Failed RPGs.
whathuh,Aug 8 2005, 08:20 AM Wrote:Yeah, but nox was actually better than diablo.

"But Tina made bacon!"

It was Tina wasn't it?

IMHO, Dungeon Siege 1 is the Best of the Best Diablo clones :P

But every RPG released since D1 claims that :blink:
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Treesh,Aug 8 2005, 10:15 PM Wrote:And Nox + NFS: Underground (on the PC) got the rest of EA (PC division only) banned from this household.
You mean Ultima IX: Descension didn't get EA banned from your house? That travesty wouldn't even run on anyone's computers! I tried the demo and it was completely unplayable. The final product was very similar according to reader reviews and friends who actually spent money on it.

Sadly, I can't completely ban EA. The wife loves The Sims, even if I can't stand anything EA does.
Selby,Aug 11 2005, 08:20 AM Wrote:You mean Ultima IX: Descension didn't get EA banned from your house? 
That one never even crossed the threshhold of our house, so no. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
sorry to hear you hated Nox, Treesh. I thought it was one of the best ten bucks I've ever spent. What made the game so bad for you?
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
Grarrrg,Aug 9 2005, 11:45 AM Wrote:"But Tina made bacon!"
It was Tina wasn't it?
I believe so.

"You want some bacon?"

"You know I do!"
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
Bob the Beholder,Aug 8 2005, 12:17 AM Wrote:Nox would fit the 'name with an n' thing, but not much with the 'in space' thing.

The other Diablo clones I've tried so far have beenDivine Divinity\, and Sacred.

I think Sacred is pretty good, at least in single player. Lots of classes (although with fewer talents than in D2), quests and a storyline with good interaction, all in all more quest- and less grind-oriented than the Diablo games. Controls are a bit iffy, though.

The German version also features the voices of Bruce Willis (Gladiator) and Gilian Anderson (Vampiress), which adds A LOT to the fun due to their lines being friggin' hilarious ("Don't run away! I won't hurt you! OK, that's a lie, but... "). Dunno about the english version.
"Ignoring is also a kind of understanding." - Christian Mai
Hi, Roland,

Heh, not exactly a timely rejoinder, but I've ended up not being on-line since the above posting.

Roland,Aug 9 2005, 01:44 AM Wrote:Speaking of which (I had hoped someone would bring that one up), if you liked DS, DSII looks to be more of the same. EXACTLY more of the same (with some possible additions). If not, I don't think DSII is going to be your game. I've only scratched the surface with the demo, but so far, I see it as more of the same: for better or worse.

Yeah, from what I've read, that sounds right. Looking at my budget, I'll have to wait until the price drops some before I consider getting it.

I saw where Circuit City had Legends of Aranna on sale for $10 this week, apparently since DSII is/was coming out this week. I decided my chances of finding Legends for sale for much less than $10 are not too great, so decided to finally buy it rather than looking for it on e-Bay or something. Just got it last night, haven't even installed it yet.

We'll see how it goes; at the moment I'm back to playing Warlords: Battlecry for the second time. I happen think the Battlecry series is way underrated or undeservedly unknown (ditto for the original Warlords series, for that matter; Warlords IV is an interesting game, for those who don't mind turn-based games, and often for sale cheap these days, if you can find it at all).



P. S. Belated congrats on your foray into the adventurous wilds of entrepreneurship! Have you started oppressing your peons yet, ala Doc's suggestion? :w00t: [just kidding - I hope! I realize you will probably be on sole-employee status for a while, at least. ]
Hi, Treesh,

Treesh,Aug 9 2005, 04:15 AM Wrote:Worst piece of crap software I have ever wasted ten bucks on. Nox got Westwood Studios banned in this household.  And Nox + NFS: Underground (on the PC) got the rest of EA (PC division only) banned from this household.  They caused nothing but aggravation so they get the boot and more than a few rude gestures.  When I have to troubleshoot for more time than I can actually play the game in a month's time, that makes me a little testy and less than forgiving.

EA console division is still welcome though. ;)

Interesting. I can see some people not liking aspects of Nox, such as the excessive hand-holding, extreme linearliness, the simplification, etc., but I liked the game in spite of those. However, it sounds like your main complaints were with crashes, bugs, etc., and that puzzles me, as I don't remember any significant problems to speak of with playing the game on my computer. Possibly there was some rare conflict with some of your hardware (video or sound card?). I've made a few changes to my machine since I last played Nox, so it will be interesting to see what happens if I try it out on my current set-up.



My usual sig lines are unavailable at the moment, so I decided to use this, which I think is pretty well-written:

Costello wants to buy a computer from Abbott:

Abbott: Super Duper computer store, can I help

Costello: Thanks. I'm setting up an office in my
den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.

Abbott: Mac?

Costello: No, the name's Lou.

Abbott: Your computer?

Costello: I don't own a computer. I want to buy

Abbott: Mac?

Costello: I told you, my names Lou.

Abbott: What about windows?

Costello: Why, will it get stuffy in here?

Abbott: Do you want a computer with windows?

Costello: I don't know, what will I see when I
look in the windows?

Abbott: Wallpaper.

Costello: Never mind the windows. I need a
computer and software.

Abbott: Software for Windows?

