Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one
I found out what my problem was and will be able to down one in the future.
Terenas Characters:
The...second or third time I saw my demon, I didn't kill it. I had it almost dead and in melee range of me. I figured, no problem. A Raptor Strike or melee hit, and it's gone.

Miss, miss, miss, miss....You are MC'ed...
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Semi-Thread Hijack. (or possibly renewal.)

I am presently in the same boat that shoju was in and looking for a decent server to transfer onto. I previously spent a decent amount of time playing on stormrage in the lurker guild there but when RL friends started playing again i re-rolled back to Bronzebeard. Now with the expansion coming up our small group is looking to abandon the pitiful state of play on our present server.

We have about 5-7 people looking to find a server horde side with a more reliable community. I've noticed the post regarding the maintenance being done on the lurker guild on Teranas and if there is room for us over there i'll start pointing people to this site to try to start the move.

Do you use a guild alliance of any sort like the stormrage lurkers with GEM? (if there isn't a lot of room actually in the guild, but you use a GEM type alliance, we still may be interested in moving to this server while using GEM to play with cool people.)

Optimally i think we would like to settle on a new server sometime in the next month so that we can get grounded over the next couple months before the expansion hits. (now that all the rumors are saying a january release.) Having myself played with lurkers in a couple games I think this will be the best fit for our group so if it's doable let me know.
We're always up for more Lurkers.:) We don't have a guild alliance although there are a few guilds on the server we're on friendly terms with and have raided with in the past. You've been a Lurker for awhile so you are familiar with the culture- mature (more or less;)), quality players who do their homework and are easy to get along with. My advice (same as to Shoju) would be to create some low-level alts, join the guild, and try us out for awhile.
Quote:I am presently in the same boat that shoju was in and looking for a decent server to transfer onto. I previously spent a decent amount of time playing on stormrage in the lurker guild there but when RL friends started playing again i re-rolled back to Bronzebeard. Now with the expansion coming up our small group is looking to abandon the pitiful state of play on our present server.

What RTM said in his post.

Though I do want to point out that the server is a mountain time server and much of the scheduling is based on that. Our 25 man raids start at 8 server which is 10 eastern.

The focus in WotLK will be on 10 mans though and we do have enough east coasters and central time zone folks that it's possible that there will be regularly scheduled 10 mans at earlier time. We do "guild pick-up" runs of Kara and ZA that start at 6 and 6:30 server at times already (which again would be 8 - 8:30 eastern).

Another note on the "10 man focus". It's not that we won't do 25 man raids if we have the people and make it work, but we have a lot of trouble filling the 25 man rosters right now and we don't ever plan on actively recruiting again. We like to raid and progress but we aren't a raiding guild. We have been trying to do 25 man raids 2 nights a week with each raid session only being 3 - 4 hours. So yeah, 6-8 hours a week of raiding. I realize some guilds do nearly that much in one day/night. We've cleared SSC, 3/4 TK, 4/5 MH, 2/9 BT right now. So we do make progress, but lack of time slows us down, that was the biggest hurdle for Vashj honestly was just getting enough practice time. I think it was 50-60 real pulls before the, but some nights we only got 3 pulls in because while you don't have to kill Hydross, we liked to get her and Lurker down and some nights we would start with only 15 or so raiders and be slowed, our rosters change a fair bit too. Real raid guilds would likely get those 50-60 pulls in 2 - 5 raids, so just one week. For us 50-60 pulls was like a month especially since some of the scheduled nights real life would cause too many people to not be able to make it and the 25 mans don't go. I don't think we got a 25 man off the ground this week. Things came up.

But it's been tough to keep the sign-ups and as mentioned we just don't want to recruit to do it. We still get new people in the guild and we welcome them, but we are picky and slow about it. :) Actually right now the officers are working on a post to sticky that explains how we do guild invites now. Essentially it boils down to people that like the culture of these forums since the guild was born from the forums not the other way around like many guilds. :)

10 mans will just be easier to make sure we can run them all the time and we may do 2x10 mans in a raid lock instead of a 1x 25 man. Or if we always have 30 people signing up we'll do 25 mans and still might do 1 or 2 locks of the 10 mans, who knows.

But I think we've had some people join lately that assume we are more like a typical raiding guild. We aren't we probably raid about half as much as the crew on Stormrage did. We've got too many players that can only put in a 3-5 hour time chunk 1 night a week. :)

Edit: A clearer way to clarify the WotLK raiding is we are going to do what works better for folks schedules. If 25 mans work better for 90%+ of the guild and the other 10% that wants to see content is fine with it being in a 10 man, we'll do 25 mans with 10 mans for those who can't make the 25 mans. Though since 25 mans take more commitment if 100% of the people can make scheduled 10 mans but only 50% of the people can make scheduled 25 mans and we only have 40 people than 25 mans likely won't happen at all since there will only be 20 people for them. 10 mans seem to be the easier way to go and I like the idea that we very well could support locks that start at 4-6 server (6-8 eastern) and support locks that start at 8-9 server (10-11 Eastern) and get more people in more content, even if it isn't the big content.

