Your personal rules of random PVP?
Savingsupertokyo,Sep 29 2005, 05:42 PM Wrote:go back and read my original post.  i wan't out picking herbs, i was on my way to onyxias lair, and i saw a red name.  i killed it because it is my personal rule to kill all red names EXCEPT those that have clever guild tags or character names.  The rule of thumb is that I'll leave you alone if you make me laugh.  I felt bad because I laughed after seeing the guild tag, and had inadvertently broken one of my rules.

what i said to Mavfin is a different circumstance altogether.  [right][snapback]90547[/snapback][/right]

See Vor_Lord's response it explains the inconsistency.

Savingsupertokyo,Sep 29 2005, 05:42 PM Wrote:personally, i don't know what your problem with me is.  i stopped posting at the amazon basin because of this kind of attitude.  shall i do the same for the lounge?

The age old fallback - should I stay or should I go? Only you can answer whether you have the fortitude to defend your own statements and feelings. After all, *I'm* the carebear here. ;)
now that I understand what you guys think i'm saying I see the problem.

Allow me to clarify.

I have no qualms about killing any alliance character that has a red name. The only real consideration I have is if their name makes me laugh or not. However, this does not mean that I go looking for fights. "man, there always seems to be a lot of alliance in redridge, i think ill go massacre some of them" thats just not the case. Say I'm in ashenvale swimming up and down the rivers for liferoot and stranglekelp. I'm there to farm and I'll probably ignore alliance to complete the task at hand, and mostly because I just don't care. This doesn't mean that I haven't killed lvl 20s floating around ashenvale though. They get in my way, take herbs I'm farming, attack other horde. These things happen, and I'll kill them.

Maybe I should say red = dead (when convenient) ?

why did I kill that warlock in DWM? it was a snap decision that I made as i rode up on him. i thought to myself "hmm, hes awful close to the horde camp, i should take care of him".

tl;dr version - my red = dead means i dont mind killing any alliance that are red. others have interpreted red = dead as meaning i will kill ALL alliance that i see.

am i backtracking? i dont think so, i think im just clarifying what i meant.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Artega,Sep 28 2005, 08:46 PM Wrote:I kill Paladins on sight because I enjoy watching them burn both bubbles and LoH and still lose the fight.

While I do enjoy killing Paladins that really try their hardest to survive, it's still, really frustrating to have them do that. A fight, 1 on 1, against any other class takes half as long.

The worst is in Arathi Basin; those plated priests can single handedly stop you from taking a mineral point just long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Bubble... Consecrate... BoP... Consecrate... Run around a bit... Consecrate... Stun... Consecrate... Almost worse than a mage that uses that iceblock and then spams arcane explosion on you. Grrrr...

I gotta say, though, I'm starting to really hate well played hunters. I had a run in with a good hunter today. Now, it wasn't a 1 on 1 encounter, he was 57, me 55, and he had mage support. The mage was 49, so I killed her in 2 purges and 3 shocks (having a guaranteed crit spell is such an amazing boon, especially when you crit without it -- 2 in a row is devestating to a clothy), but that damn hunter kept me at bay extremely well. The damage inflicted by the mage was the difference. I got him once, but he got me three times, once because I re-incarnated to finish off the mage (an angry decision). At least I killed the mage each and every time.

If I run into him again, oh boy, it's going to be a blood bath! We'll probably both be 60 by the time we meet again, and it'll probably be in AB or AV, but he's definitely on my hit list.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
JustAGuy,Sep 30 2005, 11:06 PM Wrote:The worst is in Arathi Basin; those plated priests can single handedly stop you from taking a mineral point just long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Bubble... Consecrate... BoP... Consecrate... Run around a bit... Consecrate... Stun... Consecrate... Almost worse than a mage that uses that iceblock and then spams arcane explosion on you. Grrrr...

Consecrate doesn't break taps, since it's a damage-over-time spell. I wonder how long it'll take for paladins to finally realize this.
MongoJerry,Oct 1 2005, 03:25 PM Wrote:Consecrate doesn't break taps, since it's a damage-over-time spell.  I wonder how long it'll take for paladins to finally realize this.

Are you sure about that? I could have sworn that the consecrate broke my tap. But, this was last week, as I stopped playing in favour of Alterac Valley. Honestly, I really don't care much for Arathi Basin...
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
JustAGuy,Oct 1 2005, 02:20 PM Wrote:Are you sure about that? I could have sworn that the consecrate broke my tap. But, this was last week, as I stopped playing in favour of Alterac Valley. Honestly, I really don't care much for Arathi Basin...

100% confident. I've tapped many flags while being "spammed" by consecrate. It does absolutely nothing other than some paltry damage. Good paladins know that if they're desperately defending the flag, they should stun or just whack people to break taps. A good paladin can hold off an attacking party a long time while waiting for reinforcements to arrive (and two paladins together is just murder). A bad paladin tries to consecrate. Thank God there are so many bad paladins out there, because otherwise between paladins and shadowmeld, Alliance would own Arathi Basin.
lfd,Sep 25 2005, 07:51 AM Wrote:Er, so not identical at all, then.  There's a very, very big difference there.  Even with the 'I'll attack people if they're green to me' rule, a level 60 could happily gank a level 48 for an HK.  You get nothing out of attacking a grey except the satisfaction of... hmm.  What, exactly?

The thrill of watching those dirty Alliance scum die a horrible death.

