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Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurkers Guild (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-7.html) +--- Forum: Public Chat (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-22.html) +--- Thread: Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one (/thread-1686.html) |
Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-22-2008 So, Frag is a good friend of mine, and we'd been talking this summer about my lack of a good guild on my server. It's not even the lack of a good guild, it's the lack of anything casual on my server. I'm a horde prot pally tried and true. I've got the gear to get into, and hold my own in Kara, and tank most heroics. I haven't tried several of the 'nastier' heroics because....... well my server is all about 'easy PUG's' where everyone is t5-6 geared and it's badge farming 45min runs. I was in a guild with a raid calendar and multiple runs a week (kara). They did it this way so that we could have fun, not have to worry about an attendance policy, and get badges. Well.... After a couple of weeks, and a couple of HORRID debacles, I got 0 badges as a result of the guild. All my badges came from heroics or PuG partials on Kara. What am I looking for? A home. Some place where I can set up a run and go do kara, gruuls, and mags, and maybe (hopefully) before Wotlk get in some ZA runs. Is Terenas a place where I could do this? I know you guys are in Hyjal and BT, but he said that it wasn't a guild like what I was used to. If it's not a guild where I can get what I need, that's totally cool, I'm just weighing options right now. If you want to know what my pally is geared in, check the sig, that's what I run 5 mans and heroics in. I can attain uncrush without sacrificing too much. I stay above 12k hp, and 14k armor unbuffed. Let me know, or let me know if there is a lurker place that I could call home. I'm just wanting to see as much of my content wish list as possible before Wotlk. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - gojukaine - 08-22-2008 I'm in the same situation as Shoju. But that could be because we run together. I play Druid because Tauren is the superior race (though that's neither here nor there) and can be checked on the Armory though I'm in my kitty gear. I too am Kara quality geared. I've even gone so far as to create a lowbie over on Terenas and test the water. I'm spending all logged time in the Lurker channel though there isn't much activity there right now. I know that Shoju is looking for a home, but I think it's safe to say we're looking for a home together. (That sounded less gay in my head) Someplace we can run instances with people who are cool, know what their doing and don't care that we aren't geared in t6 gear. Thanks. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - Mirajj - 08-22-2008 Dropped this in the right place for you two.;) Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-22-2008 Sorry for posting in wrong spot. Thanks for moving. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - RTM - 08-22-2008 I don't think folks do much talking in the /lurker channel. If you've created a lowbie and want to check out the guild, do a /who Lurkers, whisper someone, and we can get you a /ginvite. You can hang out for a bit and see what we're all about. Or if you want to pop into Teamspeak during a raid too I'm sure that could be arranged. :) You should know that any friends/acquaintances of Frag are subject to a special rank that only allows you to say the words "Frag", "is", "a", and "noob" (or a combination thereof) in /g. <3 Frag:wub: Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - gojukaine - 08-22-2008 Then I'll attempt to get myself a ginvite tonight. If it helps I'm housebroken. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-22-2008 LOL Awesome. I will add my lowbie toon and poke around a bit. THe only thing that keeps me from just doin' the transfer to give it a go, is that it's the ultimate one way ticket. I'm currently on a PVP server, so there is no going back to the samer server in 90 days if I don't like it. I will at some point, add Junzo (the evilest undead warlock of them all) to the guild and poke around. I will also make sure that I make a frag is a noob comment when I can. Shame he wont see it tho Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - swirly - 08-22-2008 Some details on heroics/kara/ZA/beyond. Guild heroics happen and generally just involve taking whoever wants to go instead of worrying too much about groups overly stomping a place. That being said, most heroic runs at this point do tend to be stomps. There isn't really any schedule for when heroics happen. It is mostly just a matter of enough being on, somebody asking/organizing a run, and enough of those on actually wanting to bother. So a lot depends on the moods of people. Some weeks hardly a heroic will happen and then other weeks there will be 2-3 a day. It is quite variable. One does tend to find that it is a certain subset of the guild that does heroics though so you develop a knowledge for when a run might happen based on the particular people who are on. Anymore Kara and ZA are ran like heroics. People notice enough being on and try to get a run going. Sometimes there are also posts on the forums telling people that a person would like a run at a specific time/date, but I tend to find that isn't the majority option. Kara generally tends