there IS a still small community of legit players@Europe; they sometimes can be found :)
check this
in my opinion there are less cheaters on europe now than one year ago. i dont think that there are 70 per cent cheaters. remember there are plentz noobs who get items from cheaters and dont now that that they are cheating.
as a noob i was gratefull about a the things others gave me and i never thought i was a cheater until some friends told me what is duped and what is legit. is demonspicke coat a dupe. i dont think so. jarulfs guide doesnt say anythingh about its unfindable in mp.
in my case i never use scanners. i have stoped this one year ago when i have read a post here that scanners are not evrytime correct.
when zou want to make a legit game you can fell free to do this with me or my friends
mz activ heros are:
im often in the chanel Diablo-DEU-1 or [CoF]

remember in germany was diablo released in a public magazin a few weeks ago and the noobs now very less about the game and the dark side of the b-net
im proud to say that i have told some what is cheating and they threw away there stuff afterwards
shure they can get the duped stuff in the next duper game but maybe 2 or 3 are now legit and aware of the cheaters
i think thats a part of the work a highlevel hero that know the game must do

that has nothing to do with cheating but in my oppinion all highlevld chars who wrotte in theit pp -no noobs- had lost a (for me immpottant) part of the game
Demonspike Coat can be obtained legitly (is this the correct adverb for 'legit' ? ;p ). However, it is also often duped. For some reason, cheaters seem to like it. Probably because the 'incredibly high' AC. Of course, DSC is only possible legitly as a Full Plate Mail - such things as DSC rings are always cheated.
O.k. this is a topic from so long ago no one cares.

Since the game has tainted shrines built in to the code couldn´t your computer send the information that you hit a tainted shrine repeatedly until you´d completely washed out the other person´s stats? Of course you might bump into wrap around problems if you dropped them to 0 but you could stop right before that.

Quote:Since the game has tainted shrines built in to the code couldn´t your computer send the information that you hit a tainted shrine repeatedly until you´d completely washed out the other person´s stats? Of course you might bump into wrap around problems if you dropped them to 0 but you could stop right before that.
Not sure how it would work. Diablo is peer to peer, so every player is running the game on his own machine. So, if someone is repeatedly sending the Tainted Shrine info, but the other players' machines don't have those shrines, it seems that a massive de-sync would ensue. Interesting question.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:So, if someone is repeatedly sending the Tainted Shrine info, but the other players' machines don't have those shrines, it seems that a massive de-sync would ensue. Interesting question.
It could be possible, depending on how that part of the game is coded, to just make the other client run the shrine effect code without running through the rest of the shrine code. Some hacks work this way with other spell effects.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Mhm... iirc you can't reduce your attributes below 0 with cursed items so the same might be true for the effect caused by tainted shrines. Thus the best effect you could achieve is to reduce all attributes to 0. Interesting question nevertheless.
Let me elaborate on what Sheep said... it's called humour.[/quote]
i do realize that this is a pretty ancient thread, but i would like to point out one MASSIVE inaccuracy that keeps showing up in it to set the record straight for anyone like myself that sees this...

i keep seeing people pretty much say its impossible for another person to change your char up. this is completely untrue, there is a technique that one or two people on us-east know how to perform known as "remote injection" and can in fact change your stats,level, current health, max health, whatever they want. ive seen them use this technique to permanently reduce a characters maximum health to 0, which creates some interesting effects to say the least, ive seen them set a persons stats as low as 50. can you do these things with run of the mill tools? heck no. i know how to do a lot of things you guys would probably say is impossible, you need specialized tools and a very strong understanding of diablos code to pull these sorts of things off, this is why you dont see it often. because one or two people discovered how to do it, and decided to hoard it to themselves. no random is going to be able to, but these things CAN be done.

Edit::: and no before anyone gets an idea it does not have anything to do with shrines or the effects they have.
Quote: i know how to do a lot of things you guys would probably say is impossible, you need specialized tools and a very strong understanding of diablos code to pull these sorts of things off, this is why you dont see it often.
Do you have any proof whatsoever to back up your claims?
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:Do you have any proof whatsoever to back up your claims?
yes i do in fact, if you were to ask any of the people who can do it for a demonstration im fairly sure they would not mind. i myself can portal others anywhere in the game if i really want to so i can demonstrate that aswell if you would like. if you were to ask one of them to corrupt your character, odds are they would do it by setting your level to 0 depending on which one you ask.

i can arrange a demonstration if you would like.
Post a video. My Diablo CD is in a box somewhere at my girlfriend's house.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:Post a video. My Diablo CD is in a box somewhere at my girlfriend's house.

i have to wait for the relevant people to be available, but i will post a video of people being sent unwillingly to various places for now, as soon as i figure out how to blur the cmds i use. obviously im not going to show everyone how its done. just the effect not the method.
Quote:i have to wait for the relevant people to be available, but i will post a video of people being sent unwillingly to various places for now, as soon as i figure out how to blur the cmds i use.
No offence, but a video of that wouldn't be very convincing, since as far as we could tell, the other person could just be teleporting.

