Diablo Fanfiction
Hey LurkerLounge,

First off let me say I am definitely not a huge poster but I am an avid lurker. Ever since randomly discovering these forums a few years back I have constantly checked in and read all of the informative posts/battle stories. The game itself has been stagnant to me for quite some time, but I still can't help thinking about the world of Sanctuary itself and how it could be manipulated in a manor to make some really great fiction stories, aside from what Blizzard has done with it itself.

Disregarding whatever is going to happen with Diablo3 (or maybe some type of integration, will depend on the direction Blizzard takes) I have begun hashing out ideas for a fanfiction based in the 21st century within the world of Sanctuary. From all of the maps I've seen of Sanctuary it all seems to be one big continent, my story will change that. After the destruction of the WorldStone the one super continent that is Sanctuary will split, forming several sub continents. The once seemingly constant occurence of supernatural phenomena that happened (quite often) within the world will be no more. The peoples of Sanctuary would be banded together in an effort to survive, and grow once more as a people and a civilization. My story will pick up about two thousand years after this event, when the world of Sanctuary has become industrialized and has begun research and development into technologies quite similar to what we have available today.

I already know quite a lot about the backstory, what I am asking from you guys are the location of sources and/or direct information regarding all of the various religions/peoples/cultures/continents and terrain (information I may have missed) in the world of Sanctuary. As I must integrate all of this into the more technologically advanced culture/world I am attempting to create.


"It requires an unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious."

--Alfred North Whitehead

Quote:. . . what I am asking from you guys are the location of sources and/or direct information regarding all of the various religions/peoples/cultures/continents and terrain (information I may have missed) in the world of Sanctuary.
Sorry, can't help you with the lore. But I do want to wish you luck. It sounds like one heck of a great idea and could be a story well worth reading. Hope you can write it and get it published.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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