towards being a stomp for badges since most people are over-geared for it. Occasionally we do get groups with enough alts/less played characters that there are more issues though. So it is less the always stomp that heroics are. I can't say that there is a regular kara run that happens. It is largely dependent on what people are pushing for at any one time. 10 mans are also quite common as late runs after quit time for 25 mans. ZA is the same way in that it is ran mostly based on people just asking when they see enough on. There has been a bit of drama lately with it and people not wanting to go enough or caring to improve enough for 3 timers. My general feeling is that the majority of runs will get 2 timers with occassional 3 timer runs and occassional completely horrid runs heh. I'd say probably 1 ZA run happens per week, but that is purely a guess. 25 mans are ran tuesdays and fridays with invites at 7:30 server and start at 8. The focus is currently Vashj then Kael. Threads are posted each week for signups. While only being kara/heroic geared could mean a slight undergearing, we usually are struggling to get 25 people anyway so I wouldn't be surprised if you could get on every 25 man raid if you so wanted. It is by no means required though. Raiding is purely optional. So there is an attempt by me to give you some idea of the state of things in the guild so you have some clue if it might work or might not work for you. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-22-2008 Cool. THanks for the reply. That honestly sounds like fun. It's not even that I mind being part of a "stomping" of an instance, but people on 'scalp get furious when I get to the instance, and I'm not all pastel purple or floating Halo. I would have no problem runnning heroic as DPS, kara as OT or DPS (I have terrible DPS set) or even Off healing in KAra (I have a FoL Spam Set). It's more about just running with a guild who would be understanding of my gearing and life. I (and Kaine as well) are both married, have non-gamer wives and small children (My oldest plays WoW..... but let's not talk about that). We would love to do 25 man content if we weren't a detriment to the raid. I will get on my lock tonite and get someone to ginvite me, and talk to more people. I don't want people to think that I expect something that frag 'promised' or anything. He just said that you guys were a cool crew, who were smart about things (I suffered from bad player disease for a long time, and then learned the err of my ways LOL), and that it might be possible to find a home here. What time zone is the server on? I'm EST. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - swirly - 08-22-2008 Quote:I (and Kaine as well) are both married, have non-gamer wives and small children (My oldest plays WoW..... but let's not talk about that). We would love to do 25 man content if we weren't a detriment to the raid.I have heard it remarked before that Lurkers on Terenas are a bit odd in that the majority are adults instead of teenagers. I'd say the average age is around 30 with a good amount in the 20's, a good amount in the 30's, and some to either extreme as well. I might even go so far as to raise the average to 35. I've not been keeping up with ages too well. All are welcome, but there is generally a higher maturity standard than most guilds and people understand things like being married and getting wife aggro. So sounds to me like you would fit right in. Quote:What time zone is the server on? I'm EST. wowwiki.com Wrote:Terenas is a Player vs Environment server for Blizzard's MMORPG, World of Warcraft. This is a Mountain Timezone server. This server was one of the original servers created by Blizzard. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - Klaus - 08-22-2008 Quote:Cool. THanks for the reply. That honestly sounds like fun. It's not even that I mind being part of a "stomping" of an instance, but people on 'scalp get furious when I get to the instance, and I'm not all pastel purple or floating Halo. Terenas is mountain time, so 2 hours behind you. We don't really care what your gear is like - if it's lacking, you get upgrades and then it isn't lacking anymore. We've had new 70's in mostly greens into T5 and T6 content - in most cases having someone there is better than an empty slot. Really what we care about is personality - do you fit with the guild or not? Your initial posts seem promising - you can spell, form complete sentences and use punctuation. :) Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - RTM - 08-22-2008 Like Swirly said, the server itself is MST which is 2 hours behind EST. So the 8:00 raid start time is actually 10:00 EST. A lot of the guild is MST but there are a few of us EST'ers, myself included. There's usually a decent selection of folks from various time zones who are on. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - Concillian - 08-22-2008 Quote:LOL Awesome. I will add my lowbie toon and poke around a bit. THe only thing that keeps me from just doin' the transfer to give it a go, is that it's the ultimate one way ticket. I'm currently on a PVP server, so there is no going back to the samer server in 90 days if I don't like it. This is probably the largest adjustment. I would go so far as to say the guild as a whole is VERY non-PvP oriented. I spend a lot of time PvPing, probably the most in the guild, rapidly approaching 100k combined HKs on my various toons. There are a few who do some arenas and such semi-seriously, but nobody else that I know really keeps up with arena events, PvP balence, etc... I think there was one horde gladiator team last season on the whole server. By and large, if you're interested in competitive arena play at any level, you are going to be searching long and hard for good partners. There are a few decent PvPers in the guild, but none of us consider ourselves good, let alone great. I've never been on a PvP server, but the mentality is different on a Normal ruleset server. