08-24-2006, 10:03 PM
Take this with a pinch of salt. Also if this is somewhat "omg violation" feel free to remove it/lock whatever.
The alpha for the expansion has started for blizz family + friends. Some info has gotten out! At this stage, assuming its real, it will likely still change quite a bit.
MAGES: Spells
[17:25] : you're getting invisibility
[17:25] : can only see other invisible targets and people who can see invisible targets
[17:25] : lasts 20 secs, 5 min cooldown
[17:26] : arcane blast
[17:26] : this is interesting
[17:26] : rank 1 is at level 64, dunno if there's more ranks
[17:26] : starts out as a 2.5 sec cast, 190 mana cost
[17:26] : does 463 to 537 arcane damage
[17:26] : but
[17:27] : each time you cast it
[17:27] : within 8 seconds of each other
[17:27] : the cast time goes down and the mana cost goes up
[17:27] : and at level 70
[17:27] : you get spellsteal
[17:27] : instant cast, 52 mana cost
[17:27] : Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.
[17:29] : molten armor
[17:29] : level 62
[17:30] : causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%
[17:32] : ice lance
[17:32] : level 66
[17:32] : 1.5 sec cast, 150 mana
[17:32] : deals 219 to 281 frost damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 200% against frozen targets.
[23:28] : arcane talents
[00:58] : tier 5
[00:58] : improved blink: reduces mana cost of blink by 25/50%
[00:58] : tier 6:
[00:58] : arcane potency: increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Arcane spells by 33/66/100%
[23:28] : tier 7
[23:28] : student of magic: reduces the mana cost of all arcane spells by 5/10/15%
[23:29] : prismatic cloak: reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%
[23:29] : tier 8
[23:29] : mind mastery: increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect O_O
[23:30] : tier 9 (41-point): Slow: reduces targets movement speed by 50% and attack/casting speed by 20% for 15 sec
[23:37] : 20sec cooldown on that btw
[23:37] : now that I look at slow
[23:38] : it only costs 68 mana, is instant cast, and has no cooldown
[23:30] : fire talents
[00:59] : tier 5
[00:59] : Playing with Fire: Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and all spell damage taken by 2/4/6%
[01:00] : tier 6 for fire is badass:
[01:01] : Blazing Speed: Gives you a 5/10% chance when hit by a melee or ranged attack to increase your movement speed by 50% and make you immune to movement impairing effects. This effect lasts 8 seconds.
[23:30] : tier 7
[23:31] : Burnout: increases the damage and mana cost of all spells by (I'm guessing) 2/4/6% after you hit a Dazed opponent with a Fire spell
[23:32] : Molten Blood: Increases your chance to resist Bleed and Poison effects and effectiveness of Molten Armor by 6/12/18/24/30%
[23:32] : Kinda weird
[23:32] : Tier 8
[23:32] : Empowered Fireball: Your Fireball spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects
[23:32] : Tier 9: Dragon's Breath: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 278 to 322 fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec
[23:33] : Frost talents
[01:02] : Tier 5:
[01:02] : Frozen Core: Reduces the damage taken by Frost and Fire effects by 2/4/6%
[01:02] : Tier 6:
[01:03] : Ice Floes: Reduces the cooldown of your Cone of Cold, Cold Snap, Ice Barrier and Ice Block spells by 10/20%
[23:33] : Tier 7
[23:34] : Cold Hearted: Increases damage of all spells against wounded targets by 10/20/30%
[23:34] : I have no idea what a wounded target is
[23:34] me: <20%, mage execute lol?
[23:34] : Ahh nice
[23:34] : Arctic Winds: Reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 1/2/3/4/5%
[23:34] : Tier 8
[23:34] : Empowered Frostbolt - identical to empowered fireball
[23:35] me: ah
[23:35] : Tier 9: Summon Water Elemental, summons a water elemental to fight for the caster, that's all it says =(
[21:36] : looking at new warlock spells
[21:36] : Soulshatter (66): Reduces threat by 30% for all enemies. (2 health, Soul Shard, 5 min. cooldown.)
[21:37] : lol ok
[21:47] : Locks getting two new dots... one that does 310 dmg +gear if it gets dispelled, one that does 1110-1290 damage in a 15 yard aoe if it isn't dispelled
[22:12] : Incinerate (64): Deals 357 to 413 Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell. (256 mana, 2.5s.)
