Best Builds
every now and again someone comes around and asks "whats the best items for my class?" or "whats the best build i can get?"

so i thought a topic might be interesting to see what people think

now i'm only going to do my favorite class and type Tank Mage

Awe fpm Harmony
Obs Zod x2
Drag Zod

1 Ksoh
1 Ksov in inventory
wha do YOU think is the best way to build your favorite class and type?
Just out of curiosity, what would your sorceror actually use a KSOV for?

I haven't done this for about 5 years, but here's a few dream builds for ya (all stats/base items assumed to be perfect of course):

Traditional warrior: Obs/mammoth helm, awesome/stars plate, em/tiger shield, KSOH, 3 x drag/zod. For turtle maging, swap hat to RC and weapon to DF.

Cudgel warrior: Obs/mammoth, awe/stars, em/tiger, CC, 3 x gold/heavens. Obviously this is only for NM/hell and hell/hell runners, not people who like zapping through the cats and caves.

Arty: TC, Naj's, crimson/brilliance, DF, 3 x drag/wiz. King's/slaughter in the pack for trips. If you're the kind of person who gets carelessly stunlocked by a couple lava maw, you really shouldn't be playing an arty, but you can throw a harmony ring in the backpack for emergencies and should have plenty of time to put it on without dying.

Rogue: Rogues are always shopping and constantly switching their items to match the monster mix or the color of the dungeon floor, so they don't really have a dream setup.
Quote:Traditional warrior:  Obs/mammoth helm, awesome/stars plate, em/tiger shield, KSOH, 3 x drag/zod.  For turtle maging, swap hat to RC and weapon to DF.

Interesting choice. Most people will say that getting resistances from your helm is a bad idea, but I agree with you on this point. The choice comes down to helm slot v. jewelry slot: RC + obsidian jewel v. obsidian helm + dragon's jewel. Which setup gives more mana? Well, RC gives 50 mana, dragon's gives 60. The issue comes in when the AC from the RC is a decided factor.

FYI the total AC with PERFECT equip with this setup is: 2.5(75) + 20 + 15 + 1/5(60+20+20+20+11) = 249, which is decent, and will keep you from gettting hit about half the time in Hell at clvl 50. A character is more likely to have 220-230 in reality, which IMO diminishes the usefullness of the plate mail. So, unless you have superb equipment, it might be worth it to go with an Obsidian armor and RC helm to get a little bit more mana.

Quote:Arty:  TC, Naj's, crimson/brilliance, DF, 3 x drag/wiz.  King's/slaughter in the pack for trips.  If you're the kind of person who gets carelessly stunlocked by a couple lava maw, you really shouldn't be playing an arty, but you can throw a harmony ring in the backpack for emergencies and should have plenty of time to put it on without dying.

I would switch out crimson/brilliance for an emerald/tiger. 30 mana is pretty arbitraty out of 1000+, and the extra HP would help you to get stunned from tough hell bad guys. It would also max out lightning resistance as well, which can be noticeable v. cabalists in hell.

Rogues are too versatile to have any one single setup (plus alternate equip), but this is what I like:

Obsidian great helm of the Mammoth
Awesome full plate of the Lion
Emerald bow of the Heavens
Dragons/zodiac x 3

King's sword of Haste
Civerb's Cudgel
Emerald tower shield of the Tiger [edited]

Life: ~440
Mana: ~450
AC: ~260

It requires great equipment and its only for clvl 45+, so the AC is auto-hit or close to it for fast attackers like lava maws, maelstorms, and drakes. Since a bow rogue IS a ranged attacker, too many melee enemies should not be getting close enough where it is a problem. Also, as long as your character has enough HP that you are comfortable with, healing is more effecient than MS. The plate's suffix can be swappped out depending on how much HP you want.

Playstyle is CAT where magic, melee and bow are used virtually equally. Mana shield is viable for certain area where damage comes fast and hard, like laz's chamber, and possibly level 16. The mana pool is as much as any MS-using rogue except that a greater percentage can be used for offensive magic.