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-22-2008 Quote:This is probably the largest adjustment. I'm not looking for PVP really. I rolled on a PVP server because that's where my friends were. The only fear that I have is that if something didn't work out, I couldn't bring the pally 'home', and I can't afford to move all of my toons at once (pally, rogue, mage, and twink.... the others can rot). I have a rogue that I pvp with, but I'm even getting him into some PVE gear because I can't seem to get anyone to consistently want to run 2's. I wouldn't say that i'm 'good' at PVP. I can't seem to get a team to stay near 1500, let alone get above it. The biggest boon I see in coming to a PVE server is that I can run dailies with my pally, and not have to worry about getting ganked. I may be able to take a hit, but I certainly have problems killing someone. Thanks for being interested in talking about it with us. We were more than discouraged by our guild merger, and then that guild merging with another guild. We now feel like we are on the outside of two cliques in the guild. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-25-2008 Well.. It's official. I'm transferring my paladin to Terenas to join the lurkers as long as you will still have me. GojuKaine Said he had excellent dealings with you guys over the weekend (tsuruchi on realm), and really, that's all I need to know. If he was happy, then that's more than enough for me. A friend of mine has a lowbie toon on that server he wants to get some gold too so I will be waiting till he gives me the gold. (so xfer tomorrow or weds...) Any thoughts on AH economy and what sells abnormally high on the server? I have chanter, alch/herb, and pally is eng that I could shift mats around on to help give me some extra scratch till i get setup. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - PapaSmurf - 08-25-2008 We love our pally tanks! Great to have you bring your pally over. We hope you'll enjoy it here. PS Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-25-2008 Well.... If I enjoy it, how do you feel about rogues and mages? I have a 70 rogue and a 63 mage that I'm trying to get to 70 JUST so I can tank Krosh before wotlk. I don't care about any other content on the mage except that. I will probably be walking into wotlk with the mage in some silly silly gear. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - RTM - 08-25-2008 At the moment 'm the only raiding rogue main, although a lot of folks have alts who come along to raids from time to time. It gets pretty lonely in /lurkersrogues, I'm not going to lie to you.:) Our class balance varies wildly as time passes. At any given time we've had a glut/shortage of hunters, mages, priests, druids, paladins... I think there was one raid where we had so many paladins I was getting BoW.:) And then there was the time we had 6 or 7 warlocks on a Gruul run. Terenas Horde doesn't have a huge population, so the AH won't move stuff as fast or in as large a quantity as a more populated faction or server. There aren't many raiding guilds doing Sunwell (maybe only one? I haven't checked in awhile) so a lot of the high-end consumable crafting mats aren't in huge demand. Not sure what to tell you to xfer with. Your best bet would probably be to check the prices of popular crafting mats on your server (Primal Airs, Large Prismatics, etc.) and compare prices over here. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - shoju - 08-25-2008 Will do. I don't raid much with my rogue, because I hate him. It's more a hating of the class, but that's a rant for some other time LOL. (I have a dissertation on why every class is better in a raid setting than a rouge even with less DPS) I checked before, and primals seem a lot cheaper on Terenas than on 'scalp. On scalp it's nothing to drop 50g on primal fire or shadow. ( I know these prices because I'm trying to stockpile mats for frozen shadoweave). I haven't checked enchanting mats yet. I will have to check them out and see if I can D/E for a profit when I xfer. Arcane Dust is about 1g each, LPS are 20-25, and crystal fluxuate so wildly it's hard to price them. We have a couple of sunwell trash pugs going, and 3 horde guilds in sunwell, but they are all at twins or mu'ru. Hopefully I will be xfer'd by weds. and could maybe tag along on something thursday night, or get a kara group or somethin' this week. Trying to find a new home. Frag said I might be able to find one - --Pete - 08-25-2008 Hi, Quote:I checked before, and primals seem a lot cheaper on Terenas than on 'scalp. On scalp it's nothing to drop 50g on primal fire or shadow. ( I know these prices because I'm trying to stockpile mats for frozen shadoweave).I'm probably telling you something you already know, but . . . I find that WoWecon is a great resource for AH trading. In combination with the new Auctioneer Advanced it will help both on a server and across servers. Good luck, --Pete |