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Why do only Europeans play it?
Quote:Why do only Europeans play it?

The rest of us recognized that it was imbalanced and went back to classic Diablo, which (by comparison) is more challenging. It's sad when classic Diablo is more challenging than something else.:)
Never tried it myself but keep hearing it's unbalanced and easy, so i won't try it to.
There will be no patch. 1.08 nearly killed Diablo. How many popular mods weren't updated? How many fansites have disappeared? Only a small community remains. Most have moved on. 1.10 would eliminate all but the most hardcore players. Cheaters would quit (no loss) because their programs would no longer work, and most legit players would quit because mods would no longer work and classic Diablo gets boring quickly. Blizzard probably wouldn't care since Diablo doesn't make them money anymore, but if that was the case why would they care to patch it?
[Image: harlequin2.jpg]
What patch are you talking about? Patches for original Diablo or something else?

Oh and is there any popular mod that goes with multiplayer on the net?
Rebirth is popular and goes online but is there something else beside that?
Quote:What patch are you talking about? Patches for original Diablo or something else?

The official patches, yes.

Quote:Oh and is there any popular mod that goes with multiplayer on the net?

All the popular mods are for v10.07/1.08, so can't be played on bnet. They can still be played threough services like Kali however
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Why is 1.09 so hated then?
Quote:Kp' date='Aug 27 2006, 12:24 PM' post='116207']
The rest of us recognized that it was imbalanced and went back to classic Diablo, which (by comparison) is more challenging. It's sad when classic Diablo is more challenging than something else.:)

Imbalanced in what way? I've found all three classes very equal in duels, and in pvm as well. The game is fun, and though I will admit that it is made so and at this point is very unprofessional to look at, you have to remember that this is a Public Beta, not a final version. Character wipes with many changes, bug fixes, and more tweaking is to come. The fact that most non-Europeans reject ReX because it is a work in progress is appalling to me, because its potential is great, and a very large number of players are accepting the changes and running with ReX as it grows.

I recommend definitely giving ReX a shot, Sneeper.
When i checked out the site a couple of days ago i decided to do that, BUT also decided to wait.
I mean it's the first Beta so i'll rather wait a couple of months or maybe even year(s), still enjoying my time with the original Diablo 1 so it's no problem for me to wait. But thanks alot for the information!:)
Quote:Why is 1.09 so hated then?

It is not hated. It is simply unattended. There are no good mods presently supported for v1.09, and most of the modmakers left long ago.

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