Thursday's Raid this week.
Hillary,Jun 17 2005, 08:57 AM Wrote:Who pretty much "must" have it in my estimation:  Tanks, Healers/Rez'ers of any type (if you have jumper cables, you fit here)/People with High First Aid.

Why?  Tanks/Healers/Rez obvious.  The others?  You can bandage a priest from another group and possibly spare us a wipe.  A rogue with cables can see a potential wipe and vanish for the win.

If you don't fit into those categories, it's not truly necessary.  Some people just like to know what's going down.  In my estimation, though, the people I listed SHOULD have it . . . (bitches at Ab because he hasn't gotten it yet, AND can bandage AND has jumper cables)

Now that RaidAssist is "fixed" so that you don't need to have it installed to report debuffs on you to other party members (read: healers) it is not really necessary for rogues or hunters who do not have cables. Mages will want it if you are ever going somewhere where curses will need to be removed (MC is big on these) but otherwise should be able to live without it. Warlocks probably don't really need it as well. Any other classes will probably have good reason to use it.

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
Can we get an update on who needs blood?

Loch - your post broke m'heart. I don't think its necessary in the short term for you to have CTRaid installed but you should be good to go with Quark's instructions. If not, delete the addons and the interface folder and just go with the default UI - with teamspeak and teamwork we can get you through it. :)
Tal,Jun 17 2005, 02:40 PM Wrote:Can we get an update on who needs blood?

Full list that we've been keeping of everyone's Onyxia/MC status:

Name        Class    Level Guild          MC             Onyxia Key Step
Abaittor    Rogue    60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Jail Break!
Altrius     Paladin  60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Jail Break!
Anadrol     Warrior  58 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Arleas      Rogue    60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Darian      Warrior  60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Ellaine     Mage     59 Carpe Aurum       Not Attuned    Drakefire Amulet
Grizelle    Priest   60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Kalamere    Rogue    60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        A Shred of Hope
Kapowee     Mage     60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Novaa       Rogue    60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        A Shred of Hope
Onan        Priest   60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Porlupus    Hunter   60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Psybie      Mage     60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Sayuri      Hunter   60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Jail Break!
Vilatra     Priest   60 Carpe Aurum       Attuned        Keyed
Aero        Mage     60 KotC              Attuned        ?
Jrmunch     Rogue    60 KotC              Attuned        Keyed
Megwynne    Paladin  60 KotC              Attuned        Keyed
Midori      Mage     60 KotC              Attuned        Keyed
Aleri       Priest   60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    Drakefire Amulet
Arethor     Warlock  60 Lurkers           Attuned        Keyed
Catlyn      Hunter   60 Lurkers           Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Flyndar     Priest   60 Lurkers           Not Attuned*   Keyed
Galreth     Warrior  60 Lurkers           Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Gnolack     Warrior  60 Lurkers           Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Hykim       Druid    60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    The Great Masquerade
Lissana     Hunter   60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    Keyed
Littledude  Mage     60 Lurkers           Not Attuned     Drakefire Amulet
Lochnar     Mage     60 Lurkers           Attuned        Drakefire Amulet
Mirajj      Hunter   60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    Keyed
Ramala      Rogue    60 Lurkers           Attuned        Keyed
Rylea       Mage     60 Lurkers           Attuned        Keyed
Sabramage   Mage     60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    Drakefire Amulet
Sharanna    Paladin  60 Lurkers           Not Attuned    Keyed
Tahapenes   Warlock  60 Lurkers           Attuned        Keyed
Alrin       Mage     60 The Basin         Attuned        Keyed

* - was attuned, but is a Dwarf Priest and thus needs to re-do the quest.

Everyone on "Drakefire Amulet" needs blood. (While I'm here, has Bun changed status since Tuesday?)

As it stands right now, we're going to require anywhere from 5-9 successful UBRS runs to get everyone keyed.

(edited to take new info into account.)
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Gnollguy,Jun 17 2005, 10:12 AM Wrote:I'm in for Monday.
We had similar issues.  The L59 guard that our 2 druids were chain sleeping resisted them a lot.  In fact I didn't pull the L60 guard that I was tanking away because I thought that the damn things were immune to sleep and I was going to try and pick it up too then I finally saw the Z's. 

I may have this wrong but we lost a healer earlier because with the 2nd one resisting sleep it hit Galreth off his pull aggro and as soon as he was healed things took off.  Galreth went down shortly after the first guard went down and I started tanking the 2nd guard.

