Is using stealth an exploit?
Occhidiangela,Apr 14 2005, 06:27 AM Wrote:1.  Special forces bring their medics with them, and everyone on the team is medically competent to some extent.  Probably don't bring a surgeon very often though, on an assassination mission. :)

Gogo First Aid!

Regardless of whatever it was I said earlier, I've actually kind of come around. I'm still loath to call this "creativity" as it's not hard to figure out that you can sneak past most of an instance if your character can become invisible. I admit I've used my Druid's Prowl to get past certain parts of quests and just get to the boss, though even when it's easy to get past everything it may be difficult to finish up. I nearly soloed Dal Bloodclaw at 21 and I failed to sneak to the Shadethicket Oracle (Fallen Sky Lake) at 26. I finished the quest but I had to kill some Timberlings first.

I still think there's a BIT of a difference if you're just doing it for loot. Within the context of completing an killing quest it makes sense to just hunt down the boss. And I kind of agree with the Mephisto analogy. But I'll definitely admit that instance bosses are much more dangerous than Mephisto, and it takes a lot more skill to get to them without picking up mobs in the instance.
On the subject of the scarlet Monastery, you can skip about half the cathedral part (Mograine part) with a normal party...just pop a patrol or two and go through the fountains...

Then clean out the cathedral, and pop Mograine, his wife, and then Mograine again.

We skipped about half the mobs in the that an exploit? No special abilities were used, we just didn't go up the sides....

I don't think the rogue/druid team is an exploit at all. Does it not take a combination of skills to get it done? Are you all saying it's *easy*. It's very high risk, is what it is. It's probably more risk in some places for them, than it is for my warrior with a full group behind her.

I think some of you are too locked into the 'groups should be x and x and x'. This isnt' EQ. This is WoW, and the greatest thing about this game is that there's more than one way to do things. Yes, Blizz has stepped in and said "no, we dont' want you to do that" on some stuff. If they see this as a problem, they'll change something. What that may be, I won't speculate.

I can go get phat lewt just as easily with 3 overleveled chars or 2 if high enough, as I could with a rogue/druid group. Is that an exploit, too? I still had the gnomer end boss quest in my quest log, still green, at lvl 42 on my warrior. So, I gathered up a 42 hunter friend, and a 39 healer, and we took the workshop key with us, and killed Thermaplugg with no casualties to us. Was that an exploit? I used only 3 chars in an instance to get a quest that a full group had wiped just before getting to at a lower level on my warrior. Was this a non-legit way to finish the quest I had hanging around in my quest log? You tell me. I think it was perfectly fine. If it isn't, why isn't it? Then, if the way I did that is OK, what's wrong with the druids and rogues using their abilities to the fullest? My warrior, my hunter friend, and the healer certainly used ours to go from the workshop door to Thermaplugg by ourselves.

You guys need to think about this before getting all bent out of shape.


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