PvE vs RP and some musings.
Darian,Jul 1 2005, 10:24 AM Wrote:Dear Penthouse, err LurkerLounge Forum

I never thought this would happen to me, but my male warlock got accosted while training up in the basement of the inn in Goldshire the other night by an extremely aggressive naked human priestess...
Darian,Jul 1 2005, 01:24 PM Wrote:That blows my mind.  None of my female toons have ever been hit on.

Now that Treesh mentions it, Leeah probably gets propositioned about once a day, but because it's just a toon, I probably don't even consciously register it. For example, someone might say "hehe, yer just the right height". to which my natural response is "yeah, to bite your !@#$ing !@#$ off." and then I'll make Leeah /bite.

oldmandennis,Jul 1 2005, 02:35 PM Wrote:Dear Penthouse, err LurkerLounge Forum

I never thought this would happen to me, but my male warlock got accosted while training up in the basement of the inn in Goldshire the other night by an extremely aggressive naked human priestess...

I just hurt myself.
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Darian,Jul 1 2005, 02:24 PM Wrote:That blows my mind.  None of my female toons have ever been hit on.

On the other hand, my male warlock got accosted while training up in the basement of the inn in Goldshire the other night by an extremely aggressive naked human priestess...
Oh c'mon! I mack on you with Sharanna all the time!

Oh wait. No my bad. I mack on Grizelle. ;)

P.S. I experienced two different guys hitting on my new priestess yesterday in Northshire. :rolleyes:

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