The adventures of fufu the wonder scorpid
Since the hunter party is aiming for bears as pets, I thought it would be cool to get mangeclaw as mine. Now mangeclaw is a lvl 11 white bear over in the Loch Modan/Iron Forge area. So this meant quite the trek for a lvl 11 orc hunter. I asked in guild chat what the best route to take was, but nobody really gave any suggestions. All they did was poke fun and say how long of a trip it would be and that it would involve many deaths. So this made me think that it might be fun to take some shots of the trip and write about it here.

I started out by taming a scorpid (which comes with claw 2), because I knew that I really needed a temporary pet to help me on the trip over to mangeclaw. Guild chat suggested the name fufu for it and so fufu the wonder scorpid was born. I also killed some boars with fufu which served several purposes. It got me some meat so that I could keep fufu happy, gave me time to allow fufu to gain some training points so she (yes, fufu is a she) could learn growl 2, and taught me claw 2. So after all the preperations were done, we headed over to take the zepellin to UnderCity.

[Image: start.jpg]

From there we then headed south. I was a little worried about making my way from Silverpine to Hillsbrad. There are alot of dalaran mages and such running around between those two areas. Surprising enough, I had no trouble here. The hunter's tracking ability did help alot both here and through the rest of the journey.

Before I knew it, I was in Hillsbrad. This is where I encountered my first problem. I was following the road and noticed on my map that there was an animal on each side of it up ahead. To the north was a bear and to the south a spider. I waited a little while to let them walk apart some then made a run for it between them. I thought they were far enough apart that I could make it through without aggroing them. Unfortunately that was not the case. I ended up aggroing both of them which was just too much for me to survive. If I was doing it again I would either wait longer, attempt to go around, or (and this is the most likely option) send my pet to attack the spider and run by it while it was distracted. This death bothers me a little just because it was one that I could have avoided.

[Image: taurenmill.jpg]

So I found myself in the graveyard at Tauren Mill. Figured I might as well rez at the spirit. Being so young, the rez sickness only lasted 44 seconds so it was no real bother to me. I soon was on my way south and then off towards Arathi. On the way I did aggro a spider, but telling my pet to attack it while I ran on let me survive that encounter. Fufu died during that fight, but she was brought back not long after. I believe I ended up using this technically once or twice more while travelling through Arathi. None of it was really tough though. Near Thandol Spann a lvl 60 troll came by to tell me that this was a 30+ area. I told him that I knew and that I was on my way to tame mangeclaw. The thought of asking him to escort me did occur to me, but I didn't really consider it too heavily. What would be the fun in doing things that way?

So my journey continued on to the south. I picked up a young wetlands croc aggro sometime during the trip, but otherwise it was pretty uneventful. Earlier in guild chat somebody had said that the Dun Algaz dwarves would mess me up. It was quickly approaching time to find out about this. I ran up the tunnel and then on up to the next one. This is where I discovered something I hadn't expected. The orcs in Dun Algaz are hostile to the horde too. I had gone into things expecting them to be friendly and so not cause a problem. Them being hostile made things much tougher. So as I came out of the second tunnel, I hugged the left wall so that I wouldn't attract attention from the orc camp to the right. Unfortunately I didn't spot an orc scout up a hill on the left with me. Having him attacking me gave me no real time to decide on what to do. I told fufu to attack him then dashed off toward the next tunnel. This is where I encountered a dwarven patrol who quickly dispatched me.

[Image: trapped.jpg]

You can see the dwarf who killed me in that shot and also the orc up the hill. I basically was trapped between the two with nowhere to go. I don't really feel too bad about this death though, because it is a tough area to get through. My gut tells me that it is possible to do. I think that if one stayed on the road they probably wouldn't aggro any of the orcs which would leave you just having to deal with the dwarf (and the one at the end of the tunnel since I'm assuming he would attack as well). I see two basic options for getting past the dwarves. The first would be to let the patrol get as close to the wetlands as it will and then have fufu attack and run past during the fight. With any luck the patrol would break off its chase before I reached the dwarf at the end of the tunnel. Its a bit risky though because I don't really know if it would break off or not. The other option would be to keep my distance and let him walk back down the tunnel. I think he continues on a ways past it. So I could then have fufu attack the dwarf at the end of the tunnel while I run off to the left. I would have to watch out for various other mobs, but the ones in Loch Modan are roughly the same level as me and so aren't that tough to avoid. I think this option probably would have worked, but it does rely on the fact that the patrol does actually go a bit past the end of the tunnel which I haven't verfied.