It's also possible we might work a deal with Keepers so that the our folks who want to see 25 man stuff can do it with them and we only ever worry about 10 man. I don't think that will be found out till WotLK is live though and we'll have time as people are leveling to 80 anyway.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Quote:What RTM said in his post.

Speaking for myself, this is pretty much what i would expect from a lurker guild and what i'm looking for in WoW. I gave up on hardcore raiding prior to BC and just do content when i feel like it and when people are around. I'm mostly looking for a place where when i do feel like doing runs/raids/etc there are cool people to do it with.

From what i can tell people are leaning towards moving to Teranas so in the next couple weeks i'll probably send out some whispers to try to get /ginvites!

Hi Lurkers

I am a guild mate of Chesspiece_face and he has mentioned the possibility of joining your crew. I understand that you are not a hardcore raiding guild, and that is fine by me. I left "hardcore" a while back. We are a small group of players on a rather crappy server. Most of us in the guild (actually all other than Chesspiece_face) are on the West Coast, and Bronzebeard is a West Coast server, but most players are on the server are East Coast, which means most guilds raid far too early for us to join in. And pugging is ridiculous now...for heroics if you are not t5 you are gonna get ignored because all groups want to speed run for badges.

I have a Prot Warrior that I am considering for transfer. Rather new at 70, so my gear needs help, but I think I am pretty good at tanking, and really enjoy it.

We have a sweet little group that can do all the 5mans (warrior/priest/ret paladin/shaman/rogue) but getting everyone in at that same time can be difficult.

I also have a 70 Hunter (4/5 T4, might be wearing random purples in armory) and a 70 Priest (usually Holy, but spec'd Shadow atm so I can get some dailies done quicker). I am not planning on transferring them, but if they would be helpful/welcome in your raid groups, I would certainly consider moving them.

What we are really looking for is a group that we can run instances with. Sure, getting some KZ or ZA (or even beyond) would be super, but few of us are geared for that.

Thanks for reading.
Ziig (Warrior) - Ako (Hunter) - Amo (Paladin) - Ziade (Monk) - Ziag (DK)
Quote:What we are really looking for is a group that we can run instances with. Sure, getting some KZ or ZA (or even beyond) would be super, but few of us are geared for that.

OK I keep reading this from people and I keep laughing at it.

We've had toons that were literally 70 for only an hour or so, in mostly greens in T6 content with us. Yes I fully understand that this can be frustrating for the person playing that toon and it certainly isn't as helpful as that same toon played well wearing T4 or T5 or T6 gear. But it's better than going with 23 or 24 people. Yes I make the assumption that the undergearer toon has done their homework and found out how the encounter works or at least has asked someone else playing their class to give them the basics. 500-600 DPS from a new L70 hunter in greens and blues who understands shot rotations and knows how to "stay out of the fire" so they aren't really adding any healing burden certainly is not a well geared hunter doing 1300 - 1600 DPS. But they are certainly better than zero DPS from having no one there. They are better than a well geared hunter who doesn't understand shot rotations and is still only doing 500-600 DPS. Or a well geared hunter who understands shot rotations and can do 1300 - 1600 DPS but dies after only 10-30% of the fight is over on a consistent basis (we all make mistakes or suffer from lag spikes or have a cat jump on our keyboard and the best of us can muck up and die early every now and then).

Gear is a side effect of the game (even though it's required to progress your toons after a certain point and a minimal level is required to be able to unlock new content as well). I know that isn't the attitude of everyone in the guild and I've obsessed over pieces of gear as well. Heck I talk about gear all the time. I mention weekly that I want X or Y in guild chat on my hunter even. However if I don't get it and we keep on making progress on Kael or in BT I'll be happy. Even if it takes a long time to make any of that progress. To me (and many others in the guild) the goal of the game is to do the best I can with what I have and have fun with people I like. I'm willing to work with that any time any place. It means we've gone into raids at times with very little chance to win. Everything has to go perfect for us to win because we have no margin for error with the gear or the raid composition we are running with or the numbers because we are going in with only 20 people or whatever. Often we fail in those situations or only partially succeed, but many of us still have quite a lot of fun trying. Sometimes we win in those situations as well because everyone does perform perfectly. And those are fun too.

Goofing off is encouraged to a point. But it's expected that if goofing off caused a problem that you are able to turn on the "serious" and get the job done after the issues have come up. The game is for fun. And we understand this doesn't fit everyone. Which is why I try to be up front about it. It's why we've had a few members raid with other guilds because the fun for them is more about progressing (seeing new content) or progressing faster than what we push for.