Costello: No, on the computer!! I need something
I can use to write proposals, track expenses and
run my business. What have you got?

Abbott: Office.

Costello: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend

Abbott: I just did.

Costello: You just did what?

Abbott: Recommend something.

Costello: You recommended something?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: For my office?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: OK, what did you recommend for my

Abbott: Office.

Costello: Yes, for my office!!

Abbott: I recommend Office with Windows.

Costello: I already have an office and it has
windows! Ok, let's just say I'm sitting at my
computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I

Abbott: Word.

Costello: What word?

Abbott: Word in Office.

Costello: The only word in office is office.

Abbott: The Word in Office for Windows.

Costello: Which word in office for windows?

Abbott: The Word you get when you click the blue

Costello: I'm going to click your blue "W" if you
don't start with some straight answers. OK,
forget that. Can I watch movies on the Internet?

Abbott: Real One.

Costello: If it's a long movie I also want to see
reels 2, 3 & 4. Can I watch them?

Abbott: Of course.

Costello: Great, with what?

Abbott: Real One.

Costello: OK, I'm at my computer and I want to
watch a movie. What do I do?

Abbott: You click the blue "1".

Costello: I click the blue one what?

Abbott: The blue "1".

Costello: Is that different from the blue w?

Abbott: The blue "1" is Real One and the blue "W"
is Word.

Costello: What word?

Abbott: The Word in Office for Windows.

Costello: But there's three words in "office for

Abbott: No, just one. But it's the most popular
Word in the world.

Costello: It is?

Abbott: Yes, but to be fair, there aren't many
other Words left. It pretty much wiped out all
the other Words out there.

Costello: And that word is real one?

Abbott: Real One has nothing to do with Word.
Real One isn't even part of Office.

Costello: Stop! Don't start that again. What
about financial bookkeeping. Do you have anything
I can track my money with?

Abbott: Money.

Costello: That's right, what do you have?

Abbott: Money.

Costello: I need money to track my money?

Abbott: It comes bundled with your computer.

Costello: What's bundled to my computer?

Abbott: Money.

Costello: Money comes with my computer?

Abbott: Yes, no extra charge.

Costello: I get a bundle of money with my
computer? How much?

Abbott: One copy.

Costello: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

Abbott: Microsoft gave us a license to copy

Costello: They can give you a license to copy

Abbott: Why not, they own it.
Dako-ta,Aug 19 2005, 11:19 PM Wrote:Hi, Treesh,
Interesting. I can see some people not liking aspects of Nox, such as the excessive hand-holding, extreme linearliness, the simplification, etc., but I liked the game in spite of those. However, it sounds like your main complaints were with crashes, bugs, etc., and that puzzles me, as I don't remember any significant problems to speak of with playing the game on my computer. Possibly there was some rare conflict with some of your hardware (video or sound card?). I've made a few changes to my machine since I last played Nox, so it will be interesting to see what happens if I try it out on my current set-up.



It took literally hours to just install the silly thing. Once it was finally installed it didn't run too badly, but then the rest of the stuff just added to my annoyance (the extreme linear gameplay was a main factor helping push my annoyance farther). If it would have installed without the hours of work, it would have been labelled as an "ok game" in my book. The installing process and the severe lack of tech support (I did get a tiny bit of tech support via email, but it really didn't do much for me. I had already tried all of their suggestions before I had contacted them) really frustrated me though so it became known as "that rotten piece of *blank* that I spent *blanking* hours on and should be thrown across the *blanking* room repeatedly" instead of just an "ok game". ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Aug 21 2005, 09:39 PM Wrote:It took literally hours to just install the silly thing.  Once it was finally installed it didn't run too badly, but then the rest of the stuff just added to my annoyance (the extreme linear gameplay was a main factor helping push my annoyance farther).  If it would have installed without the hours of work, it would have been labelled as an "ok game" in my book.  The installing process and the severe lack of tech support (I did get a tiny bit of tech support via email, but it really didn't do much for me.  I had already tried all of their suggestions before I had contacted them) really frustrated me though so it became known as "that rotten piece of *blank* that I spent *blanking* hours on and should be thrown across the *blanking* room repeatedly" instead of just an "ok game".  ;)
Okay, now I understand. Tech certainly does suck, and it was difficult to get the game running, especially on my windows xp, but it was also designed to be win95 or 98. I experienced a problem with data corruption on mine, so I did my best to fix the corrupted dialogue files. This was after I had already played the game through and got a new computer, however.

It's too bad you never got into the multiplayer. Some people enjoy pvp, others prefer coop, so its definately not for those coop people. The expansion pack sucks as well, and is a miserable excuse for coop multiplayer.

But the multiplayer is very fast paced and exciting. The warrior can't cast spells, but he can kill ANYTHING in 2 hits, and has one killer move while naked. The conjurer can cast some spells, and can shoot a crossbow, which is essentially a one hit kill ranged, but you have to know how to use it. The wizard is of course the hardest to play, but he has tons of spells, and the ability to use the death ray staff, which is an insta-kill for conjurers, or deals 100 damage to warriors.

This is the game where skill is way more useful than items, since anyone who has NO items can successfully kill an opponent relatively easily. That's why it's such a good game in my opinion.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.

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