[Image: loch.jpg]

Since rezzing at the graveyard worked so well in Hillsbrad, I figured I would do the same thing here. I was a little worried about how close I was to the Alliance town, but figured it would be alright. So I rezed and looked around while my health went back up to full and the sickness wore off. I then noticed a patrol coming towards me on the road. I didn't get away before he aggroed me and thought for sure I was going to die again. Somehow I managed to run far enough away that he broke off his chase. I was now off the road and had to watch for beasts again, but at least I could actually win a fight with those. So I found a nice quiet spot and rezzed fufu again. We then headed back north to the next tunnel.

[Image: blocked.jpg]

There was no way for me to get into this tunnel without aggroing the dwarf at the start of it. So I did what was now becoming standard practice. I sent fufu the wonder scorpid in to engage him while I ran up the tunnel. The dwarf broke off pursuit a little before I reached the end of it which tells me that if you timed it right you could probably get the patrol earlier to break off before aggroing the other dwarf. One thing that had me a little worried though was that attacking that dwarf made me PvP enabled. So any Alliance I ran into would be a threat. I also hadn't brought fufu back yet and so I could have been in a bit of a bind if any Alliance were around. Luckily there weren't any at that point and so I could go off to the side and bring fufu back. I then started making my way over to where mangeclaw is, picking up one more dwarven aggro in the process. As I was coming up on mangeclaw's area I noticed a human dot ahead on my map and so gave it a quick glance and then ducked off to the side. There was a lvl 10 mage up killing mangeclaw. Now I figured that as a lvl 11 hunter, I could probably take the mage. Fufu was still dead from the last aggro though and I was worried that I would draw too much attention to myself if the mage saw me and I had to kill him. So I ran off to the side and hid up the hill for abit. While there I rezzed fufu once more. Once the area was nice and clear I went down and got my first good look at mangeclaw himself. I then abandoned fufu (noo! not fufu!) so that I could tame mangeclaw.

[Image: mangeclaw.jpg]

I figured it would be a pretty simple taming process. We were equal level, but I wasn't too worried. So I went in and gave it a shot. The taming process got about half done when mangelcaw decided to knock me down, which stopped the process. So I then turned and ran, not wanting to fight him with me at half health by this point and also not wanting to wait for him to respawn. One good thing though was that my PvP tag wore off after that fight and so at least I didn't have to worry about Alliance players bothering me too much. It took two more tries before I managed to have a fight where he didn't knock me down. Eventually the taming succeeded though and now I am the proud owner of a white bear pet.

[Image: end.jpg]

Overall the journey wasn't really all that tough despite all the comments other Lurkers made at the start. I think it would be possible to do it without dieing at all, but its hard to tell for sure.

So now there is only one question remaining: what to name him? Any suggestions? : )
What about Dov Lavan? Which is Hebrew for white bear (Doc - bear, Lavan - white).
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Glad you made it, and not too many deaths even.

Nice writeup too -- now if anyone else shows up with this pet you'll know they read it and were inspired.

Edit: What is wrong with naming him Mangeclaw? It announces origin and is a pretty cool name anyway.
Damn you! You beat me to it! I was going to burn my hunter up to 11 today and go get Mangeclaw. More for the reason though that he would match the color of my orcs hair but hey... :)

Good job though. Mine will probably be less subtle. Just ghost my way and rez at an alliance graveyard :P
[Image: 104024yQmrG.png][Image: 201194cOrXg.png]
Alrin,Apr 3 2005, 12:45 PM Wrote:Damn you! You beat me to it! I was going to burn my hunter up to 11 today and go get Mangeclaw. More for the reason though that he would match the color of my orcs hair but hey... :)

Good job though. Mine will probably be less subtle. Just ghost my way and rez at an alliance graveyard :P

I once ghosted my NE priest from Aerie Peak to Brill. When I told the spirit at Brill to rez me, it brought me back to Aerie Peak. So I'm not sure how well this will work. Good luck though.
Good Job! I use Mangeclaw myself. being a dorf makes things somewhat easier of course. :P

