D1 Legit Community
I believe THK is Lunar-Moon as a matter of fact. THK (The-High-King) is Lunar-Moons warrior. Last I saw him in a channel (long ago) he was level 50. He also has a rogue, named Nimisha, also level 50 IIRC.
Just here to save Lunar-Moons name. Lunar-Moon is NOT THK. I've known both of them personally, though I haven't spoken to THK in quite some time, basically since not long after D2 came out. I have spoken to Lunar-Moon, and they are not the same person.
Actually, as I said before, LM is not THK. I know both of them. I am a reg of the Trading Post where them and others used to, and some still do, hang out (of course, not the actual Trading Post anymore... =\ ). LM has much more class.

Actually, there were two THK's. They both frequented the Post, but the original had his account name stolen by the second. The second probably being the one you refer to.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
Do you happen to know if Lunar-Moon was ever a Tower reg? I used to know a guy in there with a similar name, long before the days of D2...
I believe we are having a conflict. Are we really talking about the same person?

Quote:Actually, as I said before, LM is not THK.  I know both of them.  I am a reg of the Trading Post where them and others used to, and some still do, hang out (of course, not the actual Trading Post anymore... =\ ).  LM has much more class.

More class? That wouldn't for sure be the LM that was mentioned:

<Lunar-Moon> um stien at level 50 wirt can offer any item
<Lunar-Moon> stein i know this game. i know its not common by any means
<Lunar-Moon> but you can
<SteinHerz> No. You can't
<Lunar-Moon> its the same reason a level 17 can buy a ksoh basty from gris
<Lunar-Moon> its not perfect

<Lunar-Moon> the game is not perfect the range is the 98% of what will likly happen
<Lunar-Moon>but 2% is still random

<Lunar-Moon> its why gris still offers me sword of the bat every now and then ( btw, his sorcerer is clvl 50 :P )
<Lunar-Moon> did some cleaning. found an old disc
<Lunar-Moon> hmm...
<Lunar-Moon> got my old awestars and holytiger off it
<SteinHerz> which stats ?
<Lunar-Moon> damned thing was nearly 4 years old
<SteinHerz> very old indeed
<Lunar-Moon> holy and awe are perfect
<SteinHerz> ? perfect ?
( Pure sarcasm )
<Lunar-Moon> 170-20-50
<Lunar-Moon> 150-75-11
<SteinHerz> ?? That's a lot of luck
<Lunar-Moon> i knew it was here somewhere

Well, this LM is an explicit cheater. There are several stories about his 30+ Drag/Zods and similar outrageous items.

Quote:Actually, there were two THK's.&nbsp; They both frequented the Post, but the original had his account name stolen by the second.&nbsp; The second probably being the one you refer to.

I am a regular at the Gamefaqs Diablo forum. I remember a thread in which one of the regs had uploaded a screenshot of THKs gear ( viewed by a scanner or similar software ). It matches with what LM said on the above "interview". ( The best H(T)SOT I've ever heard about was purchased by DeeBye, and it had 12-13 base AC.

Quote:Do you happen to know if Lunar-Moon was ever a Tower reg?&nbsp; I used to know a guy in there with a similar name, long before the days of D2...

I rechecked the Variants Archive, in which I believed I had seen his name. At the "Restricted Characters" section, the "AGES" had its initial concept by someone called LunarMoon.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
Yes as a matter of fact. IIRC, I was told, that his old name was The-High-King. The name was later then never used allowing someone, or anyone to take that name. Someone did take it, used it for quite some time. He tried getting it back for a quite a while. It's not until recently he finally got it back.

I would also like to include again this is what I was told from another person.
I believe we are having a conflict. Are we really talking about the same person?

That is essentially what I was trying to ask. Wonder if Lemmy has any thoughts about this? The glory days of the Tower are long gone, and my memories are very hazy, but they are very fond memories and I had the utmost respect for nearly every reg there. However, I don't doubt that some of them ended up with some not-quite-legit items via high-end trades in the Trading Post.

Well, this LM is an explicit cheater. There are several stories about his 30+ Drag/Zods and similar outrageous items.

