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Hi all you Lurkers,
as the title (and the description) already say(s), I want to try it. All I have found indicates that a translation is fine for "everybody".
Maybe it is a bit too optimistical but here are some questions: I don't have any kind of homepage nor webspace. Does anybody have some space for my translation when I have made a first version of the translation at somtime in the future? Maybe the LL or some Diablo fan/player? Or is there an easy and foolproof way to get some small website and space? Do I have to show the translation to one or more people before making it available? (I don't think so.)
Well, keep your fingers crossed for me, please!
Nice, very nice and very large guide, Jarulf! Seems to be a L-O-T of work and effort. Thanks from me to Jarulf and all the people mentioned in chapter 1.5 Acknoledgement.
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I don't believe Fragbait has worked on it in awhile, but there is no sense in starting from square one. You'll have to contact him (he has an account here too) for information about finishing where he left off. As for me, I don't know German, so I am impartial either way.
P.S. Whoa, I just noticed Firefox 2.0's spell checking feature, awesome! Fragbait, your name is spelled wrong.
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Just a small notice. First, as allready pointed out, I think someone has allready in part (or whole) trasnlaed to German, so you might want to check that out, if not, for avoiding extra work. Of course, you can redo it all yourself anyway if you really prefer it.
As for the translation itself and perhaps more importantly the publising and sharing of it, I am perfectly fine with it. You are free, and have my permission if needed, to do any such translation as you want, and many have done so in the past into various languages (or at least asked about it and told they have done it, I have really never checked though). The only thing I ask is that you don't change add or remove any content. That is it. Feel free to enjoy the work in any way you want otherwise.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
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I want to say Librarian had something to do with a German translation, but I may have pulled that out of nowhere. A PM couldn't hurt.
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05-19-2007, 02:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2007, 11:24 PM by Spelunker.)
At first, thanks for giving your permission. At the moment I try to start from your English version.
To get a bit more concrete, I have some further questions. Maybe you say "No" to some or all of them but I think it is worth asking.
- Am I allowed to add a readme to the translation in a separate file?<>
- Am I allowed to add some text on the first page under your words, e. g.: Translation into German, Version x.xx, by, Spelunker (text will be in German in the translation ;)). If yes maybe you want to tell me a maximum size. Of course won't be as big as your letters but smaller.<>
- Do you still have your mail account written in your guide (don't think so) or did only I failed to send you a mail? (content was something like the first post) If not, can/shall/should/do you want me to/must I write a note in my translation or must I not?<>
- At the moment I have added two notes in my translation: One is about the table in chapter 10.7 Meaningless information about this guide and says that I didn't changed the content of it and it still belongs to the English versions. The other one is about the country code table in chapter 9.1 Channels and says that I reordered it according to the codes and I have written at first the German name and if the English one differs from the German one I have also written the English one. By the way, I have removed one of the two Albania entries from it. All notes can easily be identified as they are starting with the words Anm. des Ãbersetzers:, in English note by the translator:. Is this okay and if yes shall I ask for every further note I am thinking to add?<>
- <strike>Sometimes I have added some words explaining where an abbreviation comes from, e. g.: One possible German translation of armor class is Rüstungsklasse and there it is hard to see where AC comes from (I did not changed/translated the abbreviations.) without knowing the English words. So I have written Rüstungklasse (AC, for the English (words) armor class), in your version it is only written Armor Class (AC). Is this okay? By the way, at the moment I am not exactly sure which expressions I will translate and which ones not. Maybe this will change.</strike> EDIT: Maybe I will do it the other way around: Leaving the English words when they are given/written in the game and f. e. put at first occurence some German translation/explanation beside it. Is this okay?<>
- Sometimes there is an alphabetically ordered list in your guide, e. g. in chapter 9.4 Character icons. In my translation I ordered it alphabetically, too, so the order changes sometimes. Is this okay?<>
[st]So far,
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05-19-2007, 06:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2007, 06:55 PM by Arkain.)
5. Honestly I wouldn't use terms such as Rüstungsklasse or Geschicklichkeit. Stick to the English ones as they are presented this way in the game.
Mal ehrlich, du solltest vielleicht eher die orginalen englischen Varianten benutzen. Du könntest vielleicht andeuten, was das bedeutet (bspw., das AC eben RK ist) aber mehr auch nicht. Da es keine PC-Version von D1 gibt, die auf Deutsch ist, wird man zwangsläufig mit den englischen Begriffen konfrontiert. Daher ist es besser auch gleich bei denen zu bleiben. Hab ich bei meiner FAQ-in-Arbeit (zu finden auf meiner HP) auch so gemacht.
Let me elaborate on what Sheep said... it's called humour.[/quote]
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Quote:[...] Stick to the English ones as they are presented this way in the game. [...]
Hmm, that is a good point. Thanks for your advice, Arkain. This will let me change some things back to English...
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12-31-2007, 08:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2007, 09:05 PM by Spelunker.)
I hope you all had a merry X-Mas and (will) have a happy new year 2008!
I have done enough work to say that I'm ready to publish a first version of my translation. Unfortunately my last try to send a PM to someone of the LL in order to ask for hosting was not answered. Does anybody know who to ask? Or would e-mail be a better way for sharing the translation? (only if anyone is interested, of course)
Does anybody know a good way to present an e-mail address that is not too easy to identify/read for those mail address collectors? (maybe by picture or to replace the @)
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Traditional transformations include replacing @ with " at " or adding junk character sequences that a human will filter out, such as meNO at where the reader should replace " at " with @ and remove "NO" and "SPAM" to receive the real address. If you are concerned, more elaborate transformations can be performed, with accompanying instructions for how to get the address from the obfuscated string.