Before the patch Mangeclaw was lvl 11 gold elite, they apparently removed that status from him. :)
swirly,Apr 3 2005, 03:22 AM Wrote:So now there is only one question remaining: what to name him?  Any suggestions? : )
How about Fufutwo. :lol:
Sir_Die_alot,Apr 3 2005, 06:54 PM Wrote:How about Fufutwo.  :lol:

Currently I'm leaning towards the name fulofufu which, roughly translated, means full of fufu....the bear ate her! hehehe It makes me grin. : ) So unless somebody comes up with a better name, I will probably go with that.
swirly,Apr 4 2005, 12:13 AM Wrote:Currently I'm leaning towards the name fulofufu which, roughly translated, means full of fufu....the bear ate her!  hehehe  It makes me grin. : )  So unless somebody comes up with a better name, I will probably go with that.
I know, I'm the person behind Nashkara who you discussed much of this with in case there was any confusion. ^_^
swirly,Apr 3 2005, 06:22 AM Wrote:So now there is only one question remaining: what to name him?  Any suggestions? : )

Since he's white, how about "Tofu"?
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla
Sir_Die_alot,Apr 4 2005, 12:14 PM Wrote:I know, I'm the person behind Nashkara who you discussed much of this with in case there was any confusion.  ^_^

Yes I know you are, but I needed to post the information on here and your post seemed like the logical responce point. : )
A Hunters Rites of Passage - The story of Kandraka's search for the fabled Black Bears of Loch Modan;

Kandraka, a proud Orc Hunter, is continuously teased by other Orcs for his love of plants and picking flowers. Upon hearing of the exploits of his Clan mate Swirlyhunt in taming the legendary Bear "Mange Claw", decided to prove himself to the clan by undertaking just such a journey. But, first he must travel to Orgrimaar, to find the goblin zepplins that will take him across the ocean to another continent. A place where Orcs are persecuted by creatures called Men and Dorfs.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_170908.jpg]

This seems to be the spot, now just to wait for passage.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_171200.jpg]

Boy it seems like a long time waiting...

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_171237.jpg]

Kandraka gazes wistfully at the receding images of his beloved Durotaur as he heads off to unknown dangers and certain death.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_171655.jpg]

He arrives at a place called Silverpine Forest, populated with undead mankind. Kandraka does not understand this alliance with these decayed beings, nor does he want to have anything to do with them.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_171852.jpg]

There seems to be a rest stop here along the way called Sepulcher, where Kandraka pauses to chat with a friendly walking corpse who offers rides on bats for an exhorbitant fee.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_172550.jpg]

He is noticing now with his beast senses that the creatures along the road and becoming ever more dangerous, and in fact far too dangerous to do more than run. Reaching a place call the Arathi Highlands his luck in avoiding these creatures comes to and end, and Kandraka's spirit awakens near a place called Tauren Mill. So, he convinces the kindly graveyard angel that it is not yet his time, she ressurects him. Fortunately he in now closer to his goal.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_173154.jpg]

Remembering to use his beast senses again, and by dodging into ponds and rivers to avoid encounters he slowly makes his way south and finds the gates of Hillsbrad, just north of a pleasant place called Stromguard keep.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_173918.jpg]

Kandraka breathes a sigh of relief having successfully outwitted this nasty orge, only who are those men coming down the road?

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_174242.jpg]

Kandraka surveys his options, there is death my ogre behind, death by raptor or spiders to the left or right, and coming toward on the road and mounted men. He sees what might be his salvation, an undead Warlock fighting a spider on the left and makes a mad dash to escape the notice of the men on horses. But, before you could shake the snot off a log, those men rushed across the field and splayed Kandraka like a Moonstalker at a troll picnic.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_174323.jpg]
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


Again at deaths doorstep, he was refused access to the great beyond and ordered to return to his lifeless corpse.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_174833.jpg]

Now, finding a damaged bridge he made his way into Dun Modr and a Wetlands area.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_175143.jpg]

Without incident Kandraka traverses the Wetlands and finds the pass at Dun Algaz, and having avoided the onslaught of an unfamiliar Orc clan, and angry Dorfs guarding the pass, his mad dash through these Dorf tunnels results in a slip off the cliff, where his only option is to climb down, back to the Wetlands.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_180129.jpg]