The first time I heard those stories reported in DSF-1 and the name Lunar-Moon attached to them, I thought "Well, is it possible?" 30 really seems hard to believe. It's very hard for me to judge such things, because I am such the opposite of a power-gamer. I've found a few obs/zods, a few drag/zods, a few drag/wiz... but how many normal/hell-16 clears could I have done in the time I've spent playing weak variants and IM games? Probably a few hundred thousand normal/hell clears (even millions?). Then I'd probably have a few more of these jewelry :) But there were people in the tower who would actually do something like this... a hundred laz runs in a night, or a dozen hell/hell clears one after another.
Nystul,May 7 2003, 08:50 AM Wrote:30 really seems hard to believe.&nbsp; It's very hard for me to judge such things, because I am such the opposite of a power-gamer.&nbsp; I've found a few obs/zods, a few drag/zods, a few drag/wiz... but how many normal/hell-16 clears could I have done in the time I've spent playing weak variants and IM games?But there were people in the tower who would actually do something like this... a hundred laz runs in a night, or a dozen hell/hell clears one after another.
True, finding nice gear generally is a reward for a long career. Still, altough it is possible for each BK/Advo/Soulie that is killed to drop a Top-Level Zodiac jewel, that is very unlikely.

Even in the high end, altough I cannot mentally estimate how long it takes to find such a jewel ( since because I've never found one ), I believe it would take thousands and thousands of Laz runs and dlvl 16 clears to find dozens of Top-Level Zods.

Suffixed Awesome FPMs are equally highly treasured items. ID a FPM dropped by a mlvl 28+ monster ( or mlvl 24+ boss ). It could be "Awesome". It could have a nice base AC. It could also carry one useful suffix. Having found a perfect version of the best overall suffixed AFPM for a Tank Warrior is just too suspicious.

I didn't mean it is impossible. I might have never found a Top-Level Zod, still I've ID'ed a near perfect AFPM of the Tiger, which surely is a compensation.

H(T)SOT is also a very rare find. Massive Wirt shopping with a clvl 20-21 character is your only source. I have a clvl 20 shopper. Wirt already offered me very interesting items like Obs/Mammoth Hard Leather. I stopped counting, but my guess is that I've done over 3500 games shopping. The little bastard already offered me "Holy" and "Tiger" enchantments on the same item, still never in a Tower Shield.

Also, a perfect version of a HSOT is again very unlikely. His Warrior's setup also includes a perfect GGrHoW, and if you do the calculations, you will realize the AC is far from overkill.

Check his spelling and grammar. I am a foreigner, English is not my first language, and I am sure I have the ability to express my opinion better than him. Once he appeared in DSF-1 asking for a duel or other silly purpose and was almost immediately expelled.

Also, considering all the crap he was saying ( which would require an intense long term treatment of Jarulfinization to make his brain work as it should ) my final word is: he is scum no different than the average B.Net cheater.
Except in pure mathematics, nothing is known for certain (although much is certainly false).

Carl Sagan, "The Demon Haunted World"
That is essentially what I was trying to ask. Wonder if Lemmy has any thoughts about this?

As I remember the Lunar Moon of the Tower, he was as anti-cheater as the rest of us. The Lunar Moon I mentioned in the archive was that Lunar.

The glory days of the Tower are long gone, and my memories are very hazy, but they are very fond memories and I had the utmost respect for nearly every reg there.

./7 Those were the days... ./7

But there were people in the tower who would actually do something like this... a hundred laz runs in a night, or a dozen hell/hell clears one after another.

True enough. I don't know if Tower's LM still plays D1, though. I'd heard many regs came back for D2 and moved over to USEast. I never played there, though, and didn't keep in touch.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
Well, I know that I've known LM since the Diablo days, and he's a legit guy. Drop by Public Chat TP sometime, and he may be there. Most of the Post regs have wandered off now though...

LemmingofGlory,May 7 2003, 09:49 PM Wrote:./7 Those were the days... ./7

Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor
Check his spelling and grammar. I am a foreigner, English is not my first language, and I am sure I have the ability to express my opinion better than him.

I have only the passages you have quoted to go on. But based on those, his grammar is perfectly acceptable for a chatroom or b.net channel. What he means to say comes through very clearly. I can be picky about grammar on a forum where people should take time to fully express their ideas, but a chat room is less like writing a letter and more like talking on a telephone.

Once he appeared in DSF-1 asking for a duel or other silly purpose and was almost immediately expelled.