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I have worked/gone through the guide and while translating it I have found some things that I wanted to write some notes/questions about (contains nitpicking, beware;)): - Chapters 2.1.2 and 2.1.3: What is the Bard's naked maximum mana? The table reads 231 but the formula reads:
Code: 1.5·Magcharacter + 1.75·Magitems + 2·clvl + Manaitems + 3
= 1.5·120 + 1.75·0 + 2·49 + 0 + 3
= 281
- There are some wrong references to/for (?) chapter 5.6.5, for example on page 6, 8 and 64. I suppose:
- Some shrines might permanently decrease your max mana (see chapter 7).
- For a more detailed explanation on battle between players and monsters, see chapter 6.
- For a detailed information about how spells attack and also some explanation in general about spells, see chapter 6.<>
- Chapter 2.1.4:
Quote:A player is immune to its own spells with the exception of Fire Wall and Flame Wave.
In Hellfire this should also apply to Ring of Fire, I think.<>
- Chapter 2.2.2:
Quote:The Barbarian’s bonus for not using a shield does not apply if he is using a staff.
So the maximum staff damage should be lowered from 202 by 75 to 127.<>
- Chapter 3.10:
Quote:From this it follows that the prefix or suffix with the lowest qlvl on an item can never be higher than half (rounded down except for Wirt and some Adria items) the qlvl of the higher one
Should it be ... can never be lower than half ...?<>
- Chapter 3.13.1: Sable --> Sabre (just a "damn" typo)<>
- Chapter 3.13.4: Sparkling Mail --> Spark<strike>l</strike>ing Mail (without the l)<>
- Chapter 3.13.6: wyrm's and hydra's values are ---t-- instead of ---t-J (just repeating from the topic On the Wyrm's and Hydra's prefixes, where they appear).<>
- Chapter 3.13.6: % Armor --> +% Armor Class (just another very small error - or wasn't there enough space?)<>
- Chapter 4.1.2: According to the example (30 --> add 30 values together) the iterative formula should be:
Code: Itt(1, value): value
and for nbr>1: Itt(nbr, value): Itt(nbr-1, value) + value
The point are the two 1 instead of the two 0 which would add up one summand too much.<>
- Chapter 4.1.3: In the Bone Spirit box the first note should be in the notes area. (This is nitpicking, isn't it?)<>
- Chapter 4.1.4: In the Ring of Fire box the first duration is too much and in the third note it should read "Rings of Fire" (Both "survieved" from the Fire Wall box, I think.)<>
- Chapter 5.2.1: Note about Illusion Weavers as part of the Halls of the Blind quest on dlvl 7 is missing (and so is the "7"). Tables in chapter 5.6.1 and 5.6.3 already contain the 7.<>
- Chapter 8: Chamber of Bone and Archbishop Lazarus should be marked with the 3 (--> Appears in every single player game.), maybe Slain Hero, too.<>
- Chapter 8.2.5: Harlequin<strike>s</strike> Crest (without the s - nitpicking again, sorry)<>
- Chapter 9.1: two Albania entries (well, I stop writing "nitpicking" because I am sure everybody already knows)<>
- Chapter 9.2: the /me-command needs some argument, for example <emotion><>
- Chapter 9.7: reference to chapter 0, think it should be 2.7 here.<>
[st]Here are some more things that are on my mind:- The Barbarian temporary looses its "natural" resistences during the rage lethargy phase. This could be noted.<>
- Chapter 3.11:
Quote:Also, dungeon levels normally has less monsters than in single player.
... than in single player or ... than in multi player?<>
- Chapter 6.3.2, damage, #6: Does the doubled character damage for bows apply for the Hellfire characters, too?<>
- Chapter 6.3.3, damage, #3: Does the halved damage taken in Hellfire apply in general or just if the player has an item of thieves?<>
- Bard's maximum bow character damage: The table reads 40 but the formula reads:
Code: (Str+Dex) · clvl / 500
= (120+120) · 50 / 500
= 24
I don't know if the 500 in the formula should be a 300 (then the formula would give 40) or if it should be 24 in the table or what else.<>
[st]In most cases I have corrected the things in my translation where I am pretty shure but I made it clear that I changed it and also noted what the original content is.
Okay, that's all. Now I would like to hear where I am right and where I am wrong, please.
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08-01-2010, 08:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2010, 07:58 PM by Spelunker.)
I am going to have no internet for the next time. That's the reason I am not responding if there are any replies, questions etc. - sorry.
Over a month without internet - and I have survived 
Just for convenience (see next post by Bolty): JG Thread and my two cents to it.
Four downloads minus one by me. That leaves three people to have tested the download feature of the forum - or does one actually has looked into it ...
No, I was just kidding. Thanks for the happy home.
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(08-01-2010, 08:27 AM)Spelunker Wrote: I am going to have no internet for the next time. That's the reason I am not responding if there are any replies, questions etc. - sorry.
For anyone wondering where this post came from, Spelunker posted his German translation of Jarulf's Guide and I merged it into the sticked thread as a reply, cutting it out of this thread.
I'd like to give a big thanks to Spelunker for putting up the translation here where it shall have a happy home. Muchos Gracias!
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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(08-04-2010, 12:11 AM)Bolty Wrote: Muchos Gracias!
Shouldn't that be Danke vielmals?
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"
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(08-05-2010, 12:57 AM)LennyLen Wrote: Shouldn't that be Danke vielmals? 
I was aiming for a spirit of multiculturalism, and also inviting the possibility of a Spanish translation of Jarulf's Guide.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
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(08-07-2010, 03:33 PM)Bolty Wrote: I was aiming for a spirit of multiculturalism, and also inviting the possibility of a Spanish translation of Jarulf's Guide.

Nice recovery.
A cat couldn't have done better.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?