Uldum Moonwell Dancers thread
Good stuff.
Thoughts on Zul'Gurub...

Hey guys,

A bunch of MDs guided a mostly pug group through ZG on Sunday. We tried a whole bunch of things differently than we have in the past (eg. scholo, strat, ubrs runs). We generally did not wipe (we did have two locks though) and got the first boss down under 10% twice. I think these were the key things that we did that we need to keep doing in the future. I know the MDs are a better group than that pick up group and that if we work on this, as a group we can start downing the ZG bosses!

1) All discussion of the tactics were first done on a separate channel, then communicated to the group as a whole.
2) We had one person only giving plans to the group and calling pulls (in the future we can rotate who does this). This gave much better clarity of who should be doing what instead of everyone hearing a whole bunch of different things from different people.
3) If people in the raid had opinions or strategy suggestions, they would whisper one of the designated people on the tactics channel (in this case monk and kesh), and they would in turn bring it to the tactics channel
4) We had a designated person in charge of loot rules and discussions who was also on the tactics channel (in this case dood)
5) We used keshi's assist call (yell) when fighting bosses so people knew when to start laying into the bosses

Some things to consider using in the future for further organization
- Have someone in charge of coordinating MT and healers (maybe a channel for this). The purpose of this coordination is to make sure that the MT stays alive and is always the most hated by the mobs.
- Use class channels - eg a channel for mages, locks, healers, tanks, etc to discuss their tactics. Possibly have a leader for each class who has the most experience to help guide the others (and send class questions to the tactics people). This keeps the class level questions out of the general raid chat.
Maybe setup these channels...
- MDMain - warriors and healers
- MDMage
- MDRogue
- MDWarlock
- MDPaladin
- etc...

We've got a pretty good battle plan for the first and second bosses now. Just need to coordinate, practice (refine some) and execute.

I think our pug group out performed any expectations. The MDs can do much better group than the people we were with. If we worked with MDs on this kind of coordination for a couple runs, I think we'll be reaching a level that will get us to ZG boss killing and eventually MC.

Let's rock ZG! Want to set Thurs and Sat runs at 7PM weekly?
Frizzy :P
Frizz,Sep 19 2005, 02:46 PM Wrote:Thoughts on Zul'Gurub...

Hey guys,

A bunch of MDs guided a mostly pug group through ZG on Sunday.  We tried a whole bunch of things differently than we have in the past (eg. scholo, strat, ubrs runs).  We generally did not wipe (we did have two locks though) and got the first boss down under 10% twice.  I think these were the key things that we did that we need to keep doing in the future.  I know the MDs are a better group than that pick up group and that if we work on this, as a group we can start downing the ZG bosses!

1)  All discussion of the tactics were first done on a separate channel, then communicated to the group as a whole.
2)  We had one person only giving plans to the group and calling pulls (in the future we can rotate who does this).  This gave much better clarity of who should be doing what instead of everyone hearing a whole bunch of different things from different people.
3) If people in the raid had opinions or strategy suggestions, they would whisper one of the designated people on the tactics channel (in this case monk and kesh), and they would in turn bring it to the tactics channel
4) We had a designated person in charge of loot rules and discussions who was also on the tactics channel (in this case dood)
5) We used keshi's assist call (yell) when fighting bosses so people knew when to start laying into the bosses

Some things to consider using in the future for further organization
- Have someone in charge of coordinating MT and healers (maybe a channel for this).  The purpose of this coordination is to make sure that the MT stays alive and is always the most hated by the mobs.
- Use class channels - eg a channel for mages, locks, healers, tanks, etc to discuss their tactics.  Possibly have a leader for each class who has the most experience to help guide the others (and send class questions to the tactics people).  This keeps the class level questions out of the general raid chat.
Maybe setup these channels...
- MDMain - warriors and healers
- MDMage
- MDRogue
- MDWarlock
- MDPaladin
- etc...

We've got a pretty good battle plan for the first and second bosses now.  Just need to coordinate, practice (refine some) and execute.

I think our pug group out performed any expectations.  The MDs can do much better group than the people we were with.  If we worked with MDs on this kind of coordination for a couple runs, I think we'll be reaching a level that will get us to ZG boss killing and eventually MC.

Let's rock ZG!  Want to set Thurs and Sat runs at 7PM weekly?
Frizzy :P

I wish I could've been there! But someone made us go to the beach (no shells to pick and the water was cold >.<).....