Even better would be for you to give a technical description of how you're doing it.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Aargh!!! Could an admin or mod place a one post per minute restirction on me until I get a mouse that doesn't double click all the time.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:No offence, but a video of that wouldn't be very convincing, since as far as we could tell, the other person could just be teleporting.

Even better would be for you to give a technical description of how you're doing it.
how do you figure that? its on bnet, no "invalid spell" message, level tellers are ON meaning you can watch them go from 0(town) to wherever i send them plus you can watch the tp actually open on top of them.

[removed paragraph]

as i said i will GLADLY demonstrate this in game, even if you dont have d1, a friend of yours can simply make a new char if they dont trust me and ill send them anywhere they want, they can fraps it too.

basically you can do a LOT of things i wouldnt expect non coders to really know about via editing packets AND recoding parts of the game at an ASSEMBLY level.

can people change anything they want about your character? yes. should you be worried? no. i can count the people who CAN do such things on one hand, and pretty much all of them are either extremely laid back or retired from d1. i would like to point out that just because 99% of the kids with doomgaze threatening to delete your items turn out to be morons, doesnt mean it cant happen. people have this strange tendency to equate a large amount of fakes to the real thing not existing.

i do not blame you for your skepticism on this matter, i know you have a lot of faith in some of the people here stating these things are not possible. but "poking around" and actually hacking the game are completely different things, and one who is just "poking around" will NEVER fully understand what CAN and cannot be done by a skilled enough coder. Do not make the mistake of thinking i am just some random who doesnt know anything as you have on gfaqs on more than one occasion lenny. just because you dont know me does not mean i havent been around for ages;)
Quote:all i can say is it relies on sending custom packets, one having to do with the tps exit point and a second which is forcing the player by essentially tricking the game into believing they clicked on it when they did not.
Not specific enough, sorry. Any game exploitation has to involve sending packets to the other player, since that is after all, how the clients communicate.

Quote:i do not blame you for your skepticism on this matter, i know you have a lot of faith in some of the people here stating these things are not possible. but "poking around" and actually hacking the game are completely different things, and one who is just "poking around" will NEVER fully understand what CAN and cannot be done by a skilled enough coder. Do not make the mistake of thinking i am just some random who doesnt know anything as you have on gfaqs on more than one occasion lenny. just because you dont know me does not mean i havent been around for ages

Then show some evidence that you aren't, in fact, just talking out your ass.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:Not specific enough, sorry. Any game exploitation has to involve sending packets to the other player, since that is after all, how the clients communicate.
Then show some evidence that you aren't, in fact, just talking out your ass.
or you can stop making excuses as per why you cannot join in a demonstration.
[removed because it is basically a step by step on doing this,no longer needed.]

if you still cant figure it out then i fear your particular talents have been greatly exaggerated by your peers. the fact is it doesn't matter what i do, what proof i offer. you will deny it as far as you can until it literally smacks you in the face, as you have in every other debate between the two of us. i have no reason to lie to you, i simply know that this particular thread is ten kinds of wrong from both personal experience and actual coding knowledge, not just "poking around" as you put it on gfaqs.
You know what lenny, at this point, because i know for a fact that your next response will be a cookie cutter of your last few. i will simply reiterate :
Gain the courage to test it with me. Dont give me some excuse about your CD being packed away, dont give me your generic "my friend pokes around and says so" response, dont give me your all to loved " i think you are talking out your ass". Just do it, if you honestly cant, have a friend contact me, we will do it, he can fraps it. he can make a new char if hes worried im going to pull something underhanded, it really doesnt matter to me. all i care about is that people know the truth rather than sit here wallowing in false security thinking its not possible when the reality is it really is, and it isnt that hard to do.

Honestly, it takes all of 30 seconds. make new character> contact me > we set up a game > i send you to level whatever > were done, point proven.
Quote:Honestly, it takes all of 30 seconds. make new character> contact me > we set up a game > i send you to level whatever > were done, point proven.
I'm game. Can you give me a time that you will be on (don't forget to tell me the time zone so I can convert to where I am) and what your character name is?
Im on us-east, i have a bot logged in and im semi active between 10am and 4pm mountain, and 11pm and 3am mountain

names include Xion(KoP), wangus(KoP), babybatter, FIYAHBAWL and a few others i probably wont have logged on

bring fraps if possible.

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