This doesn't impress me much. :) I've been squelched by plenty of people in DSF-1, and debated others countless times about their treatment of channel newcomers.

Also, considering all the crap he was saying ( which would require an intense long term treatment of Jarulfinization to make his brain work as it should )

For better or worse, 'Jarulfinization' is what separates people around here from most Diablo players. We know how the game works because we sit on the shoulders of giants. Early DSFers didn't have that edge, and they came up with some of the most absurd theories about game mechanics that you can possibly imagine. People named their characters things like ABABABA thinking that alphabetical priority would give them better items! So it's not surprising that there would be long-time players who have never seen the code demystified, who believe that they can trust their memories and several years of empirical knowledge to fully explain the game.

None of this makes me think much less of the guy. The strong possibility that he is a cheater does. But unless I actually run into him sometime, I'd probably reserve judgment.

my final word is: he is scum no different than the average B.Net cheater.

You may very well be right. If so, it's a real shame. The name LunarMoon was once worthy of respect.
I believe THK is an exporter, he gets all his stuff from everyone else, and he said himself he doesn't duel because he has no skills. I do not believe him. If you look at his item #s (the Awe/stars and holy/tiger) it would probably match the exact same items that my friend has, he knows him and also believes he exports items, especially from him since my friend has been playing for 7 years and has the best stuff. THK never agrees to drop his items either, it would just destroy the duplicate if someone else dropped the same (real) item.
Greetings Lurkers! I belong to a fairly new clan [legit]. Clan recently moved from B-Net West gateway to East gateway. Clan leader is FeTuS[Legit]. He has been a terrific mentor for me. I wanted to know more, and surfing the net brought me here to the Lounge. Bolty, your treatise on high level warrior was enlightening and helpful, many thanks.
Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
hello all. i am Lunar-Moon, Not Lunar~Moon, or LunarMoon, he was the original from the days of the tp, i Am Lunan, and the original The-High-King from tp days, i wear lunar-moon now as a name of respect for old d1 tp regs who(i had thought at the time) no longer played
now i know alot of you think that i cheat, you are partially right, my account names have been used to cheat with (how ever it was not i who did the cheating). as to my "unholy items" i can only say that i'm an item w h o r e(not sure if that will be censored), i have items dating back as far as 98, as to the holy tiger and perfect awe stars, i do not recall finding them, in all probability i traded for them in the tp, so they might not be fully legit, and they were saved to an old disc as .itm files, exported with stus item saver, i still practice this tradition of exporting my items to keep them backed up, I DO NOT export from other players, and yes over the years i have picked up items that i have found out were not legit or dupes, i tag all the items that i found myself now, so that i know that i did in fact find them, and after a trade i deleate the items that i traded, as to stein and salt i can't really say anything, salt i have never personally liked, and i believe the "friend" to which he refers is a person called MetaRaptor, a "purist" who 3 days after i returned my HSOT and my Awe/Stars had both on his warrior. as to stein, i don't think much of him and have said some outlandishly stupid and silly things to him over the years to see what his response is.
now i know many will condem me for exporting my own items, its a back up for me and nothing more, i do not, most certainly DO NOT do it to other people, however in the days when i did trade (i don't anymore, at least to most people) i ended up with so many dupes it was sickening
as to my 30 odd obs/zod, drag/zod most of them i found, and most have stats along the lines of 54-17 and worse, i even have a 51-16 somewhere. and as to how i came across them, well for years i had NO life what so ever and would do the 100 plus laz and 16 runs a night, i did not keep the many crappy items, and the 1 out of 1000 good items i have kept. i even have discs somewhere with more items, no clue where, but i have them. but i am 100% legit, and if you don't want to believe me, that is entirly up to you,
oh and as to the 2nd THK he now plays d2 on west, and is not me, if he lets the name lapse for 3 months i will get it back, but he doesn't seem to want to let that happen.
and elite. i don't know man, i would have thought you knew by now that i do not cheat
*rubs eyes*

From Forum Rules:

Quote:Follow common, known Internet posting etiquette.
Frankly, we could write a thousand rules about basic common sense internet etiquette, such as "don't type in all caps." Instead of that, we'll just say that you should use your brain and follow the basic rules of Internet posting. If you're not very familiar with basic etiquette or are new to the Internet, we recommend that you simply read the forum for a while before making your first post. That's always a good rule of thumb before you dive into any online community, yet it's rarely followed. The Lounge posters have our own small subculture like all good fansites, and it won't take long to pick up on the nuances. Enjoy your stay here!