I think all those ideas are really good ones for in instance workings, and I'd be glad to try them out.

Also I got caught looking at the Uldum forums by another student in the library, and he gave some ZG info, not a ton, but things like how bosses go, and some sheep/CC kill techniques for certain ones.

I was also thinking of some prep planning for out-of-instance things, and I'll at least be making a map of the patrols there, since those go sooo fast that I could track, and were a pain when I went.

Just one idea for having Turtle Kesh pull, is to have me go up there and have a macro to tell Kesh when to pull, since I can track, and he can't. The one pull I did was a good pull (if slow) but I was left with only 100hp before FD. If I can mark out the one to get, and have Kesh pull next to me (so I can track the range) I think it will help a lot for that sort of thing.

Thanks Frizzy for all the working and of course all others, but Friz first cause she wrote this :P

*sounds the trumpets and runs for the jungles!!* :w00t:

Great job, all.

Mavfin,Sep 24 2005, 06:36 AM Wrote:BATGIRL IS DOWN!&nbsp; :D&nbsp; :blush:

Great job, all.


:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Yipee! We got her! Nice turtling job Kesh :)

I think the next one is High Priest Venoxis, I'll go look up stuff on him for tonight :)


Mavfin,Jul 14 2005, 12:06 PM Wrote:This is for Mav's (Keshi in guild) guild on Uldum to post in.&nbsp; Or other Lurkers from Uldum Alliance if any exist.&nbsp;

Trash posts will be deleted.&nbsp; :shuriken:&nbsp; :shuriken:

You guys are welcome to make new threads and post here, just label threads Uldum or MD, so the guildies can find them in among the others.

ZG is fun, but I think we need to still focus on doing the normal runs to help people get geared up, and get some instancing experience. Also should be doing ST and Maradon runs to help level up people.

Here is my suggested schedule:

Mondays: Help-out days, alts, and taking people on guided tours of the lvl 20-55 instances.

Tuesdays: UD or HU Strat, can bring level 55s if they know to hang back a lot.

Wednesdays: Help-out days again.

Thursdays: Scholo, can bring level 57s if they hang back.

Fridays: UBRS if we have enough people, LBRS if not.

Saturdays: Depending on what people say during the week, we could try ZG batboss more, we know it's doable (if tough), but we should only do that if we really think we can get the people. UBRS around 8ish, but other runs earlier including 5 man runs, BRD, and Dire Maul.

Sundays: Two runs if possible, HU and UD Strat, or both BRS, or something like that.

In between PuG is fine, but trying to make sure there is time for guild runs. Also 5 man runs, help out time, and alting.

Also we need to find motivation for coming to these instances, people aren't learning if they aren't coming. These raids are fun once you get in the swing of it, so we should find ways to promote them. Remember, first runs anywhere are rarely perfect, and we can't expect those to work that way. But those first runs are what we need to have later runs so we can do those smoothly later.

Please post motivation suggestions and ideas, we're needing that.

Also for practice runs, when we don't have a lot of people we could get a few people for outdoor elite bashing. Wintersprings demons are good, level 60 elites, with patrols and some nasty hard hits, or mana drains. Or if King Mosh has been spotted, we can go out and smash him, would be good practice vs Fear and helping learn to Let the Tank get Aggro.

We'll be able to go ZG in time, but we cannot rush that time. I have absolutely no doubt that we can do it, but the matter is when, not if. 2 days a week of helping other level should get people leveled, and we have some good people coming up. Phedra is a buffbot-offtank, Booh seems to be a pretty good warlock, as is Flibby, and Destinys will make a great priest. All a matter of time, and we'll do more harm than good rushing in too soon. Not that I mind trying the batlady a few times or once a week, just saying we shouldn't push that too far yet.

Hope you guys like the ideas.

-Cyr :shuriken:
For Council of the Elders, I was chatting with Bainer (i think that was the name) for a little bit. He said his guild is talking about merging with another guild to be able to do bigger raids, but he says he's not so happy with the one they are looking at and would like to find a better option. They had 9 60s on last night when I did the /who. I think we should make it our highest priority to get on runs with them asap. Maybe this is a chance to pull in a large batch of people if it turns out we like them! Let's bug the heck outta them and do combo runs, even if we have to split up some nights and do two groups (split half them/half us each).

Btw, I'll be out from this Friday 9/30 through Oct 10th, so this is mostly up to you guys!