*Edit: I was thinking of putting the non fast-block shield originally, but hadn't tested it enough yet. Last night I went throug hell/hell with a clvl 36 rogue with 245 AC, no fast block, no ms, 328 life and 119 mana. Only twice did I get hit becase of the block speed. I am still not done testing, but if it worked fine for mid-lvl with "working" equipment, it should be more than enough for a high-level with dream equipment. I am also much more convinced that the plate can swapped out.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
the Langolier,Oct 17 2005, 02:53 PM Wrote:FYI the total AC with PERFECT equip with this setup is: 2.5(75) + 20 + 15 + 1/5(60+20+20+20+11) = 249, which is decent, and will keep you from gettting hit about half the time in Hell at clvl 50.  A character is more likely to have 220-230 in reality, which IMO diminishes the usefullness of the plate mail.  So, unless you have superb equipment, it might be worth it to go with an Obsidian armor and RC helm to get a little bit more mana.

You are forgetting that Dex will also allow you to block attacks and together with a ~ 240 AC and at least *some* skill, it will be very difficult to get killed.

Here's a realistic setup from my last warrior that was played last around 5 years ago. Stats are from memory, and are probably not completely accurate.

AFP Precision, base was 74 iirc, and was about 145%
Obs/Tig shield 40/20/149%
Drake/Zod, Obs/Heavens, Dragon/Heavens.

This is a setup where you can take some chances with a bit of skill, and a lot of chances with a lot of skill. A LAW can *not* take as many chances, period. On a mixed or a melee lvl, and 2 people with the same lvl of skill, a mid-AC warrior will always be faster than a LAW. All ranged is of course where LAWs shine, but since that does not occur too often, it is not worth it.

Also as we're talking "dream setup", if you're going LAW, the helm of choice is Helm of Sprits.

the Langolier,Oct 17 2005, 04:53 PM Wrote:Interesting choice.  Most people will say that getting resistances from your helm is a bad idea, but I agree with you on this point.  The choice comes down to helm slot v. jewelry slot: RC + obsidian jewel v. obsidian helm + dragon's jewel.  Which setup gives more mana?  Well, RC gives 50 mana, dragon's gives 60.  The issue comes in when the AC from the RC is a decided factor.

FYI the total AC with PERFECT equip with this setup is: 2.5(75) + 20 + 15 + 1/5(60+20+20+20+11) = 249, which is decent, and will keep you from gettting hit about half the time in Hell at clvl 50.  A character is more likely to have 220-230 in reality, which IMO diminishes the usefullness of the plate mail.  So, unless you have superb equipment, it might be worth it to go with an Obsidian armor and RC helm to get a little bit more mana.

Actually, it's only 248 AC. And you do have perfect blocking if the warrior is level 45+, which in combination with the moderate AC and high life from this setup (and fast weapon speed) make him pretty solid to face a significant multiple melee opponents. It is kind of a "have your cake and eat it too" scenario. With the dream equipment, this is good enough AC to live on, and the bolstered life and mana from this setup really help against ranged attackers. Realistically, you aren't going to get there, and the Royal Circlet becomes the helm of choice for most warriors (it is also much easier to get an RC than anything listed in this setup). But there is no room for realism in this thread. ;)

As for the sorcerer... it's basically all a fashion statement anyway. If you've played the game long enough to have this kind of equipment, you should be good enough to play a naked mage through hell/hell with one eye closed and a beverage in your left hand. Or you could be one of the cool kids and play a Geezer instead!
You've sold me. I am curious if you had a character with this build, and what your actual stats were (including dex/damage etc.). I know I can calculate it myself for the dream setup, but characters never get there so sometimes it feels like a let down.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
If you're talking to me, I can look him up. If not, then I won't.

the Langolier,Oct 18 2005, 11:59 AM Wrote:You've sold me.  I am curious if you had a character with this build, and what your actual stats were (including dex/damage etc.).  I know I can calculate it myself for the dream setup, but characters never get there so sometimes it feels like a let down.