I think there was one major mistake we made in our run that might have been enough to make the difference and that is that we let all of the mobs clump in one spot. This makes it harder for people to recognize when sleep is active as well as generally making it harder to see what is going on. I know my screen was simply a bunch of dragon bodies blocking my view of everything. What I would recommend next time is this:

1) Pull with sleep. This gives everyone one quick chance to see if it fails on the first try so that we can act appropriately. The other two mobs (General and guard) are going to be peeled immediately after so your druids should be ok.

2) This step starts immediately after the first sleep attempt hits. MT hits Drak and peels him into the corner (away from everyone else but his pally/priest support team). One hunter shoots the non-sleep guard to grab his attention and peel him off in the other direction. This mob will then be taunted/sundered/grabbed by the OT and summarily dismissed by the rest of the raid. Hunter can even use FD after the warrior hits taunt if they feel it is necessary. If the sleep initially failed then a second hunter (who is waiting over to the opposite [entry] side of the room) shoots that guard to peel him away from the other two. When you are running CC like sleep it is always easier to handle it when mobs aren't clumped together. The hunter can use FD if necessary but should generally try to use aspect of the cheetah to kite the guard around the entry side of the room until a sleep hits (don't go too far away though so that druids can still heal people fighting).

3) Everyone but the MT/Pally/Priest combo and the kiting hunter/druids should be killing the primary guard target right after the OT grabs aggro on him. Once sleep is applied then the kiting hunter and druids can join them. After the first guard dies then all but the MT group move to the sleeping guard. Make sure that the OT is healed to full before engaging so that an early mortal strike will not wreak havoc. Once the guards are down everyone piles on Drak.

Notes: The druids have the unenviable task of sleeping/healing for the guard groups as well as watching for extra heals on the MT. Much love for the druids pulling this off. The druids also have combat rezzes which can be huge if the priest healing the MT dies to bring him back up ASAP (and thus save the MT).

Also, as we saw after things fell apart last night; Drak can be kited to some effectiveness once the guards are dead. We don't ever want to have to kill him fully by kiting him (as we pretty much did last night) but the fight is still winnable with a bunch of people dead. Hunter kiting ftw.


With this peeling strategy it should reduce the chances of losing our main priest right at the beginning of the fight through healing aggro. As GG had mentioned Vilatra went down almost immediately because I took initial aggro on all three mobs and they didn't get tied down before he had to heal me. This brought the guards straight to him and priests don't handle those guards very well (never forget psychic scream priests; remember that fear is a usual strat on the guards and it can't hurt to try if things go badly).

Gnollguy,Jun 17 2005, 10:12 AM Wrote:though those traps can cause some ugly graphic lag for people too and we already had some issues with that.

Oh well.

For some reason a few people were having more lag than usual last night. I'm not sure if it was related to the number of graphics going on but I've done 15 man runs before and not had as many issues. I suffered one death entirely due to a lag spike causing me to run straight into the middle of a patrol (I'm very thankful that I didn't go off of the bridge though). Hopefully next time we don't have that issue and that can only help.

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
Darian,Jun 17 2005, 01:46 PM Wrote:Everyone on "Drakefire Amulet" needs blood.  (While I'm here, have Galreth and Bun changed status since Tuesday?)


Actually, yes. Galreth is up to needing the blood. I had done the Masquerade earlier this week.

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
I'm attuned to the core as well. Did it in a Basin raid. Though I can still pick up the quest so I'm a little worried about that. I actually had 2 copies of the quest in my log at one point but I was able to turn it in and got quest credit, even though he will still give me the quest. I'm going to go ahead and pick it up and do it again tomorrow morning though.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
This post will be replying to several of the posts in this topic.

Gnollguy,Jun 17 2005, 11:12 AM Wrote:Our combat rez's were lost so we couldn't try again after the wipe.  It didn't help that Littledude was playing in a slide show the whole time and others were having big lag spikes as well.  We lost some DPS there.

Quite a bit of DPS from what I could tell. For Littledude, the slide show in that last fight started at about 1 frame every 2-7 seconds. I used Aracane Missiles as soon as I saw how bad it was going to be in that fight since on most of the casts I only saw the start of the animation and when the next slide show frame showed up LD was standing and waiting to bash something on the other side of the room with his staff. Since apparently a few others were having some similar problems, it is hard to tell how much DPS was also lost from them.

As for Gnolack, I saw him trying to tank the cluster (****!) of three dragons with only a sliver of life. Then next frame he had about 75% life from someones heal and then the next frame he was dead. Pretty hard under those circumstances to do any reactionary actions to help anyone out.

Quark Wrote:3) Now install the newest version of the program. In my case, I'm still on 1.12 of CTRaid because the newest, 1.153, is incompatible with old versions and is beta. Once that updates to final, I'll grab that.
Version 1.12 is also a beta version and was apparently causing a lot problems for some users including the inducement of severe lag effects and getting dropped for some players. I had version 1.153 on the run and no one was showing as having the mod installed, so I guess everyone was on earlier versions (which the developers indicate is not a good idea).