[22:43] : they get an ability called Deadly Throw
[22:43] : which is basically an eviscerate, except it's ranged and does thrown damage + an amount
[22:44] : 5-point DT is thrown damage + 468-564
[22:44] : Mutilate, 60 energy, daggers, instantly attacks with both weapons and gives 2 combo points
[22:45] : Shiv, instant off-hand attack that gives a 100% chance for the offhand poison to be applied, energy cost depends on weapon speed
[22:45] : anasthetic poison, 30% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount, 120 charges
[22:48] : paladins get some weird stuff
[22:48] : 10% of all healing done to them by other people is given to them as mana
[22:48] : I would assume to help tanking
[22:48] : blessing of spell warding, makes the target immune to magical attacks but they're silenced
[22:49] : crusader aura, increases mounted speed of all party members within 40 yards by 20%
[22:50] : seal of blood, all the paladin attacks do an additional 30% weapon damage as holy damage, but paladin loses 10% health of the total damage inflicted
[22:51] : and Avenging Wrath, which is pretty much just Deathwish
Seal of Blood (64): All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage equal to 30% of normal weapon damage, but the Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage inflicted. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 409 to 451 Holy damage at the cost of 136 to 151 health.
Avenging Wrath (70): Increases all damage caused by 30% for 20 sec. Causes Forebearance.
New Talents:
Pure of Heart, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increases the paladin's chance to resist curse/disease by 5(10/15?)%
Purifying Power, requires 25, 2 point talent
Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?)%, and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20?)%
Blessed Life, requires 30, 5 point talent
All attacks against you have a 2(10?)% chance to cause half damage
Light's Grace, requires 35, 3 point talent
Your Holy Light has a 33(100?)% chance to cause our next Holy Light spell cast within 15 seconds take .5 seconds less casting time.
Holy Guidance, requires 35, 5 point talent
Your damage/healing is increased by 7(35)% of your Int.
Divine Illumination, requires 40, 1 point talent
Reduces mana costs of all spells by 50% for 20 seconds, 2 minute cooldown.
Improved Resistance Auras, requires 20 points, 2 point talent
Your resistance auras also reduce spell damage by additional 3(6?)%
Improved Divine Shield, requires 25, 2 point talent
Lowers the cooldown for Divine Shield by 30 (60?) seconds, and lowers the attack speed penalty by 50(100?)%.
Ardent Defender, requires 30, 5 point talent
When your health is below 20(100???)%, reduces all damage against you by 10%
Ed: I have no idea which part scales, but a perma defensive stance doesn't seem hideously out of line, and makes deep prot a whole new level of appealing.
Lasting Defense, requires 35, 3 point talent
When struck by a melee attack, you have a 4(12?)% chance to gain 50% of the damage taken in mana.
Weapon Expertise, requires 35, 5 point talent
Increases skill iwth all weapons by 2(10?)
Avenger's Shield, requires 40, 1 point talent
range 8-30 (shooting range), Requires shield, 30 sec cooldown
(Listed are from the talent, it may scale with level, there don't seem to be any ranks on the trainer)
500 mana, 270-330 damage.
Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing listed damage, and then bouncing to additional close targets. Affects 3 targets total.
Crusade, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increaes all damage to Humaniod, Undead, Demon and Elemential foes by 1(3?)%
Improved Sanctity Aura, requires 25 and Sanctity Aura, 2 point talent
The amount of healing done to targets affected by Sanctity Aura is increased by 3(6)%
Divine Purpose, requires 30, 5 point
Decrease the chance that melee and ranged attacks will critically hit you by 1(5?)%.
Empowered Judgement, requires 35, 3 point
Gives your Judgement a 33(100?)% chance to refund 50% of the mana cost of th judged spell
Fanaticism, requires 35, 5 point
Increases the critical strike chance of Seal of Command and all damaging Judgements by 2(10)%
Sanctified Crusader, requires 40, 1 point
In addition to the normal effect, your Judgement of the Crusader will increase the critical strike chance of all attacks made vs the judged target by an additional 2%
Total spell damage bonus is now displayed in the UI.
Frenzied Regeneration now scales with stamina. For Rank 3, each point of rage is now converted to 17 health plus some percentage of your stamina (looks like 1%).
Moonfury's tooltip now reads increases damage to all Balance damage spells, which means it probably is now applied after bonus spell damage effects.
Travel Form model has been changed to a stag.
No word about Stormcrow Form, but I wouldn't rule it out as a level 70 flying mount.
