Muling in Diablo
Force,May 14 2006, 01:15 AM Wrote:I agree, this game never intended to have a stash.. but how exactly is this "cheatin?". It is simply a more efficient way of mulin. No offense (bah, who cares if it offends you? I don't even like you anyway), but you sound like some kinda cult-freak who chants out "cheater" the moment he reads about somethin different, like some medieval nut who chants out "witch!" the moment he sees some lady beat up a man. Not everythin new or 3rd-party is cheatin; yes, most unfortunately happen to be (or can easily be used in such a way), but not 'all'. I just simply do not see how this lil stash is much different from mules - you could just as easily do somethin with the mule files for infinite items (not describin the method - I don't want new players readin about such); this program doesn't seem any different. You're just a very shallow, narrow-minded person. Good day.

While Skana's post was hardly constructive and offered nothing in the way of an explanation as to what possible dangers could arise out of this program, such public flaming is hardly excepted here. If you have some issue with skana, then take it up with him personally, as I for one don't want to hear it and I imagine most here would agree with me.

As for the program, in rebuke to Skana's criticism, the only possible danger I can see arising out of it, is that due to the ease it offers to item transfers, the idea that all of one's characters using the exact same equipment could become the norm. The idea that one drag/zod becomes one drag/zod for each and every character you create.

Such exploitation I could never condone, but 'exploitation' is exactly what it is, in the same way that mana bug abuse is exploitation and the duping bug is exploitation. There is nothing wrong with this program in my opinion, Ulmo is a credit to the diablo community for creating it and though there may be a chance it can be used for cheating, cheaters have long had far better resources available to them if they are that way inclined.

D1 Ironman Tournament 2006
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...
Quote:Such exploitation I could never condone, but 'exploitation' is exactly what it is, in the same way that mana bug abuse is exploitation and the duping bug is exploitation.

I would have to disagree here. To me at least, 'exploitation' like 'cheating' implies that you are gaining an advantage somehow. While Ulmo's program may make it extremely easy for someone to use the same setup for all their characters, they gain no more advantage from this than they would have if they had muled in the normal fashion.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
umm... when i started d1 this morning all my items was gone (that i had mule with this prog) not the items i used on my sorce, only the items i had muled... whats up with that?

no it's not a bad joke, i lost all the stuff i was gonna use on my new warrior i was gonna start building + all my backup gear and my unique collection :(
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]

LennyLen,May 15 2006, 06:46 AM Wrote:they gain no more advantage from this than they would have if they had muled in the normal fashion.
Like people using bots in DII gain no more advantage from it than they would have if they had run the bosses in the normal fashion? (slightly exaggerated example, but still)

In few words: a stash is an advantage that was not built in the game (for a reason(?)). Players who use one should point this out at the moment of game creation, or they are - well - cheating.
If this is singleplayer we're talking about, then my statements don't apply, since there's no cheating in singleplayer besides of spoiling one's own fun.

Just my point of view.

Greetings, Fragbait
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- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
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Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
I would like to know if there is a way to make a backup of the items we mule... becaus i don't wanna loose the items i mule again, i lost a few nice items

Thinking Cap (got it from Hureg) i had it in my stach becaus it didn't have much dur yet, and it was the only item i really, really didn't want to loose

Stormshield (got it from Scrape) i was gonna use this on my next char

I don't care about the other stuff i lost... anyway, if there issn't a way to backup the items i won't use it as a stach anymore, becaus i don't wanna risk loosing the stuff i stach, i will just use it when i mule insted :(
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]
Quote:Like people using bots in DII gain no more advantage from it than they would have if they had run the bosses in the normal fashion? (slightly exaggerated example, but still)

In few words: a stash is an advantage that was not built in the game (for a reason(?)). Players who use one should point this out at the moment of game creation, or they are - well - cheating.

I'm not familiar with the D2 bots since I didn't play the game much, but if they give an unfair advantage over other players, then they are 'cheating'.

If a third-party app just makes it easier to do something like shopping, it falls into a grey area.

I should also point out that it is also incorrect to call Ulmo's app an exploit since it doesn't exploit bugs in the game's code - it changes the game's code.

"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
LennyLen,May 15 2006, 11:49 AM Wrote:I'm not familiar with the D2 bots since I didn't play the game much, but if they give an unfair advantage over other players, then they are 'cheating'.

If a third-party app just makes it easier to do something like shopping, it falls into a grey area.

I should also point out that it is also incorrect to call Ulmo's app an exploit since it doesn't exploit bugs in the game's code - it changes the game's code.
bots can do pretty much everything, you can use hem for

1) doing baal runs over and over again, they start games by themself, tele to throne by themself, put up a tp for other players to join in, kill everuything they see and then kill baal... and then they make a new game and do it over and over again

2) they can make privates game and kill all bosses (not only baal) and not only on one act

3) they can also shop items if thats what the user want

4) they also stach the items it find (and are good) and you can also make it id them

I don't think i missed something, but yeah... it's cheating for sure, not the same thing at all like ulmos app imo
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]
Ulmo,May 12 2006, 06:07 AM Wrote:If I understand correctly what you say, I have nothing to do with this bug. I don't interfere with Adria sales, neither with drops.
The problem was the following : Mag req for books are adapted to your character when needed (before Adria show them to you, or when you pick them up). I forgot to update when showing stash content, so when you deposit a CB book with a character of lvl 15CB, the book appeared "mag req 255" for all chars. This should be corrected now.