And if I do it frequently enough to enough people, they'll call in help from people more towards my level, and pretty soon I'll have an entire zone searching for me :)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Oct 2 2005, 10:07 AM Wrote:I'll have an entire zone searching for me :)

Sometimes, I piss off an entire raiding guild. One warlock + One shadow priest in Kargath = Kicking two dozen alliance member asses 2-3 at a time until they smarten up and finally get together. Half a dozen 50+ too.

Isn't PvP great?
Starting my PvP server after the honor (or lack there of) system went into effect, has clearly changed my opinion on pvp. On PVE servers, engaging in pvp is a choice and ganking someone after they are fighting a mob and low on health is just rude and pretty lame. On a PvP server anyone and I do mean ANYONE will turn on you in a heartbeat.

If you are just standing around debating, "should I kill this person or not", you will get nailed and the lowbee will help add dps. Therefore it is red=dead (either them or me).

In a real pvp situtation (while I was learning the rules of a pvp server), I "sheeped" a shaman and kept on running thinking that the lowbee would take it as a good blessing that I didn't kill him (30 mage vs 24 shaman). NOOOOOO, here he comes, chasing after me, hoping to catch me low on mana with a mob. My paranoia of constently looking around saw him coming and down he went. Therefore my new rule is red=dead.

I've learned not to run on roads (60 hunters will snipe you), I've learned to find places that are not on the way to instances. I've learned to hide and gank people in my questing area when they are low on health so that I can try to complete a quest myself.

PvP is a change in thinking. PvE is a choice. Both are fun. PvP gets my heart pounding every step of the way. Any simple mob kill could be a gank, and the frequent runs from the graveyard and the constant hiding are a pain at times. PvE is fun in that you take on mobs above your level and see if you live. You set up the situation and see if you live pushing your skills to the limit (vs. PvP where good luck and who gets the jump makes a winner more often then not).

My best fights and escapes are on the PvP server. My best mob encounters are on the PvE servers.

Oh, best trick to do when you see a 60 coming your way, pray the sheep goes off and then type /chicken. They will hunt you down on their mount so you might as well have some fun before you have another graveyard run :P .

Yuri - Mage/Arcane 85 Undead
Thirdrail - Shaman/Resto 85 Tauren
Vicstull - Rogue/Subtlety 85 Troll
Penten - Priest/Discipline 85 Blood Elf
Storage guild Bassomatic
Great post Xame

Another good viewpoint which exemplifies the difference includes this quote:

Quote:Many of the members of HAVOC are not interested in XP, infact, many of us are trying as hard as possible NOT to gain XP to avoid jumping into the next Battleground level range. So, when we are waiting for a place in a BG we will often go to enemy territory and look for PvP. Often we go as small groups, looking for other groups to fight or maybe even single targets of a significantly higher level. Just the other night, a group of four rogues from HAVOC (lvl 25, 35, 36 and 49) spent a couple of hours standing at the gates of Minithil Habour, we killed anyone who tried to leave or enter the city. Sometimes this was level 30 characters, sometimes it was level 60 characters; after a couple of hours of this finally a group of 8-10 level 60 alliance rode out of the city and completely destroyed us. It was on the whole great fun.

Now, this was fun BECAUSE we were working as a group. I sometimes go and hunt alone (the other night I spent a couple of hours on the alliance ship sailing from Minithil – killing anyone who boarded it)… but generally speaking it’s a lot more fun working as a group. Now, we can either just sit around and hope that an evenly matched opposing group show up and fight us… or we can cause a little havoc and attract a little attention and ensure that eventually we get a good group fight going. We do this in many parts of the world; Hillsbrad

It seems to me that this is the playstyle that pvp server game mechanics should support while hassle-free mob killing is the playstyle that pve servers should support. Just as griefing people who are doing pve is inappropriate on a pve server, whining reporting or naming and shaming pvpers who are doing pvp on a pvp server is equally inappropriate
When I'm playing on stormrage I generally don't bother with PvP, it just seems silly there. When I'm on Tich (which is 95% of the time now) I will kill it if it's red and I feel like it.

If it's a toon more than 10 levels below me I'll probably just leave them alone unless they are competing for mobs/resources with me. I don't follow this as a hard, fast rule but find myself generally following that guideline.

I don't corpse camp. I don't emote at all after/during/before the fight. If the fight is heavily skewed to my advantage, I don't toy with them (fight w/out armor or whatever), I kill as fast as possible.

I've been treated many ways so far. I've had "fair" fights with similar level toons and won/lost. I've had the occasional lvl 60 ride by and ignore me. I've had high lvls ride by, dismount, kill me, and move on. I've been camped. I've been griefed. It's a PvP server, I accepted that when I started playing there. It's nice having multiple toons on Stormrage though. If I'm not in the mood for PvP, I play on SR. :)
[Image: 398611nxqZf.png]
[Image: 398692clWcy.png]

Saryn - 70 priestess
Tacita - 70 mage

Bellona - 60 Human Warlock
Raylyn - 21 Human Pries
Aesa - 60 Human Mage
Kirra - 39 Human Warrior
Kalb - 32 Dwarven Priest

Zheelu - 52 Troll Rogue
MongoJerry,Sep 29 2005, 06:18 PM Wrote:Zippyy, if you like staring at a guy's behind for hours each day, then I think that's completely your prerogative.
I, um...

I identify more with... um...


*points at Killion and flees*
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