I've never actually had an obs/mammoth item or suffixed AFP (other than Ages), and maybe 2 total drag/zods amongst all of my characters. I think with Sir.Rempert for a while I was using a perfect AFP, Helm of Sprits, obs/tiger tower, KSOH, and... obs/heavens, drake/zod, and drag/perf or something to that effect. I experimented with just about every setup he could find.

With a true berzerker using the obsidian t-shirt, it's not the blood knights and azure drakes that usually kill you, but rather the maelstorms, storm lords, and lava maws. These are the guys who attack so fast that even 2 of them is already a problem if you have to block everything. They are all very vulnerable to spells, so you can either blast them away or handle them very cautiously in melee. But I guess the point is that these are the guys you are looking at when doing AC calculations if you are trying for a low-AC/hybrid (as opposed to no-AC) warrior.

It really does all depend on playing style. If you are just going to charge straight at everything and try to hit in on the head, you need as much AC, life, and resistances as possible just to stand a chance. If you are going to stonecurse every single enemy, the dream setup would be quite different.
Rogue is my fav class, but as someone else mentioned, they are far too versatile to have any one type of set up. Rogues are good at everything, which is why they are best class imo. High ac, low ac, ms, healing, bow, melee......the ways to play a rogue are almost endless. But best set ups all depend on the situation and what type of build u want.

High Ac Rogue, PvM:

Awesome Stars full plate
2 x Obsidian Zodi
Dragon Zodi
Massive Swiftness


Awesome Stars
Emerald Heavens
2 x Dragon Zodi
1 Obsidian Zodi

if im playing high ac, i prefer the former set up since swiftness bows do much more damage then normal bows, but both are very nice set ups. Its also good to have a Storm Shield and a Kings Haste basty/Civerbs for a melee set up. Some people dont like the +4 damage on SS but i think have 320+ ac and fast block far outweighs this factor. Honestly, i dont think a rogue should bother to use any other shield EXCEPT SS. Just my opinion though.

For a Low Ac Rogue:

Obsidian Stars plate or mail
Obsidian Stars helm/crown
3 x Dragon Zodi
Massive Swiftness

or RC with 1 Obsidian Zodi and 2 Dragons Zodi also works. Playing this low ac set up with no ms is a fun and exciting style of play, as well as very challenging. I think this is a much more exciting way to play then a traditional high ac rogue. It teaches u better movement and to act very quickly and sharply under harsh circumstances. Ive lvl'd two rogues to 50 playing this style and it has improved my skills not only in co-op, but in other areas as well. Which leads me to.....


PvP is a whole other ball game of course.

vs. another bow Rogue (note: if the other rogue is using sword/shield, harmony on the bow rogue isnt necessary, Awesome Stars will work just fine):

Awesome Harmony full plate
3 x Dragon Zodi
Massive Swiftness

vs. Mage:

Obsidian Stars mail or plate
Obsidian Stars helm/crown
3 x Dragon Zodi (1 obsidian zodi with RC also works)
Massive Swiftness

vs. Warrior:

Awesome Stars full
3 x Dragon Zodi
Massive Swiftness (or Storm shield/Kings Haste if your are too chicken to due with a bow :))

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
You are all worthless and weak. We all know that mages are best utilizing the Useless Axe of the Pit and any armor for a warrior above rags is cheating.

Heh these items are probably duped but ima post them anyways!!!
For mana shield sorcerers!!
Thinking cap helm
Thinking cap amulet
Df Armor
Archangels staff
Thinkingcap rings
This is my mage vs mage up top there! High damage and resist:Pcombined with manashield makes u invincible

Inventory: Dreamflange rings helmet amulet. Inferno's ring. constricting ring. !!! ohyeahhh Arkain's valor for the FHR:)
i wear arkaine's valor when going down to hell. i put on full dreamflange and 1 inferno's ring when fighting in dungeon level 16 cuz u don't get mobbed that much by melee and the high mana and high fire res is a must onn level 16^_^

Melee tank mage mwahahah (works for other classes too)
Demonspike coat rings, amulet and sword. Godly shield of ages, Godly plate of the whale. 800+ defence:)Fireball does enough damage for any melee-er the high AC would keep them from killing you while you kill them!:)Also, for the other classes, I don't thik you'll need the demonspike coat sword cuz you'll have the required str for the godly plate of the whale(Full plate mail).