Balance Talents
Tier 5
Gusting Winds: Increases the damage done by your Cyclone and Hurricane spells by 10/20/30%.
Tier 6
Dreamstate: Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.
Tier 7
Improved Moonkin Form: Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and reduces the base mana cost of Moonkin Form by 5/10/15%. Note: This means Moonkin now costs as much as Travel and Aquatic Forms.
Strength of the Moon: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.
Tier 8
Empowered Starfire: Your Starfire spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.
Tier 9
Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown.
Feral Combat Talents
Tier 5
Feral Recovery: All healing effects on you are increased by 10/20%. In addition, the act of shapeshifting has a 25/50% chance to remove one harmful effect.
Tier 6
Primal Instinct: Increases your chance to resist stun, charm, and trap effects by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 7
Animal Reflexes: Increases your agility by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms.
Predatory Will: Reduces the cooldown of Growl and increases the duration of Tigers Fury by 1/2 sec.
Tier 8
Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.
Tier 9
Scent of the Pack: Reduces damage taken in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 0.4%, and increases damage done in Cat Form by 0.6% for every party or raid member within 45 yards with Mark of the Wild or Gift of the Wild active. So 10% less dmg taken in bear and 15% more damage done in catform in a 25 man raid.
Tier 6
Natural Resilience: Increases your mana regeneration while in all forms by 10/20/30%.
Tier 7
Healing Mastery: Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Improved Innervate: Reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 20/40/60 sec.
Tier 8
Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.
Tier 9
Harmonize: Distributes damage taken by party members within 30 yards between the party while in effect. Note: Its a self cast buff that lasts up to 30 seconds.
New Base Spells
Cyclone (Balance): Throws your target into the air, disorienting the target and causing Nature damage over 3 seconds but making the target immune to other damage during that time.
Mangle (Cat Form): Stuns the enemy and deals damage per combo point.
Feral Strike (Bear Form): An attack that deals damage and converts each extra point of rage into damage and causes a high amount of threat.
Enervate (Restoration): Drains mana, energy, or rage every second for 20 seconds.
Control Beast (Balance): Controls a beast up to level 77 but increases the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts up to 1 min.
The lock talents
The alpha for the expansion has started for blizz family + friends. Some info has gotten out! At this stage, assuming its real, it will likely still change quite a bit.
MAGES: Spells
[17:25] : you're getting invisibility
[17:25] : can only see other invisible targets and people who can see invisible targets
[17:25] : lasts 20 secs, 5 min cooldown
[17:26] : arcane blast
[17:26] : this is interesting
[17:26] : rank 1 is at level 64, dunno if there's more ranks
[17:26] : starts out as a 2.5 sec cast, 190 mana cost
[17:26] : does 463 to 537 arcane damage
[17:26] : but
[17:27] : each time you cast it
[17:27] : within 8 seconds of each other
[17:27] : the cast time goes down and the mana cost goes up
[17:27] : and at level 70
[17:27] : you get spellsteal
[17:27] : instant cast, 52 mana cost
[17:27] : Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.
[17:29] : molten armor
[17:29] : level 62
[17:30] : causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%
[17:32] : ice lance
[17:32] : level 66
[17:32] : 1.5 sec cast, 150 mana
[17:32] : deals 219 to 281 frost damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 200% against frozen targets.
[23:28] : arcane talents
[00:58] : tier 5
[00:58] : improved blink: reduces mana cost of blink by 25/50%
[00:58] : tier 6:
[00:58] : arcane potency: increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Arcane spells by 33/66/100%
[23:28] : tier 7
[23:28] : student of magic: reduces the mana cost of all arcane spells by 5/10/15%
[23:29] : prismatic cloak: reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%
[23:29] : tier 8
[23:29] : mind mastery: increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect O_O
[23:30] : tier 9 (41-point): Slow: reduces targets movement speed by 50% and attack/casting speed by 20% for 15 sec
[23:37] : 20sec cooldown on that btw
[23:37] : now that I look at slow
[23:38] : it only costs 68 mana, is instant cast, and has no cooldown
[23:30] : fire talents
[00:59] : tier 5
[00:59] : Playing with Fire: Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and all spell damage taken by 2/4/6%
[01:00] : tier 6 for fire is badass:
[01:01] : Blazing Speed: Gives you a 5/10% chance when hit by a melee or ranged attack to increase your movement speed by 50% and make you immune to movement impairing effects. This effect lasts 8 seconds.