Great ideas. Let's keep working at it. I still like the idea of scheduled runs, even though I still think we should be in ZG twice a week for now (even with 15ish). I think the main thing is to make sure that people are making themselves consistantly available at 7PM every day. The main problem is that a lot of people are already commited to something else at that point and then say 'oh, bummer, i already joined this group'. We should keep pounding it into everyone's head that daily at 7, we are heading out together as much as possible. Can't get everyone of course, but hopefully more.
Frizz,Sep 27 2005, 08:30 AM Wrote:For Council of the Elders, I was chatting with Bainer (i think that was the name) for a little bit.&nbsp; He said his guild is talking about merging with another guild to be able to do bigger raids, but he says he's not so happy with the one they are looking at and would like to find a better option.&nbsp; They had 9 60s on last night when I did the /who.&nbsp; I think we should make it our highest priority to get on runs with them asap.&nbsp; Maybe this is a chance to pull in a large batch of people if it turns out we like them!&nbsp; Let's bug the heck outta them and do combo runs, even if we have to split up some nights and do two groups (split half them/half us each).

Btw, I'll be out from this Friday 9/30 through Oct 10th, so this is mostly up to you guys!


I'll make sure to chat with them, see what we can work out. 9 more people could be enough to do 2 runs a night, provided that we have some good druids to replace Monkee on some, but based on last night's Scholo run, I'd say we have some good druids.

I'm happy to go to ZG twice a week on practice runs just getting the patrols and such, and so is Hya, but others might not be up for planned armor repairs :blink:

I'm going to write out some general guidelines for the runs, since there are some things that just get old, but can easily be avoided. (like my setting an ice trap then seeing someone run right to it to break it) And I'll take over the assist calls, or someone else can instead of Kesh, give him a break, we can call the bad shots.

And we really need a brownie point type system to get people coming on our normal runs too, we don't really have a way to spend them though, so points just to have them don't work quite yet.

Have fun on vacation Frizzy B)
Is that second one the paladin set? Looks pretty crazy on a NE!
Here's some words of wisdom from Bolty that I have shamelessly stolen from another thread, talking about raiding attendance, etc, on Stormrage, but I think it applies to the raid leaders for MD.

<begin quote>
Also, the raid leaders are having to deal with too much bull-you-know-what. And without solid leadership, no raid will ever succeed. You look at every hardcore raid guild and there's a strong leader who ties the whole thing together, and is able to do so via a solid support staff that helps to deflect some of the bull-you-know-what. Take it from someone who used to try to run this website all by himself and burned out so hard that he closed it for just about a year. You have to put up with people criticizing all of your actions, insulting you, and basically trying to tear down everything you build because, as is true of all things, it's far easier to criticize than to contribute. I see that happening with the raid group, just based on things I've heard, and I'm not even participating...


<end quote>

The core group is going to have to deal with this exact problem. Me, Frizz, Monkee, Cyr, Zia, Kerana, the people who run the raids, and are on the raids almost every night. We have to stick together to make future big raids work. If I forgot someone obvious, shoot me.

We need to take a good look at Bainer's bunch.

I'm coming in here with no experience of what you guys are doing and who you're doing it with.

However, if you're interested in raiding/playings with others without becoming one guild, Guilded is a great addon for that. It allows you easy access to your allied guilds, and still gives you the seperation you may sometimes need.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Quark,Sep 29 2005, 12:12 PM Wrote:I'm coming in here with no experience of what you guys are doing and who you're doing it with.

However, if you're interested in raiding/playings with others without becoming one guild, Guilded is a great addon for that.&nbsp; It allows you easy access to your allied guilds, and still gives you the seperation you may sometimes need.

thanks, Quark
Mavfin,Jul 14 2005, 12:06 PM Wrote:This is for Mav's (Keshi in guild) guild on Uldum to post in.&nbsp; Or other Lurkers from Uldum Alliance if any exist.&nbsp;

Trash posts will be deleted.&nbsp; :shuriken:&nbsp; :shuriken:

You guys are welcome to make new threads and post here, just label threads Uldum or MD, so the guildies can find them in among the others.

Just a fun thing i decided to do, I just did an internet search for Moonwell Dancers, and this site was the first thing that came up, followed by the guild website, then the Thottbot character profiles.

Cyr's was updated only 1.5days ago! And so were many others, like Flib and Kesh and Dest.

Kinda weird, but neato.