HIgh hit%
Strange Bow of the heavens (long war) Godly plate whale Lightforge helmet(may switch with eaglehorn helmet O_o) Lightforge ammy(eagle horn)
Eaglehorn rings blah blah lite forge yeah..

HIgh damage rogue. Merciless bow of the heavens works for high level rogues. Doesn't add much for low level rogues:( Merciless bow of slaughter does heavy damage for any level. godly plate whale, gnarled root rings, gnarled root ammy helmet hmmm zodiac rings... im forgeting something about requirements:P

Rogues vs warrior
Merciless bow of heavens, Ob rings zodiac, Gnared roota mmy(eaglehorn ammy), eaglehorn helmet
godly plate whale,

Hm civerbs cudgle works great with any class.... i've killed hell monsters with 2 hits in dungeons 13-16 =/
bleh im tired:P
Quote:Heh these items are probably duped but ima post them anyways!!!

Well, you are probably a noob, but I'll flame you anyways.

Quote:Thinking cap amulet

Doesn't the fact that you are putting what appears to be a cap around your neck (and that the graphic is larger than the slot) make you think twice, or did you have trouble even thinking once? As a curiosity, how do you keep track of which cap out of all em them is the amulet one, or ring one, or maybe even the cap?

Quote:800+ defence

Cool! 500 more defense than will ever be useful on level 16! You must have an impressive 600 mana with this godly setup too.

Quote:Also, for the other classes, I don't thik you'll need the demonspike coat sword cuz you'll have the required str for the godly plate of the whale(Full plate mail).

So you want rogues and warriors to swap out the sword slot with a full plate mail? I'm sure you have enough strength to wear it, but you might find it hard getting enough strength to SWING it. Notice: if you don't the required 350 strength to swing armor as a weapon, you will see your character just swinging his shield instead. And a Demonspike Coat armor does WAY more damage than a Godly shield of the ages.

HIgh hit%
Strange Bow of the heavens (long war)

Hey, you've been poking around Jarulf's guide a little -you should surprise me and find the part that will enlighten you as to why that is a silly choice for a rogue's bow - that is of course if you keep from getting banned for long enough.

Quote:Merciless bow of slaughter

Boy I heard that bow is super rare. In fact, I heard the only way you can get it is if you bring a merciless long war bow and a bastard sword of slaughter to the Cornerstone of the World, drop the BOW on it, then dupe the bow WITH the sword (not a potion!!!!), drop the DUPE on the Cornerstone which will break the existing copy, then save the game, quit diablo, restart diablo and press: ABBACABBA on the first screen. Now enter a game with the character you want to have the bow, and get player killed. Your ear will drop, and do NOT let anyone else pick it up. When you go back down and pick up your ear, it will morph into the bow. Also please note that everything except for getting PKed must be done in single player mode only.

Quote:im forgeting something about requirements

Yeah, you are forgetting the requirement that the suffix 'of slaughter' can only appear on melee weapons.

Quote:bleh im tired

Yeah, skimming the first 10 pages of Jarulf's guide in 48 seconds has that effect.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
Quote:Heh these items are probably duped but ima post them anyways!!!
For mana shield sorcerers!!
Thinking cap helm
Thinking cap amulet
Df Armor
Archangels staff
Thinkingcap rings
This is my mage vs mage up top there! High damage and resist:Pcombined with manashield makes u invincible
Inventory: Dreamflange rings helmet amulet. Inferno's ring. constricting ring. !!! ohyeahhh Arkain's valor for the FHR:)
i wear arkaine's valor when going down to hell. i put on full dreamflange and 1 inferno's ring when fighting in dungeon level 16 cuz u don't get mobbed that much by melee and the high mana and high fire res is a must onn level 16^_^
Melee tank mage mwahahah (works for other classes too)
Demonspike coat rings, amulet and sword. Godly shield of ages, Godly plate of the whale. 800+ defence:)Fireball does enough damage for any melee-er the high AC would keep them from killing you while you kill them!:)Also, for the other classes, I don't thik you'll need the demonspike coat sword cuz you'll have the required str for the godly plate of the whale(Full plate mail).