[23:30] : tier 7
[23:31] : Burnout: increases the damage and mana cost of all spells by (I'm guessing) 2/4/6% after you hit a Dazed opponent with a Fire spell
[23:32] : Molten Blood: Increases your chance to resist Bleed and Poison effects and effectiveness of Molten Armor by 6/12/18/24/30%
[23:32] : Kinda weird
[23:32] : Tier 8
[23:32] : Empowered Fireball: Your Fireball spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects
[23:32] : Tier 9: Dragon's Breath: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 278 to 322 fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec
[23:33] : Frost talents
[01:02] : Tier 5:
[01:02] : Frozen Core: Reduces the damage taken by Frost and Fire effects by 2/4/6%
[01:02] : Tier 6:
[01:03] : Ice Floes: Reduces the cooldown of your Cone of Cold, Cold Snap, Ice Barrier and Ice Block spells by 10/20%
[23:33] : Tier 7
[23:34] : Cold Hearted: Increases damage of all spells against wounded targets by 10/20/30%
[23:34] : I have no idea what a wounded target is
[23:34] me: <20%, mage execute lol?
[23:34] : Ahh nice
[23:34] : Arctic Winds: Reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 1/2/3/4/5%
[23:34] : Tier 8
[23:34] : Empowered Frostbolt - identical to empowered fireball
[23:35] me: ah
[23:35] : Tier 9: Summon Water Elemental, summons a water elemental to fight for the caster, that's all it says =(
[21:36] : looking at new warlock spells
[21:36] : Soulshatter (66): Reduces threat by 30% for all enemies. (2 health, Soul Shard, 5 min. cooldown.)
[21:37] : lol ok
[21:47] : Locks getting two new dots... one that does 310 dmg +gear if it gets dispelled, one that does 1110-1290 damage in a 15 yard aoe if it isn't dispelled
[22:12] : Incinerate (64): Deals 357 to 413 Fire damage to your target and an additional 89 to 104 Fire damage if the target is affected by an Immolate spell. (256 mana, 2.5s.)
[22:43] : they get an ability called Deadly Throw
[22:43] : which is basically an eviscerate, except it's ranged and does thrown damage + an amount
[22:44] : 5-point DT is thrown damage + 468-564
[22:44] : Mutilate, 60 energy, daggers, instantly attacks with both weapons and gives 2 combo points
[22:45] : Shiv, instant off-hand attack that gives a 100% chance for the offhand poison to be applied, energy cost depends on weapon speed
[22:45] : anasthetic poison, 30% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount, 120 charges
[22:48] : paladins get some weird stuff
[22:48] : 10% of all healing done to them by other people is given to them as mana
[22:48] : I would assume to help tanking
[22:48] : blessing of spell warding, makes the target immune to magical attacks but they're silenced
[22:49] : crusader aura, increases mounted speed of all party members within 40 yards by 20%
[22:50] : seal of blood, all the paladin attacks do an additional 30% weapon damage as holy damage, but paladin loses 10% health of the total damage inflicted
[22:51] : and Avenging Wrath, which is pretty much just Deathwish
Seal of Blood (64): All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage equal to 30% of normal weapon damage, but the Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage inflicted. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 409 to 451 Holy damage at the cost of 136 to 151 health.
Avenging Wrath (70): Increases all damage caused by 30% for 20 sec. Causes Forebearance.
New Talents:
Pure of Heart, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increases the paladin's chance to resist curse/disease by 5(10/15?)%
Purifying Power, requires 25, 2 point talent
Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?)%, and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20?)%
Blessed Life, requires 30, 5 point talent
All attacks against you have a 2(10?)% chance to cause half damage
Light's Grace, requires 35, 3 point talent
Your Holy Light has a 33(100?)% chance to cause our next Holy Light spell cast within 15 seconds take .5 seconds less casting time.
Holy Guidance, requires 35, 5 point talent
Your damage/healing is increased by 7(35)% of your Int.
Divine Illumination, requires 40, 1 point talent
Reduces mana costs of all spells by 50% for 20 seconds, 2 minute cooldown.
Improved Resistance Auras, requires 20 points, 2 point talent
Your resistance auras also reduce spell damage by additional 3(6?)%
Improved Divine Shield, requires 25, 2 point talent
Lowers the cooldown for Divine Shield by 30 (60?) seconds, and lowers the attack speed penalty by 50(100?)%.
Ardent Defender, requires 30, 5 point talent
When your health is below 20(100???)%, reduces all damage against you by 10%
Ed: I have no idea which part scales, but a perma defensive stance doesn't seem hideously out of line, and makes deep prot a whole new level of appealing.
