you persist in calling them that? If the designation is indeed as arbitrary as you imply, why not designate that LL members are indeed "the last bastion of legit play" as a way of referring to us (without regard to whether it is accurate, since "hacker" is not an accurate label for most cheaters). Next, you're correct that true hackers won't waste their time trying to PK D1 players. It's now much more efficient to send D1 gamebots after them. ;)

As for the "invitation": it was phrased in such a way as to imply that this was a solicitation for members to come join his community, since his new community was going to be a bastion of legitness in a world of cheaters. One more "legit" community is fine, but suggesting that the new is the only is incorrect.
Stratovirus,Apr 17 2005, 10:50 AM Wrote:And wtf its wrong with you guys? Was just an invitation from legits to legits. But as I said in my last post, you seems to think that youre way too much to meet another legits.

The problem I have is the assumption that a legit "identity" means anything other than the player does not like gaming with cheaters. I personally find it rather silly when someone expect other legits to agree with a particular viewpoint just because they are legit.

Example: "The author of this thread is attempting to gather the legits for our common purpose."

There is no common purpose among people who play legitimately. I have seen purposes range from "Just have fun" to "If all of us go out to public Bnet, we can make cheaters see the light!"

Quote:Yes, you are the last bastion of legitimacy, our community and the other small ones in b.net are just a bunch of ignorants.

And that is not the point whatsoever. Other communities exist. Good for them. This community, however, may not agree with those other communities on all points. This is what you are seeing in this thread: we differ in how we go about doing things.

Quote:Be humble guys, just look at the first respones of lemming to Ant's post.

Re-read my posts. I never objected to what Antiga was doing (i.e. attempting to establish a thriving D1 community), but how he was going about it.

I find it rather odd that Antiga never responded to anyone's objections. If he wants members of this community to pal around with him, wouldn't it behoove him to find out what we're all about so that he can advertise in a manner that would actually appeal to us? Telling me that he intends to scan me at the border sends me into hysterics. It makes me think he's one of those "pubbie legits" like Fetus that thinks restoring from backup after an item is stolen will cause the thief to be in possession of "the duplicate item" when, in fact, by restoring Fetus used his operating system to duplicate the item. (The story is rather amusing, actually. Fetus lent an item to a friend, who later refused to return the item. Fetus thought that restoring from backup would cause the friend to possess "the dupe," thereby returning the "legit copy" to its proper owner.)

LemmingofGlory,Apr 17 2005, 09:21 PM Wrote:The problem I have is the assumption that a legit "identity" means anything other than the player does not like gaming with cheaters. I personally find it rather silly when someone expect other legits to agree with a particular viewpoint just because they are legit.

Example: "The author of this thread is attempting to gather the legits for our common purpose."

There is no common purpose among people who play legitimately. I have seen purposes range from "Just have fun" to "If all of us go out to public Bnet, we can make cheaters see the light!"
And that is not the point whatsoever. Other communities exist. Good for them. This community, however, may not agree with those other communities on all points. This is what you are seeing in this thread: we differ in how we go about doing things.
Re-read my posts. I never objected to what Antiga was doing (i.e. attempting to establish a thriving D1 community), but how he was going about it.

I find it rather odd that Antiga never responded to anyone's objections. If he wants members of this community to pal around with him, wouldn't it behoove him to find out what we're all about so that he can advertise in a manner that would actually appeal to us? Telling me that he intends to scan me at the border sends me into hysterics. It makes me think he's one of those "pubbie legits" like Fetus that thinks restoring from backup after an item is stolen will cause the thief to be in possession of "the duplicate item" when, in fact, by restoring Fetus used his operating system to duplicate the item. (The story is rather amusing, actually. Fetus lent an item to a friend, who later refused to return the item. Fetus thought that restoring from backup would cause the friend to possess "the dupe," thereby returning the "legit copy" to its proper owner.)


Lem, I'd love for the nay say's in this thread to stop in. Checking the log's not one of you to my knowledge has stopped in. Come say Hi. I can argue here all day. It does me no good. (I will alway's be flamed)
Antiga,Apr 18 2005, 03:15 PM Wrote:Lem, I'd love for the nay say's in this thread to stop in.  Checking the log's not one of you to my knowledge has stopped in.

Which again gets back to my point: your group doesn't seem to appeal to LLers very much. Instead of "If you come by and let us scan you, we'll be your friends," try a different approach -- something that will appeal to us, something that isn't stereotypical of archetypal "We're a bunch of legits out to make friends" fly-by-night communities since the dawn of Bnet.

Quote:(I will alway's be flamed)

Pretending to be persecuted won't get you anywhere, either. You haven't been flamed at all yet -- I certainly haven't made a personal attack on you -- so put down your martyrdom complex and read what we've said, because you've tacitly ignored everything that's been said in favor of a "can't we all just get along" approach. And you know what? That's not going to work.

Moreover, look at how you're handling the situation:
(1) You ask us all to come visit your channel.
(2) You claim that we've been flaming you.
Now, what logic on this earth makes you want to hang around with people who you perceive to be flaming you?

So, suppose we have been flaming you. That means you (apparently) happen to like hanging around with people who don't seem to like you very much. Furthermore, it means that you would like to build a community of such people, which gets back to the point I made a few posts ago about how NOT to go about creating a community. Namely, don't attempt to amass players simply for the sake of having many players, because you could potentially end up with a bunch of players you don't really like. (Lots of guilds/clans routinely made that mistake.) Secondly, start a community by befriending people. Claiming that we're flaming you ain't gonna work!

Or suppose that we haven't been flaming you. Then we're not particularly hostile toward you; we merely disagree with things that you've said. That sort of thing is totally managable, and it's something that's open to discussion. You might learn something, or vice versa.

I'm honestly ashamed to admit that I've had to read Lemming's last post twice before the cogs in my head started turning.
Right now everyone is moving from college back home. Most of the bots etc. are shut down temp. Should be up/down alot for the next two-three weeks.

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