HIgh hit%
Strange Bow of the heavens (long war) Godly plate whale Lightforge helmet(may switch with eaglehorn helmet O_o) Lightforge ammy(eagle horn)
Eaglehorn rings blah blah lite forge yeah..

HIgh damage rogue. Merciless bow of the heavens works for high level rogues. Doesn't add much for low level rogues:( Merciless bow of slaughter does heavy damage for any level. godly plate whale, gnarled root rings, gnarled root ammy helmet hmmm zodiac rings... im forgeting something about requirements:P

Rogues vs warrior
Merciless bow of heavens, Ob rings zodiac, Gnared roota mmy(eaglehorn ammy), eaglehorn helmet
godly plate whale,

Hm civerbs cudgle works great with any class.... i've killed hell monsters with 2 hits in dungeons 13-16 =/
bleh im tired:P

I suggest you dont post anymore. Cheaters are not welcome here.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
Quote:I suggest you dont post anymore. Cheaters are not welcome here.
While the second half of your statement may well indeed be true, it has long been customary to at least first try to show people why it's better to not cheat then to just tell them it would be better for them to leave.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:Heh these items are probably duped but ima post them anyways!!!


The advice you gave isn't germane here, because it involves cheated items. This community is not a community of cheaters; we play the game for what it is. The usual protocol here is to ban cheaters on sight, but intent goes a long way. Right now I don't get the impression that you have an opinion either way (or that you know what constitutes cheating in Diablo), but if you're intersted in the nuts and bolts of this game, learning how it works, and becoming a better gamer, then we'll be happy to answer any of your questions with the proviso that you set down your cheats.


Most of these builds are for playing around with the avererage rogue, sorc, and warrior that would just swing or choot at you with the usual fireball, arrows, and swords. Those arent actually for monsters rofl?? u think i'd put hese on for monsters? Rofl don't get pissy at me and think ur all "better" and i didn't read the guide to come up with this.

Besides i'd use goldy plate whale, ob rings of zod, merciless bow of heavens (long war), dragon's amulet of zodiac, and, as for helmet, i'd use whichever best fits each class. I like lightforge helmet for a rogue and warrior.

don't diss the thinking caps. they're gg

Don't annoy me thinking ur so better. I made those builds for the sake of those stats only.

Quote:Hey, you've been poking around Jarulf's guide a little -you should surprise me and find the part that will enlighten you as to why that is a silly choice for a rogue's bow - that is of course if you keep from getting banned for long enough.

I hope you find it soon, time is running out!

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
Quote:Most of these builds are for playing around with the avererage rogue, sorc, and warrior that would just swing or choot at you with the usual fireball, arrows, and swords. Those arent actually for monsters rofl?? u think i'd put hese on for monsters? Rofl don't get pissy at me and think ur all "better" and i didn't read the guide to come up with this.

Besides i'd use goldy plate whale, ob rings of zod, merciless bow of heavens (long war), dragon's amulet of zodiac, and, as for helmet, i'd use whichever best fits each class. I like lightforge helmet for a rogue and warrior.

don't diss the thinking caps. they're gg

Don't annoy me thinking ur so better. I made those builds for the sake of those stats only.
Okay, so I take back my responce to FireIceTalon... the door's over there.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

>don't diss the thinking caps. they're gg

No one dissed the TC. They're dissing it if any nub actually wears it on their head. Since the sword and sandal version of the Thinking Cap is that much better. For the awesome +1 laser damage.
Quote:No one dissed the TC. They're dissing it if any nub actually wears it on their head. Since the sword and sandal version of the Thinking Cap is that much better. For the awesome +1 laser damage.

Good thing my Arkaines Undies gives me +1 Laser defense! :whistling:

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