So I tagged along with this "Little" fellow from Order of the Brew to go to MC and it was taking a long time to get set up. Anyhow, right before we're ready to go, my Dad cut his hand and it looked really bad. I told them in the raid chat and one person was giving me some sympathy and then Little messages me and accuses me of lying about the incident. I just got back from taking my Dad to the hospital to get some stitches...

I don't like him very much.
[Image: Awolfscry.jpg]
Awolfscry,Oct 9 2005, 03:15 PM Wrote:So I tagged along with this "Little" fellow from Order of the Brew to go to MC and it was taking a long time to get set up. Anyhow, right before we're ready to go, my Dad cut his hand and it looked really bad. I told them in the raid chat and one person was giving me some sympathy and then Little messages me and accuses me of lying about the incident. I just got back from taking my Dad to the hospital to get some stitches...

I don't like him very much.

Hmm, doesn't sound too good. Thought Celti had a good group there... poo. I'll send a message, cause that isn't too fair. I mean you were invited to MC so why would you miss out unless something really needed doing... duh, real life first.

Okay so, I wrote down a few tips when I was doing ZG with Pantheon yesterday.

Bat Lady
- Have all Mages waiting under the cave for the adds to come
- Mass AOE the bats that come, have some person dedicated to healing all the mages
- Everyone else on bat lady
- Use kick or any other spell casting disruptor when she's about to cast her healing spell
- DONT DIE (Bat lady gets healed a certain amount of life for every person that dies)

High Priestess Venoxis
- This room is very easy if done properly. There are about 30 snakes and trolls in this room so, we devised a good plan.
- Have all Mages/Druid have their own target
- Have one person count down from 5 and as soon as it hits 1, all Mages/Druids will either sheep or sleep their target
- This will eliminate most of the competition and should leave you 1 snake to focus on
- Venoxis herself is fairly easy, just stay out of the big poison aura
[Image: Awolfscry.jpg]
Mavfin,Jul 14 2005, 12:06 PM Wrote:This is for Mav's (Keshi in guild) guild on Uldum to post in.&nbsp; Or other Lurkers from Uldum Alliance if any exist.&nbsp;

Trash posts will be deleted.&nbsp; :shuriken:&nbsp; :shuriken:

You guys are welcome to make new threads and post here, just label threads Uldum or MD, so the guildies can find them in among the others.

NOTE: Please to to http://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/index...topic=6771

and join the discussion!!

Ok, here are the times I've gotten so far.

Destinys/Mystikal/Destinyz- just about whenever if given the schedule ahead of time, and is feeling well.

Wastecase- mostly weekends, but sometimes weekdays. 5-6pm to start, on east coast.

Elume- weekdays 7am-2pm, evening until 10:30pm. More time on weekends after Oct. 31.

Honora - Friday/Saturday evenings.

Kesh- after 6pm most nights.

Oldachielles- after 8pm usually. Needs more 5 man runs for questing.

Prymusunum- most nights, but Friday can stay later, 6-7pm start.

Booh- weekends after 9pm, needs alert for weekends to plan on coming.

Glamring- Tuesday evenings (6pm), weekends hit-or-miss.

Friz- 6pm to midnight most days, Sat/Sun best.

Briargar- All weekends but hursday, starting around 6-8pm, not passing 12. 6-8pm most weekends. (RL stuff too)

Malfeasance- 8-8:30pm to start weekdays, random weekends.

Vaire- midnight to 4am.

Cygnius- 3:30-4pm Mon-Thurs, Thurs-Fri 6-9pm, varied. Can't be up late on Sundays. Give planning times.

Phedra- Friday nights best.

Zia- 7pm

Seebo- 9pm-1am, Mon/Wed very varied.

Awolfscry- 5-6pm weekdays, best for weekends.

Hyacinth- 7pm generally.

Prusaus- More weekends later, real life stuff in the way, Sat/Sun better.

Still hoping for more responses later.
Just some random funny stuff I've come across...

Awesome strategy thread. MDs need to implemente these tactics ASAP!

Great description of pally ownage! Glowing hammer of wtfpwn you!

Lord of the rings and warcraft collide

:whistling: :shuriken: :blink:
Frizz,Oct 17 2005, 08:29 AM Wrote:Just some random funny stuff I've come across...

Awesome strategy thread.&nbsp; MDs need to implemente these tactics ASAP!

Great description of pally ownage!&nbsp; &nbsp; Glowing hammer of wtfpwn you!

Lord of the rings and warcraft collide

:whistling:&nbsp; :shuriken:&nbsp; :blink:

Here is some good stuff I found for our next ZG try.




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