Leaked Expansion Details
So, looking through it, my personal collection of noteworthy skills.

Mooncloth Tailoring
Allows a tailor to make special healing and mana restorative armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.

Shadoweave Tailoring
Allows a tailor to make special frost and shadow armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.

Spellfire Tailoring
Allows a tailor to make special fire and arcane armor that is unavailable to a normal tailor.

Permanent Lung Juice Cocktail
Permanent Ground Scorpok Assay
Permanent Cerebral Cortex Compound
Permanent Gizzard Gum
Permanent R.O.I.D.S.


Potion Master
Allows an alchemist to sometimes create an additional potion when brewing high level potions.

Transmutation Master
Allows an Alchemist to sometimes to get greater results when transmuting materials.

and a lot of new transmutation spells, e.g.
Transmute: Primal Air to Fire
Transmute - Primal Fire to Mana
Transmute - Primal Water to Shadow

Zangarmarsh Alliance Flag
Zangarmarsh Alliance Flag

Saltheril's Haven Party Invitation
5 yd range3.000 sec cast
Allows the bearer full access to everything that the party at Saltheril's Haven has to offer.
Party sound good...:w00t:

Quote:Here ya go, something to keep the curious entertained for hours...

A complete list of all spells and abilities from The Burning Crusade

Tells you new spells and skills, new talents, new ranks of old skills, new enchants and craftables, all sorts of fun stuff. As far as information that has been speculated within the last few days, this verifies most all of it (though disproves the fake Druid talents/skills going around).

They've not lost their sense of humour

Bad Poetry
Requires Level 20
30 yd range90 Mana
1.000 sec cast

Puts an enemy to sleep for up to 8 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only one target can be asleep at a time.

Annoying Yipping
Requires Level 70

Pacifies and silences an enemy, rendering it unable to attack or cast spells for 2 sec.
Quote:*sigh* How come the druids get left out of all the fun :-/

Also, how come all the fun is written in German :-P

--Druids are left out because in the alpha hasn't made it to the 60-70 part yet (I'm guessing), and neither Blood Elves nor Draenei can be druids.
--Other information is coming from datamining the alpha files, and that wouldn't show talents (still guessing)
--German is totally awesome...or maybe the sites hosting the files are just German. Some of the notes were initially in english and got translated over time, so in spite of die ehrfürchtige natur von deutsch, they're probably just serving their target audience.

Leaked BC Items?

Image Dump
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Character creation video (google): Draenei/Bloodelf
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!
Quote:Leaked BC Items?

Image Dump
Has been largely dismissed as fake.

Note the typos 'Beserker' and 'succussful'

Kateley - Gnome Mage --- 60
Collector and connoisseur of fine keys, bags, trinkets and all things mooncloth
Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet! ... Covet!

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