Lasting Defense, requires 35, 3 point talent
When struck by a melee attack, you have a 4(12?)% chance to gain 50% of the damage taken in mana.
Weapon Expertise, requires 35, 5 point talent
Increases skill iwth all weapons by 2(10?)
Avenger's Shield, requires 40, 1 point talent
range 8-30 (shooting range), Requires shield, 30 sec cooldown
(Listed are from the talent, it may scale with level, there don't seem to be any ranks on the trainer)
500 mana, 270-330 damage.
Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing listed damage, and then bouncing to additional close targets. Affects 3 targets total.
Crusade, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increaes all damage to Humaniod, Undead, Demon and Elemential foes by 1(3?)%
Improved Sanctity Aura, requires 25 and Sanctity Aura, 2 point talent
The amount of healing done to targets affected by Sanctity Aura is increased by 3(6)%
Divine Purpose, requires 30, 5 point
Decrease the chance that melee and ranged attacks will critically hit you by 1(5?)%.
Empowered Judgement, requires 35, 3 point
Gives your Judgement a 33(100?)% chance to refund 50% of the mana cost of th judged spell
Fanaticism, requires 35, 5 point
Increases the critical strike chance of Seal of Command and all damaging Judgements by 2(10)%
Sanctified Crusader, requires 40, 1 point
In addition to the normal effect, your Judgement of the Crusader will increase the critical strike chance of all attacks made vs the judged target by an additional 2%
Total spell damage bonus is now displayed in the UI.
Frenzied Regeneration now scales with stamina. For Rank 3, each point of rage is now converted to 17 health plus some percentage of your stamina (looks like 1%).
Moonfury's tooltip now reads increases damage to all Balance damage spells, which means it probably is now applied after bonus spell damage effects.
Travel Form model has been changed to a stag.
No word about Stormcrow Form, but I wouldn't rule it out as a level 70 flying mount.
Balance Talents
Tier 5
Gusting Winds: Increases the damage done by your Cyclone and Hurricane spells by 10/20/30%.
Tier 6
Dreamstate: Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.
Tier 7
Improved Moonkin Form: Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and reduces the base mana cost of Moonkin Form by 5/10/15%. Note: This means Moonkin now costs as much as Travel and Aquatic Forms.
Strength of the Moon: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.
Tier 8
Empowered Starfire: Your Starfire spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.
Tier 9
Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown.
Feral Combat Talents
Tier 5
Feral Recovery: All healing effects on you are increased by 10/20%. In addition, the act of shapeshifting has a 25/50% chance to remove one harmful effect.
Tier 6
Primal Instinct: Increases your chance to resist stun, charm, and trap effects by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Tier 7
Animal Reflexes: Increases your agility by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms.
Predatory Will: Reduces the cooldown of Growl and increases the duration of Tigers Fury by 1/2 sec.
Tier 8
Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.
Tier 9
Scent of the Pack: Reduces damage taken in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 0.4%, and increases damage done in Cat Form by 0.6% for every party or raid member within 45 yards with Mark of the Wild or Gift of the Wild active. So 10% less dmg taken in bear and 15% more damage done in catform in a 25 man raid.
Tier 6
Natural Resilience: Increases your mana regeneration while in all forms by 10/20/30%.
Tier 7
Healing Mastery: Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Improved Innervate: Reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 20/40/60 sec.
Tier 8
Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.
Tier 9
Harmonize: Distributes damage taken by party members within 30 yards between the party while in effect. Note: Its a self cast buff that lasts up to 30 seconds.
New Base Spells
Cyclone (Balance): Throws your target into the air, disorienting the target and causing Nature damage over 3 seconds but making the target immune to other damage during that time.
Mangle (Cat Form): Stuns the enemy and deals damage per combo point.
Feral Strike (Bear Form): An attack that deals damage and converts each extra point of rage into damage and causes a high amount of threat.
Enervate (Restoration): Drains mana, energy, or rage every second for 20 seconds.
Control Beast (Balance): Controls a beast up to level 77 but increases the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts up to 1 min.
The lock talents
![[Image: 104024yQmrG.png]](http://wow.tachyonsix.com.nyud.net:8080/armory/sig.php/104024yQmrG.png)
![[Image: 201194cOrXg.png]](http://wow.tachyonsix.com.nyud.net:8080/armory/sig.php/201194cOrXg.png)