One of the quirky nuances of the Lounge is its peculiar emphasis on legibility over generic "chat speak." We're just a bunch of weirdos who like to understand each other. Just so you know.

[o: *LEMMING* :o]
I'm not talking about MetaRaptor, I'm talking about Merlin_666 AKA UA-Inferno.
Hello guys (and of course ladies)

There just opened a "stand alone" diablo forum for the legit community that isn't restricted to any gateways. Maybe you risk a look at it. http://www.diablo-forum.de.vu/

Whoo boy. This one's ancient--search looking for similarly ancient friendlies turned it up. Concerning the Tower LunarMoon, are you possibly thinking of LunarBane (or however he spelled it)? I didn't show up much in the tower until my later Diablo years (just before Diablo II release, I believe). There were indeed many tower regs on the East DII realm, but sadly, I didn't know too many. Their numbers rapidly thinned. I later found out from one of the survivors that most had either gone to West or to a private realm/server run by someone whose name escapes me (a tower reg). It's possible a couple are still on, though they've moved around a bit. First it was just Tower, but became Public Chat Tower when blizzard changed the moderating rules. That one's been devoid of life for months, if not years, as far as I can tell. I think the last I saw (and recognized) online was FLAMINMAGE.

Anyway, was rather wondering how many of you tower folk are still around, as I have fond (though short-lived) memories of the place.

As I've said elsewhere, I may be playing archaeologist on some of the threads here. By all means stop me if this is an irritant. There just doesn't seem to be much activity here in the shop, and I don't really want to burn myself out in-game quite yet.

Quote:Whoo boy. This one's ancient--search looking for similarly ancient friendlies turned it up. Concerning the Tower LunarMoon, are you possibly thinking of LunarBane (or however he spelled it)? I didn't show up much in the tower until my later Diablo years (just before Diablo II release, I believe). There were indeed many tower regs on the East DII realm, but sadly, I didn't know too many. Their numbers rapidly thinned. I later found out from one of the survivors that most had either gone to West or to a private realm/server run by someone whose name escapes me (a tower reg). It's possible a couple are still on, though they've moved around a bit. First it was just Tower, but became Public Chat Tower when blizzard changed the moderating rules. That one's been devoid of life for months, if not years, as far as I can tell. I think the last I saw (and recognized) online was FLAMINMAGE.

Anyway, was rather wondering how many of you tower folk are still around, as I have fond (though short-lived) memories of the place.

As I've said elsewhere, I may be playing archaeologist on some of the threads here. By all means stop me if this is an irritant. There just doesn't seem to be much activity here in the shop, and I don't really want to burn myself out in-game quite yet.


He was LunarMoon, Lunar~Moon, LunarMoonJr. Of course, he could have had a million other character names at other times, but I've never known anyone by the name LunarBane.

I'm still around, although it's been... a long while since I frequented the Tower. Somewhere between Diablo patches 1.04 and 1.07, you could find Nystul (or NystuI after the character naming debacle caused by the 1.05 patch) in the Tower... equipped with the AA Staff of BRX, usually chatting far more than playing, never quite making it to level 50 (or level 45 for that matter), spreading the BNM way, never tiring of the endless arty vs. battle mage debate, and always up for a good game of Trivial Pursuit.
Guess you were before my time in the Tower, then, and apparently before that other fellow, too, though I do seem to remember the Trivial Pursuit (and of course the endless debate) living on. If I recall rightly, the spelling was |_unar_13ane or some such. Whatever.

Among the names I remember are Micronaut, FLAMINMAGE, Drunken`Golem, KillinTime (spelling?), Omegoa, PoopyPants, Toli, Salamandastron~, Merlina(some number of sevens), and they start to get hazy after that--just remember some shorthand. Drumbo (thunder?) and Drumbosomethingelse (two seperate people), Pink something or other--linked to Merlina if I remember rightly. There were certainly more, but that was rather awhile back. I don't think any except perhaps Micro remember me at all. About half made the move to Diablo II on East, and it gradually decayed into no one left.

Good days...good days. Confounded nostalgia won't leave me alone. Probably because I don't have friends anymore.


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