But, wait, what are these foul ooze creatures? Kandraka times his jump down, but still attracts the attention of two foul ooze creatures. He is able to outrun them and flees into the camp of equally nasty Gnolls. Once again, death refuses his tattered corpse.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_185040.jpg]

Knowing he will need what little durability is left of his gear, Kandraka bears the shame of continuing his journey in the buff. Hopefully that small half Dorf warlock he danced with will not get word back to the clan of this shame. Life teaches many leassons, and humility is the one learned today.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_185452.jpg]

Finally, succumbing to the blade of the Dorfs guarding the tunnel in the land of Loch Modan resulted in the advantage of ressurecting near his objective. The territory of the fabled Black Bears of Loch Modan. Quickly Kandraka tracks his objective and without incident tames his quarry, and quickly before anymore angry Dorfs wander by he uses his magical hearthstone to return as a hero to his clan and Razor Hill.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_190353.jpg]

Finally, glad to be home. Such a relief to be back where the rocks are red, and scorpion meat is boundless.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_190418.jpg]

And, here is the result of his journey.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_040405_190446.jpg]

There was a time in the Wetlands where I was tempted to settle for a brown or grey one. But, all in all it went better than I expected.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

The thing that impresses me about this is that you did it without a pet. Kandraka the brave!
swirly,Apr 5 2005, 02:44 PM Wrote:The thing that impresses me about this is that you did it without a pet.  Kandraka the brave!

I'm gonna hijack this thread a little. You said that when you wanted to save durability from dying and rezzing, you took your armor off. I was under the impression that a spirit healing hits the durability of everything in your bag, as well? Woudln't taking your armor off then mean that you just aren't wearing it when it gets a durability hit?
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Mirajj,Apr 6 2005, 10:07 AM Wrote:I'm gonna hijack this thread a little. You said that when you wanted to save durability from dying and rezzing, you took your armor off. I was under the impression that a spirit healing hits the durability of everything in your bag, as well? Woudln't taking your armor off then mean that you just aren't wearing it when it gets a durability hit?

Stock your items in the bank when doing deadly-runs where you're not actually fighting. Whenever you see nude elves running through Wetlands, chances are their items are in the bank :) (Yes, I've done that. Twice :P)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Mirajj,Apr 6 2005, 10:07 AM Wrote:I'm gonna hijack this thread a little. You said that when you wanted to save durability from dying and rezzing, you took your armor off. I was under the impression that a spirit healing hits the durability of everything in your bag, as well? Woudln't taking your armor off then mean that you just aren't wearing it when it gets a durability hit?
So that is how Celethirians fishing pole got broken. I was blaming the cat!!!
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

A question:

I too got Mangeclaw for my young Tauren Hunter yesterday (with the escort and help from a friend). However, after I've tamed Mangeclaw, he seemed to be significantly smaller (in size) than before I've tamed him. In fact, I'm a bit disappointed how small he looks now compared to my (male) Tauren Hunter. Could this actually be, or do I have a hallucination here? :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Apr 30 2005, 02:59 PM Wrote:A question:

I too got Mangeclaw for my young Tauren Hunter yesterday (with the escort and help from a friend). However, after I've tamed Mangeclaw, he seemed to be significantly smaller (in size) than before I've tamed him. In fact, I'm a bit disappointed how small he looks now compared to my (male) Tauren Hunter. Could this actually be, or do I have a hallucination here? :)

Yes. It's been known that several pets shrink when tamed. Blizzard did this on purpose as the pets were creating sight problems, and so their solution was to 'shrink' the pet to a tamed size. I can't find the exact wording of Blizz's thoughts on that, but that is the general intent.
~Not all who wander are lost...~
nobbie,Apr 30 2005, 02:59 PM Wrote:A question:

I too got Mangeclaw for my young Tauren Hunter yesterday (with the escort and help from a friend). However, after I've tamed Mangeclaw, he seemed to be significantly smaller (in size) than before I've tamed him. In fact, I'm a bit disappointed how small he looks now compared to my (male) Tauren Hunter. Could this actually be, or do I have a hallucination here? :)

Yes, they shrink. They also slowly grow as you level.

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