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06-21-2006, 11:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-24-2006, 11:33 AM by Nystul.)
Quote:Among the names I remember are Micronaut, FLAMINMAGE, Drunken`Golem, KillinTime (spelling?), Omegoa, PoopyPants, Toli, Salamandastron~, Merlina(some number of sevens), and they start to get hazy after that--just remember some shorthand. Drumbo (thunder?) and Drumbosomethingelse (two seperate people), Pink something or other--linked to Merlina if I remember rightly. There were certainly more, but that was rather awhile back. I don't think any except perhaps Micro remember me at all. About half made the move to Diablo II on East, and it gradually decayed into no one left.
Omega? I remember Pink and Merlina. Not so sure on the others. A few may have had other names previously.
Some DSF/LL people who would stop in the Tower include: Lemming (as YodaJediMuppet or somesuch), Jarulf (as Astrakan), Moriah, Kasreyn and Mephista (maybe a little after my time), XoduSocko
My early IronMan games involved Tower regs: Dickweed, Kshira, MongoMage (aka Gumby(BNM))
Some other people I remember from the Tower: MasterTrader, FALCO, ConceitedLegit, D-Marie, Irish~Red, Pakrat, Moriah (there were 2 Moriahs), Tel`Arin, jKeltor, iSSa, and about 3 people other than Lemming with Yoda in their name
EDIT: In the category of how could I forget about them? Mossy, Ruger, and Gambit. I'm sure I'll think of more in time.
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It was the Tower that got me to play Diablo, although I don't think that I spent much time there. My husband (boyfriend at the time, hehe) played Diablo and frequented the tower, although that was a short enough period of time that I don't think anyone remembers him. I remember that there were fun things happening there like Trivial Pursuit games, and then when I started seeing BNM's there I had to start playing Diablo so that I could try one.
I had never been to the asylum, but eventually I ran into Gumby(BNM) (iirc) in the tower, who pointed me towards the nude beach channel and the asylum. After that, I don't think I was in the Tower too often.
I see that on the current channel list it's spelled wrong. Was it always spelled that way?
Why can't we all just get along
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Quote:I see that on the current channel list it's spelled wrong. Was it always spelled that way?
No, it wasn't. Not only did they manage to butcher the channel's name, but they made it impossible to get into the channel altogether. Quite sad, really.
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06-22-2006, 07:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2006, 07:52 AM by Merlinios.)
That's Omegoa, not Omega, though they may well be the same person. Socko was still there, though not frequently. MasterTrader was there, but I think the only reason I remember him is his number was in the two thousands--with the first fifteen hundred-ish reserved for Blizzard and their friends. I suppose a lot of you older folk may have had such numbers when they were still in use, though. Mine was a good six or seven digits long. I suspect KillinTime had another name, since that was, as I recall, a stab at Blizzard's notoriously late release dates (especially Diablo II). Anyway, the real reason for bringing all that up, which I somehow forgot to mention in my last post, was about inquiring whether any/how many are still around, either here or elsewhere. Obviously you make two are here. I saw a post by Socko somewhere, but none of the other guys I recognize. I'd ask about some of the old DRU-2 folk, but I don't think they were ever enough into the game to come here, except for perhaps Mightyplop.
And though the tower was not always spelled as though by a retarded monkey, I do seem to remember debates about whether it should be Sorcerers or Sorcerors, and whether and where the apostrophe should go.
edit: Also saw a post by PoopyPants (AKA ClamsAreHot, apparently) in the Meet'n'Greet thread. He only has one post to his name here (under that name) and that was over a year ago--perhaps someone knows more there?
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The account numbers were reset after one of the patches (1.05?). That's when I started playing, so my account was something like 4018. I believe that both older and newer players had longer numbers.
Why can't we all just get along
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Quote:edit: Also saw a post by PoopyPants (AKA ClamsAreHot, apparently) in the Meet'n'Greet thread. He only has one post to his name here (under that name) and that was over a year ago--perhaps someone knows more there?
Clammy comes and goes. He got over the "will only ever play under ClamsAreHot while on" and the last time I saw him, maybe 3 month ago, he was playing some weird sorcerer variant under the unforgettable name of gayboo. LE's really died down over the last couple of months though and the two superbots are absent (one has connection issues but will be back up and running ASAP (DM-LE), the other is taking a break (crkBones), hopefully not permanently). When one of them is back up, a simple `seen clamsarehot or `seen gayboo will be able to tell you how long its been and if he's been back, either recently, or at some point in the future.
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Quote:Actually, as I said before, LM is not THK. I know both of them. I am a reg of the Trading Post where them and others used to, and some still do, hang out (of course, not the actual Trading Post anymore... =\ ). LM has much more class.
Actually, there were two THK's. They both frequented the Post, but the original had his account name stolen by the second. The second probably being the one you refer to.
Just for the record, the other THK (not Lunan, Lunar-moon or Namisha) is a friend of mine. Being an idiot, who was terrified of item savers, he never used to actually co-op all that much on and when he did, only with a select few people. He did frequent the Trading Post to learn about the game and shoot the breeze though. He doesn't cheat, never has, still plays Diablo, actually co-ops these days, would duel with you all day if you asked him, was born to go beyond and is obsessed with flashlights. It's a shame his name was dragged through the mud by Lunan. If you remember who I'm talking about and would like to get in touch with him, PM me and I'll sort it out for you.
He is no longer The-High-King, so if you do see that name around, it belongs to Lunan, the owner of perfect gear and 30+obs zods.
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...
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11-21-2023, 04:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 04:11 PM by eatmybinx.
Edit Reason: additional details about diablo 2 clan
(05-24-2003, 08:00 PM)LAOCH Wrote: Greetings Lurkers! I belong to a fairly new clan [legit]. Clan recently moved from B-Net West gateway to East gateway. Clan leader is FeTuS[Legit]. He has been a terrific mentor for me. I wanted to know more, and surfing the net brought me here to the Lounge. Bolty, your treatise on high level warrior was enlightening and helpful, many thanks.

Hi- I found this forum post after some extensive web searching. I was also part of this clan. I was trying to remember the clan name and some of the other members. I know the chat channel name FeTuS that we used. What was the clan name, was it just `legit`? I'd love to hear more of what and who you remember. My name was likely just `binx`. I remember a Legit-Matt as another member.
I recall moving onward to Diablo 2 when it came out. Did it transition to the CDC clan? That's what I became a member of