My major lag spikes started at the begining of combat in the last 2 rooms and would immediately clear up when the fight ended. This to me points to a mod that is doing something primarily during combat and not some sort of graphics lag or intermintent connection problem. Since the only mod that I have that was newly added and functioning primarily in combat conditions (various versions spam the custom CT_channel with data from every player to all other players); I see the CTRA as the primary problem. It is this same type of data spamming on custom channels that has earned Cosmos and some other mods the noteriety of causing a lot problems and to be avoided. That is why at this point CTRA is deleted from my mod directory and unlikely to to go back in even with further version enhancements. As Sabra noted, many of the extra functions that the newer versions of the mod provide that use the sub-channel, also can be done with some simple macros and paying attention to the screen. What will still be missing is a display of the various raid members Life, Mana/Rage/Energy and Buffs/Debuffs. To that end I will probably be testing some other mods over the next week to just provide that specific type of information while staying away from the recurrent problems that come from using a sub-channel to provide information to the users since that sub-channel invariably seems to end up getting spammed to the point of causing problems.

Quote:=Darian]Full list that we've been keeping of everyone's Onyxia/MC status:
Littledude is not attuned to the core yet, but that should change on Saturday.

Ruvanal,Jun 17 2005, 05:03 PM Wrote:That is why at this point CTRA is deleted from my mod directory
Thanks for the suggestions on getting CTRaid to work (if indeed that was the problem). At this point, I think this is the way I will go as well. If we are not in an area with curses, and it is only Lochnar that is joining raids, I guess it wouldn't be too bad to not have it. I hope that clears up the problem. Clearing savedvariables.lua or completely reinstalling are very daunting propositions. If I just had one toon, it wouldn't be bad, but thinking of resetting 11 interfaces (again) makes me :wacko:. I would also hate to lose some of the data I've gathered (again).

Also, Lochnar is MC attuned. He was on one attempt to raid MC. Now that I think about it, he picked up CTRA for that and had no problem with it then. That was at least 1.12 or earlier. That makes me more hopeful that dumping it will be the answer. Maybe, if I am in a raid with dangerous curses, party members can set up a macro to whisper me in the event they do get cursed and I don't notice. (If they have a slot open - come on Bliz, if you can't give us more macros, at least make them per character instead of per account!)
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:bitches at Ab because he hasn't gotten it yet, AND can bandage AND has jumper cables

Yeah ... he's probably gonna to have to go. ;)

And need I tell you, Hillary, that I'm in for Monday?

God! Now I feel so guilty. There I was miles from you with like 20 Heavy Runecloth bandages in my pack. That won't happen again! I promise! You're stuck with me!
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
LochnarITB,Jun 17 2005, 05:50 PM Wrote:If I just had one toon, it wouldn't be bad, but thinking of resetting 11 interfaces (again) makes me  :wacko:. 
You can actually copy and paste the layout-cache.txt files to keep your interfaces between the characters. Or at least, if only using the default UI mod that was all I had to do to get all my characters back to how I wanted them. The chat channels that you join are kept in chat-cache.txt. I don't know what other mods you're running that affect the interface, but those will take care of the windows and color of text and blah, blah, blah. The files are in WTF/Account/<accountname> and then in each character's folder. Saved me a hell of a lot of headaches after my reinstall. I set up one character how I like my "default" to be and then just copied and pasted the hell out of that file into the other folders. I still logged in with each character first so the game created the character folders, but you could probably do that by hand too. I didn't just use a backup though because with how goofy the entire game was acting, I wanted as clean of a slate to start with as I could.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Jun 17 2005, 10:51 PM Wrote:You can actually copy and paste the layout-cache.txt files to keep your interfaces between the characters.
Thanks for pointing that out. It looks like backing up the WTF folder and moving it back would make a reinstall much more palatable. Digging through the files seems to indicate that it would take care of the adjustments made by mods too. I haven't had a chance to test it with a raid invite, but I grouped twice last night without incident. I'm hoping that it really is as simple as getting rid of CTRA.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Hi, Hillary:

It's almost your birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

If there is room, I would like to be included in this Thursday night's CA raid in order to help others get their blood.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
I'm just starting the chain but I'm ready to talk to Marshall Windsor in BRD for the first time.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Hi Darian:

I've got my blood and as of Friday night, I will have turned it in.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Hey monkey. You're missing Mishy and Mishian. And Yuen, though the warriors much more likely for Onyxia.

And Cat's on there, and I'm not sure if she's even viable anymore.

You might also wanna keep tabs on KotC.

- Your loving secretary


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