Sorry if i did'nt expressed myself right... the case is.... my rogue has a lv 13 CB and my mage have lv 14 CB... the magic requirements for the mage is 192 mag....and for my rogue is 255, sice 255 and 0 are "magical" numbers... i guess it will have something to do with your maintains even without the program... i don't know what it can be, if someone can help me i apreciate.

Aside of the "cheating" discussion, i think Ulmo's work should be recognized not as a cheating....but as a tool... the poor guy made the pgm, give it FREE to everebody and still are ppl critisizing (i really dont know how to write this word) his work, thats not cool...
Now inside the discussion, since mulling it's a common pratice i don't see how the stash is cheating, since it only optimize a process that is consider "legit" i guess. That's my statement

Go, Ulmo
"All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy!"
Quote: the poor guy made the pgm, give it FREE to everebody and still are ppl critisizing (i really dont know how to write this word) his work, thats not cool...

If people feel that the program is 'immoral', then they have every right to say so, provided they do so in a polite manner.

Quote:Now inside the discussion, since mulling it's a common pratice i don't see how the stash is cheating, since it only optimize a process that is consider "legit" i guess. That's my statement

There are quite a few people who consider the use of any third-party programs to be cheating.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
jaderanderson,May 15 2006, 06:14 PM Wrote:Sorry if i did'nt expressed myself right... the case is.... my rogue has a lv 13 CB and my mage have lv 14 CB... the magic requirements for the mage is 192 mag....and for my rogue is 255, sice 255 and 0 are "magical" numbers... i guess it will have something to do with your maintains even without the program... i don't know what it can be, if someone can help me i apreciate.[right][snapback]109898[/snapback][/right]
MagReq is 192 at level 13, so it should be 192+20%=230 at level 14, but as 230+20% exeed 255, the level 14 is replaced by 255 (this is odd, only the lvl 15 should be replaced by 255, but that's the code...).
Anyway, I thank you for the feedback.
what about my question ulmo? is it possible to backup? and do you know what could have happend? (so i could prevent it from happening again)
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]
jaderanderson,May 15 2006, 12:14 PM Wrote:Sorry if i did'nt expressed myself right... the case is.... my rogue has a lv 13 CB and my mage have lv 14 CB... the magic requirements for the mage is 192 mag....and for my rogue is 255, sice 255 and 0 are "magical" numbers... i guess it will have something to do with your maintains even without the program... i don't know what it can be, if someone can help me i apreciate.

Your mage is probably using some item or items that add to spell levels.
how about blizzard only allowing you to create 10 characters, that is my main reason for using this app, apart from the incredible hassle of muling via characters and other players waiting. If you were trying to sign that muling in itself is a cheating issue, then point that out.
I'd rather say non-muling characters are some kind of light variant. Its pretty much the same as not accepting items from other players.
Characters: Standard Diablo Rogues: 'Paardenpoep' l36, 'Purechocolade' l31; Sorcerers 'Toverkol' l40, 'Zwarte Piet' l32, 'ZureHaring' l28 (no fb), Warrior 'Klotebeest' l29, LoL characters: rogues 'Roggebrood' l26 and 'Ironvrouw' l7, sorcerer ToverLol l20, warrior LolleBolleGijs l16 ironman character name 'Ironlady', read Toverlol's journey log
Spinal,May 15 2006, 06:48 AM Wrote:umm... when i started d1 this morning all my items was gone (that i had mule with this prog) not the items i used on my sorce, only the items i had muled... whats up with that?

no it's not a bad joke, i lost all the stuff i was gonna use on my new warrior i was gonna start building + all my backup gear and my unique collection :(
I'm really sorry... I didn't succefully traced this bug yet. AFAIK, it only happens when player Bnet games, and beiing deconnected.
Can you confirm this ?

Making a backup is simple, just copy/paste the "" file.
Ulmo,May 18 2006, 07:43 AM Wrote:I'm really sorry... I didn't succefully traced this bug yet. AFAIK, it only happens when player Bnet games, and beiing deconnected.
Can you confirm this ?

Making a backup is simple, just copy/paste the "" file.
I have only played on bnet, so i guess i can't really confirm that it only happends then... but it did happend for me when i was afk on bnet.
[Image: spinalsig3xy1.gif]
finally there's some use of gillian :lol:
I tried out the PlugUlmo mod, and while the No_CD part works, Gillian does not give me other options than her usual "gossip" one.

When I look in the .ini file it looks like the Diablostash part is enabled.

I am running it on a 1.09 patch version on an XP system.

EDIT: Ah, no problem anyway. PlugUlmo apparantly didn't detect my version as being 1.09 so I just set it to that in the .ini
I too have lost everything. A ton of gold, a number of full rejuvs, and some nice Laz run items are all gone. I was playing an IPX multiplayer game but I was the only player. None of these characters have ever been on Bnet, no disconnects, nothing out of the ordinary.
[Image: harlequin2.jpg]
Quote:I too have lost everything. A ton of gold, a number of full rejuvs, and some nice Laz run items are all gone. I was playing an IPX multiplayer game but I was the only player. None of these characters have ever been on Bnet, no disconnects, nothing out of the ordinary.

I believe they discovered the error has something to do with switching difficulty settings with the same character during the same setting, althought I could be completly wrong here - just seems to be sticking in my memory at the moment.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I'll test that, but I don't think I did that.
[Image: harlequin2.jpg]

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