But I want to clear up that just because your gear is not where you want it to be or where it's generally expected for it to be for certain content shouldn't mean you should exclude yourself from content with us. Yes, if we do somehow ever manage to get more than 25 signed up for a raid, gear can come into consideration. There are some fights where if you can't reach X HP or X DPS then you actually can be a detriment to the raid. But most raid encounters even if you die right away you have still likely helped the raid more than if you were an empty spot. :)

So yeah we are an exception when it comes to raiding. Some of that is from the fact that we can't always fill rosters. But even when we could, we run a queue system for rostering. As long as the raid appeared viable (and usually when we had more folks than slots the decisions the raid leaders made about what was viable were correct though admitted sometimes we put together raids that failed) we would sit anyone. We sat our best geared tank and our best geared healer because it was their turn on a run and we still killed a new boss. The goal, when we are in that good situation, from the point of view of progression and planning, of having more people than slots is to get everyone into the content, which is why the system that many members have never seen in action, means you are more likely to sit if you have raided recently and more likely to go if you only have raid availability one night a week.

It does mean you may end up in content you are less happy to see 2 or 3 raids in a row before the content you really want to see just doesn't fall on the schedule right or because of how sign-ups work for raid viability. But we always try to make sure that you can see the content. Heck just a month or so ago we scheduled a Kara run for a member who has a very erratic schedule and set it up to make sure he got to see some of the bosses in there that he had never seen or only seen once despite the fact that this person was on our very first Kara run, that happened in March of 07 and even though we've run as many as 4 Kara locks in one week a few times. We sat a couple of folks who normally would have gotten priority for Kara because the gear would have been good for them. Of course we later made sure that those folks who needed gear got runs.

It doesn't happen as fast as some people like, that is for sure. It's an extreme case where it takes over a year to get folks to see the content they want but we do try. That's what I like the guild to be about, try to keep it about. We fail at it sometimes. But I feel we succeed more often than not.

Why do I keep putting up walls of text on this line of thinking recently? I think it's because WotLK is coming out soon and things will pick up as far as activity again when it does and I know the differences in play speed of different guild members will show up again. Some folks will get to 80 way before others and get to instances way before others, but I want to try and make sure that as many folks as possible will get to see teh 5 mans level and gear appropriate since some people love that more than anything else in game and I want people to know that raids and progression will happen again, most likely 10 man versions but maybe 25 mans and that we will do our best to include everyone in the guild. Maybe not as often as some folks would like but we will try.

And of course folks new to the guild have to understand that I post walls of text a lot. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Greetings, Vii.

Is that pronounced [sev-uhn]? :whistling:
This is a great attitude towards progression imo. I don't really obsess over gear, and anyone that knows me knows that I have extremely bad luck when it comes to drops, so, as you mentioned, I do the best I can with what I have. It is nice to hear that such an approach is welcomed.

Btw, mostly it is just V (vee), but at times I have had a pet named Eight (V-8) and Eleven (7-11). I know, I am really cool like that. B) The idea is that if you make up a long name, most people just abbreviate it anyways, so I figured I would save them the effort. I have toons like Zii, Oii, Viiz, Viim, Viik, Ziim, etc...

Sure, gear makes taking down bosses a bit easier, but I have found that most fights are more about coordination, teamwork and knowing your role, regardless of your gear. Basically, I am agreeing with your wall o text.

Ziig (Warrior) - Ako (Hunter) - Amo (Paladin) - Ziade (Monk) - Ziag (DK)
Quote:Basically, I am agreeing with your wall o text.

Don't make it a habit, it's hazardous to your health.

Quote:Don't make it a habit, it's hazardous to your health.


True dat! :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
You guys are too funny.

So I will be looking to move my Warrior this week. I believe that Chesspiece_face will be moving his Priest, and we have a few others that are looking to move as well. I guess I just want to be sure that you guys are ok with this and that we have a Guild that we can join. The other toons would be a Ret Pally, Shammy, Priest, and maybe a Rogue or two. Again, most of us are pretty new to 70 so we are looking to get into some Heroics for the most part, and any raid event that can carry us :)

Thanks, I am looking forward to playing with you guys (and gals?).
Ziig (Warrior) - Ako (Hunter) - Amo (Paladin) - Ziade (Monk) - Ziag (DK)
Come on over! Do a /who Lurkers and ask for an officer, we'll toss you an invite.
My transfer process has begun. Hopefully the name Lortab hasn't been taken on that realm, i'm not sure what i would change my priest's name to...

I'll look up some lurkers in the next few days for /ginvite. see everyone soon.
Hi Lurkers!

I'm a real life friend of both Chesspiece_face and Vii: Gum the Horde Retribution Paladin has now moved to to Terenas ... and has already gotten the guild invite (and some crazy guild chat about the dangers of opulence)! Thanks so much for welcoming us in and I'm looking forward to dungeon crawling with the Lurkers legion. (And please forgive me in advance if I go and prove that it is actually sometimes better to leave a raid spot empty.)
World of Warcraft/Horde/Terenas
- Gum (Holy Paladin)
- Yüm (Frost Mage)
Welcome, Gum!

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